From Goblin to Goblin God

Chapter 98: The Real Battle Is Coming

TL: Sungmin

“Lord Demon Master, I am so miserable. A large number of my clan members have been slaughtered and eaten, and many females have been captured to become breeding machines!”

“I was doing fine in the northern snowfields, but they attacked me. That goblin named Lin Tian ate me bite by bite, and he also deprived me of love!”

Inside the underground Great Tomb.

The Water Demon Lord and the Red-haired Yeti cried as they spoke, tears streaming down.

Especially the Red-haired Yeti, whose body parts that melted could never be repaired.

It was like a folder being deleted, unable to be copied.

Above them were the Succubus and the Corpse Pope, along with the master of this Great Tomb, the embodiment of ultimate darkness.

Bone King · ‘Veronica.’

The atmosphere in the Dark Sanctuary was extremely eerie and oppressive.

Various strange, mysterious, and powerful monsters stood motionless on the side like statues.

They usually stayed in different layers of the sanctuary, only gathering here under special circumstances.

Listening to the complaints of the two lords, the others acted as if they didn’t hear anything, remaining completely still.

Only the Succubus looked at Veronica.

But she didn’t say anything either.

“Rebecca, take them to the goblin tribe. As for the rest, I don’t need to say more.”

Veronica looked at the Succubus and spoke, her expression gloomy.

Then, she was enveloped in darkness and slowly disappeared.

The Water Demon and Red-haired Yeti were ecstatic, as it seemed Rebecca was going to punish the goblins.

They knelt and said, “Thank you, Lord Demon Master!”

The Succubus Rebecca slowly took two steps forward, her body parts that should have shaken did so with great amplitude.

Watching her, their souls seemed to sway along.

The two lords didn’t dare to look at Rebecca, just the fragrance made them burn with desire.

If they dared to look and were caught with a lecherous and evil gaze, they wouldn’t even know how they died.

“Follow me.” Rebecca said with disdain, not even glancing at them, purely out of contempt.


Immediately, her whole body blurred for a second, as if she was stuck.

In reality, she had already disappeared from the spot, flying out of the Great Tomb.

“My God, such speed!”

The Water Demon swallowed, a few drops of cold sweat forming on his forehead.

Even in rainy conditions, he couldn’t match her speed by half.

The Red-haired Yeti could only walk on foot.

His power relied too much on the snowfield, with only over two thousand points here, he was nothing.

The two of them ran desperately, fearing that falling too far behind would anger Rebecca.

“Where are you two idiots going?”

At this time, they had run a few hundred meters out of the Great Tomb when Rebecca’s angry voice sounded behind them.

Frightened, they stopped immediately, their faces full of obedient confusion.

Rebecca stood with her arms crossed over the vast snowfield, pushing her chest up high.

She pointed below, “Can’t you see the magic teleportation array?”

“Yes, yes, sorry Lady Rebecca.”

The Water Demon apologized obediently, sighing at how different the way powerful beings traveled was.

The Red-haired Yeti didn’t dare to speak, afraid of saying the wrong thing.

They still relied on her to get justice for them.

Entering the teleportation array, the three of them disappeared in the blink of an eye.

In an instant, they arrived above the valley of the Tian Kuang Tribe.

Lin Tian, who was busy with breeding, looked up, his brows slightly furrowed at the black-purple beam of light shooting into the sky.

It indicated that people from the Great Tomb had used the teleportation array to come here.

Gobu Yue had mentioned that while Lin Tian was away, someone had set up the teleportation array.

It couldn’t be refused.

Lin Tian signaled, “Don’t worry, keep working, I’ll handle it.”

In the sky.

A charming figure appeared, slowly descending.

It stopped about five meters from the ground, looking aloof.

It was the Succubus Rebecca.

On the cliff, the Water Demon and Red-haired Yeti scrambled down, hardening their scalps.

Even if they got covered in injuries, they were aggressive.

Because they had backing!

“Little bastard, today is your death day! I’ll make you taste the feeling of being roasted!” The Water Demon Lord said with hatred, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth.

He was so excited he almost forgot the pain.

Finally, it was the moment of great satisfaction.

The Red-haired Yeti was the same, “I’ll eat your corpse bit by bit, starting with your little brother!”

“Want to eat? You can come eat now.” Lin Tian said, smiling.

Rebecca didn’t pay attention to Lin Tian at first, she looked around on her own, “Disgusting, is that a breeding farm? To produce so many goblins.”

Even she was quite shocked.

The largest goblin tribe she had ever seen.

“You are indeed good at running a tribe, no wonder you easily captured a city. I slightly acknowledge your…”

Rebecca was speaking when her body suddenly trembled, and she looked behind Lin Tian with a startled expression.

It was Alicenia in black armor.

Alicenia had come out to see the situation, found it boring, and went back to rest.

Rebecca was surprised, thinking, “Is that the Sword Saintess? I saw her once before, but why do I feel threatened by her now?”

“Why are you here?” Lin Tian asked irritably, thinking it might have been Bone King Veronica herself.

But it turned out to be this annoying succubus.

All the goblins below were drawn to her, their faces full of lust, drooling.

No wonder Rebecca didn’t want to land; otherwise, her high heels would be soaked with drool.

Rebecca noticed that he was different from the other goblins and curiously asked, “Oh? Why do you seem different from them? As a goblin, how can you look at me so calmly?”

Lin Tian didn’t answer.

