Chapter 257 Family

Jisung was the very first one to stand up and run to his parents, the tall couple, a splitting image of their shy child.

Then, the other trainees started standing up, too.

"Ren," a kind voice called out. Ren turned to his mom, surprised to see her there.

"Mom?" he said in a small voice, sounding more vulnerable than ever. His mother had never accepted his dreams…she had always wanted him to go a more conventional route.

To become a lawyer or to become a doctor.

So, in the end, Ren still didn't feel satisfied with himself despite reaching great achievements.

"Ren," his mother repeated. "Your mom's here."

With those words, Ren ran to his mom, wrapping her in a tight hug.

"I'm here now," she whispered into his ear. "Your mom's here to support you now."

Casper, whose parents were working outside of the country, smiled when he saw his three sisters with teasing looks on their faces.

"Come here, loser," the eldest sister said.

Casper shook his head and walked toward them, acting like he didn't appreciate their presence. However, in reality, he did…very much so.

C-Jay was bawling on his mom's shoulder, who appeared to be a female version of C-Jay.

"Calm down, will you?" his mother snapped, slapping his butt, causing him to yelp.

"You saw me during your break. How can you cry like this when all you do is laze around in the house?"

Lin Zhi, too, smiled when he saw the friend he made when he trained for a short while in Korea.

"You're here?" Lin Zhi said.

"Well, I wanted to congratulate you before your debut," his friend chuckled.

June watched the scene before him with a small smile on his face. Seeing these trainees interact with their family and friends, he realized that they, too, had stories to tell.

And he also knew that nobody probably came for him.

June didn't have any family members.

And the friends he made were all part of the competition.

June was about to sit back down to hide his slight disappointment when he heard a familiar voice from across the room.

"Aren't you even going to greet us?"

June turned around and saw the little devil that somehow wormed his way into his heart.

Beside him was Grandma, with a welcoming smile on her face.

"Come here, June," Grandma said, coaxing June to come closer.

A wide smile now appeared on June's face as he walked eagerly to the two of them.

June felt his heart pound inside his chest.

He felt excited.

He hadn't felt like this since seeing the very first anime girl that awakened his heart.

Minjun brought out something from his pocket, sliding it over to June.

"Here," he said, still not looking at June. "You can have my old phone. It's too slow for me now."

June's eyes brightened—even brighter than Mr. Klin's forehead.

He looked at the phone in wonder. It might be old in Minjun's perspective, but anything was better than the phone June once had.

R.I.P. to that phone.

But still, fuck that phone.

"Is this really…mine?" June asked in disbelief.

"Yes," Minjun groaned. "Just accept it. It'll be weird if you refuse."

"Of course, I won't refuse," June said, grabbing the phone on the table. "You can't take this back now."

Minjun chuckled. "I won't. Don't worry. I already uninstalled my apps installed the ones you like. Besides," he said, bringing out his new phone, "why would I waste my time on a phone like that when I already have something like this?"

June clicked his tongue in annoyance. However, in the end, his happiness shone through.

June finally had a new phone! He can finally make use of those accessories he won during the field day.

He tested out the camera and almost screamed in joy.

It was clear!

He could actually see the dimensions of his nose.

June continued inspecting the phone, a genuine smile on his face. Minjun and Grandma watched him with amused expressions.

However, June tilted his head to the side when he saw a card behind the phone's clear case.

"What's this?" he asked.

"Oh," Minjun exclaimed. "I guess I left it there. My dad gave me his calling card so I can save his number on my new phone. I stored it there for a while and forgot about it. You can just throw it out if you want."

June shrugged, popping the case open.

"How was your stay with your dad, by the way?" June engaged in small talk.

Minjun shrugged. "It was pretty fun. But he was pretty busy. He left me a couple of times because he wanted to oversee his company's conditions. He's a workaholic, really. He also handles a lot of companies, so it's hard to meet him at times. But, I guess I like the fact he named one of his companies after me."

"Hmm, really?" June asked.

"Yeah," Minjun beamed. "The name is on the calling card you're holding."

June, without giving it much thought, flipped the card to read his dad's company's name.

However, he almost fell out of his seat when he saw the big, bold letters written on the card.


"Yeah! Minjun the Intellectual. Pretty cool, right?"

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