A petite girl with bangs and short hair tied into pigtails stared intensely into June's eyes. Her lips were glossy, and her eyelids glittery. She was also chewing gum while standing on one foot. Surrounding her were three boys, all appearing to be head over heels for her. One of them was fanning her with a folder, while the other two were ready to jump at June.

June looked at their uniforms and sighed in relief when he saw the words 'middle school' written on it. The only good thing about this was that he didn't run into a high-schooler.

"Hey, June. 15 minutes until their recess starts," Akira said through his in-ear monitor.

"I've run into some trouble," June whispered through the walkie-talkie while still holding onto the cream bread.

"I'm talking to you," the little girl said, one of her eyebrows raised.

June awkwardly chuckled, feeling unnecessarily feeble under the gaze of a 13-year-old. 

"Look, kid," he started off. 

"I'm not a kid," she snapped, causing June to raise his hands in surrender. 

"Right," he said. "Look, Miss." 

She nodded in approval and gestured for him to continue. 

"I don't know if you know me, but let me introduce myself," he started off. 

"My name is June. I'm from an idol group called EVE." 

"Oh, the group that my sister likes," she said, causing June to beam. 

"Your sister likes us?" he smiled. "That's great! Maybe I can give you a signature and you can give it to her as a gift—" 

"Why would I do that?" she asked, going back to her nonchalant face. "I've never watched any of your videos, so I don't like you. I'm not going to give your signature to my sister. I'm just going to brag that I met you once this episode of School Invasion airs." 

June's eyes widened in surprise, wondering how this little kid knew about them filming for the show. As far as he knew, the students were clueless about the video shoot! 

"I'm sure you're wondering why I know," she smirked. "Well, I'm not stupid. I saw you guys outside since I was late." 

June pursed his lips, finding this more difficult than anticipated. 

"What's your name?" June asked. 

"Me?" she beamed. "It's Yunha. Bang Yunha." 

"Alright, Yunha. That's a pretty name," June said, complimenting her through gritted teeth. 

"That's not my problem," Yunha said, crossing her arms in front of her chest. "That cream bread is my favorite thing in the entire world. I always have it every day." 

"Just this once," June said. "I won't be here again tomorrow." 

Yunha placed her hand under her chin. 

"Well, then. It shouldn't be free. It must come with a price." 

June shook his head, wanting to escape from the little boys' holds. However, he knew it would hurt them in the process, so he held back. 

"What do you want me to do?" June asked in defeat. 

Yunha smirked, and June felt a chill run down his spine. 

He glanced once more at his watch and saw there was a little over five minutes left. 

"Entertain us," Yunha said. 

June groaned and threw his head back in frustration. 

"You know, you really shouldn't be speaking like this to your elders," he said. 

"Get moving, old man," she urged. "You want EVE to perform for the school, don't you?" 

June pursed his lips and weighed out the pros and cons of the situation. 

If he stayed still, he'd probably get caught by the high-schoolers, and they wouldn't get to perform. 

If he breaks away from their hold, he'd most likely be reported to the principal. 

If he entertained them, his dignity would be trampled on. 

Plus, he didn't know if Yunha would truly keep her word. 

"I'm waiting," Yunha impatiently said. 

June sighed in defeat. "Loosen your hold then," he said. 

Yunha smiled in satisfaction as June started to perform. He decided to sing 'Oasis' since it wouldn't be too shameful, and he would get to promote their song to these little tweens. 

"Not that!" Yunha immediately said, causing June's eyebrows to furrow. 

"What do you want?" June exasperatedly asked. 

"Didn't you come from Rising Stars?" she asked, a mischievous glint in her eyes. 

"Yeah, I remember my sister watching it, too," her boyfriend said. 

Yunha clapped. "Perfect! Sing us the Little Meow Meow song you did in your auditions!" 

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