He was still recovering from his injuries in the Dwarven Kingdom, so he felt nothing.

But he was interested; it would take about a month to regain his full strength.

This period had made Gobu Yue, Lia, and the others quite frustrated.

Even Alicenia often hinted at something, though she still resisted internally.

But she couldn’t reject the pleasure brought by a goblin’s abilities.

“I’m asking why you’re here. If you don’t answer, I don’t have time to waste with you,” Lin Tian said impatiently.

He was now arrogant, betting that the Great Tomb’s people wouldn’t dare do anything to him.

Rebecca couldn’t get angry now. “Don’t be like that. I underestimated you before. Now I’m here to acknowledge you. It’s nothing serious, just a small matter.”

Seeing Rebecca actually trying to please him left the Water Demon and Red-haired Yeti dumbfounded!

Things weren’t developing as expected, were they?

Was this really Lady Rebecca? Why was this proud, cold, and powerful succubus being so courteous to a goblin?

“A small matter? Then go ahead and say it,” Lin Tian said, still displeased.

The Water Demon and Red-haired Yeti couldn’t wait any longer. “Quick, Lady Rebecca, he wants to kill us. According to the Great Tomb’s rules, he should be executed!”

Immediately, Rebecca said coldly, “You two, kneel before Lin Tian!”

“Yes! Kneel!” The Water Demon looked aggressive.

But suddenly, he deflated, “Huh? Who’s kneeling?”

When he noticed Rebecca’s cold gaze directed at them, his heart sank.

“My lady…”

The Water Demon wanted to say something but was abruptly suppressed by a tremendous magical force!

Along with the Red-haired Yeti, his legs immediately knelt on the ground.


Their kneecaps shattered on the spot, cracking the stone floor.

The two were in excruciating pain and utterly baffled.

Lin Tian stood arrogantly in front, “Rebecca, one wants to roast me, and the other wants to eat my little brother. What do we do about that?”

“It’s simple, roast the Water Demon over a fire, and let the Red-haired Yeti eat his little brother. Does that work?” Rebecca said understandingly.

Lin Tian raised an eyebrow, surprised that she played this way.

He had only said it casually.

Since it was like this, he would follow through.

Now, the Water Demon and Red-haired Yeti panicked. “My lady, this must be a mistake. Why are you doing this to us? Isn’t it the goblin’s fault? My lady!”

“Do you want to do it yourself, or should I make you do it?” Rebecca threatened without waiting for their response.

Seeing them trembling in fear without reacting, she directly used charm magic to completely control them.

After that, the Red-haired Yeti helped tie up the Water Demon and put him on the bonfire to roast.

Rebecca used her succubus magic again, her eyes shooting a string of hearts, making eye contact with the dazed Water Demon.

Immediately, the Water Demon reacted strongly.

Watching this scene, Rebecca was satisfied, “How about this? Is it enough?”

The other goblins watched with gritted teeth, finding it unbearable.

Especially the female Water Demons, who were on the verge of tears.

“That’s enough. Leave them to me next. I can’t guarantee they’ll survive,” Lin Tian said disdainfully.

But his words meant he intended to kill them.

He had to eliminate them no matter what.

They might bring monsters to cause trouble during the fight with the empire.

Rebecca didn’t expect Lin Tian to be so ruthless and hesitated, “But they’ve been in the Great Tomb for a long time and have some strength.”

Lin Tian’s gaze remained cold.

“Alright, I’ll leave them to you. But the Bone King gave you the authority, so you must take responsibility.”

After Rebecca finished speaking, she turned and left, her eyes once again filled with disdain.

After she left, the Water Demon and Red-haired Yeti regained their senses.

Seeing the scene, the Red-haired Yeti vomited in disgust, “Damn, what was I doing!”

“Ah! It hurts! Let me down first!”

The Water Demon’s skin lacked moisture, drying up like a hundred-year-old man.

The two barely recovered, only to find Rebecca had already left.

The Red-haired Yeti was confused and frightened, “Why, why did my lady do this!”

The Water Demon was also terrified, “Damn goblin, what did you do? Why did my lady side with you!”

“Hmph, you don’t deserve to know. You just need to know that after I kill you, I can still live happily, using your clansmen as breeding machines daily, using your snowfield as a playground, and taking your snow spirits as my own.” Lin Tian mocked coldly.

He didn’t kill them before to confirm the Great Tomb’s attitude and to mentally destroy these two guys.

“I’ll fight you to the death!” The Water Demon roared, gritting his teeth in hatred.

Helpless, desperate, and unwilling, he turned his anger into a reckless charge.

Suddenly, a giant axe struck the Water Demon’s forehead.

He stopped moving completely,

His brain matter slowly flowed down the crack.

The Red-haired Yeti hadn’t reacted when he felt a stabbing pain in his chest.

Looking down, he saw a goblin resembling a cockroach through a big hole.

Gobu Kuang and Gobu Tian easily took care of them.

Mainly because the Water Demon was seriously injured and weak, and the Red-haired Yeti was even weaker here.

In the snowfield, with infinite resurrection and the blizzard environment, without the Heart of Apollo, he would be tough to deal with.

“That’s enough. It’s time to prepare our trump card. Gobu Tian, go to the Lionheart Empire to check the situation. Also, investigate the Holy Church. Prioritize safety.” Lin Tian said with disinterest, looking at their corpses.

His expression shifted from arrogance to seriousness.

Because the battle that would determine their foothold on this continent was finally approaching.

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