From Goblin to Goblin God

Chapter 89: Lin Tian! In Danger!

TL: Sungmin

“What, what? You want me to do this? Are you crazy? I am…”

Little Mei wanted to curse, but seeing the now wealthy and glamorous Lin Tian, she hesitated.

And he even had records of dwarf history.

If she could really be forgiven and let him pursue her again, it wasn’t impossible.

Finally, driven by vanity and desire.

Little Mei slowly knelt down, exposing herself to that feeling, her expression exaggerated.

She stuck out her pink little tongue, drooling.

Her eyes looked as if they were about to fly to the heavens.

“Please, Master Dennis, forgive me. Please let me become your object!”

This humiliating scene was witnessed by the entire city!

Laughter and obscene remarks continuously erupted.

But for Little Mei, it was nothing. As long as she could get the old Dennis back, she would be the one laughing at everyone else.

She would stand up again.


Lin Tian merely smiled with satisfaction, “Guards, throw this street-strutting slut aside, she’s disgusting to look at.”

“Darling, you’re so bad~”

Adele said with a charming smile.

The moment her fantasy was shattered, Little Mei felt like she was splitting apart, “Dennis! You tricked me? I did everything you asked, why won’t you forgive me? I’m even allowing you to pursue me, to sleep with me! Don’t you want that??”

“With you, a whore who would do such things in public, do you think you deserve to climb up to my level?”

Lin Tian retorted, and he and Adele drove away in their mechanical carriage.

Leaving Little Mei alone in her collapse.

How had the once submissive Dennis turned into this? Regret couldn’t even describe her feelings now.

Dennis’s friends, however, felt truly relieved.

Finally, they saw Dennis stand up for himself.

The parade quickly ended, and the city began endless drinking and revelry.

Lin Tian and Adele returned to the palace for the banquet.

“This is Duchess Jamila, her skillful hands have crafted world-class magic tools.”

“And these are Lisa, Linda, and Winnie, all important members of the royal family.”

At the grand and luxurious banquet, what could compare with the exotic delicacies?

Naturally, it was the noblewomen and their beautiful daughters.

Because Adele was a woman, the Dwarf Kingdom’s social status naturally leaned towards females.

Most of the attendees were wives and daughters of officials and nobles, representing their families.

Lin Tian greeted them politely, “Hello, I am Dennis. It’s an honor to witness the stunning beauty of so many ladies.”

“Your Majesty Adele, you certainly know how to pick a man. The last one gave you the throne, and this one’s sweet-talking. Is what I’ve heard real?”

The elegantly dressed, petite, and charming Duchess Jamila raised her eyebrows as she spoke.

That smile couldn’t be suppressed even by the most serious of expressions.

The others also gathered, full of curiosity.

Dwarves were straightforward by nature, not hiding their emotions or social niceties.

Adele directly said, “Of course, after ten years of frustration, the gods finally pitied me. I even suspect he’s an incarnation of Zeus.”

This country worshipped the twelve Olympian gods.

Among them, the king of gods was Zeus.

Known for his lust, often disguising himself as a mortal to seduce virtuous women.

Fathering many demigods.

There was a saying that Olympus mythology was a history of debauchery.

“No wonder, Your Majesty, you look so radiant after just a few days.” Someone joked.

The flattery almost made Adele float with delight.

Lin Tian, on the other hand, tasted the dwarven food. It was quite good, with a balanced mix of fruits, vegetables, and meat.

Once Adele finished showing off, and had kindled the interest of the noblewomen, it was time for him to take action.

He could restart the Apollo Forge across the city, having it produce magic tools for him daily.

Since Adele was newly in power and still weak, suddenly restarting something that had been dormant for decades would face much opposition.

“His Highness Dennis, I truly regret not meeting you sooner.” Duchess Jamila approached him.

Her eyes were practically sparkling.

She looked Lin Tian up and down, swallowing occasionally.

Not just her, but other noblewomen and young ladies too.

Lin Tian even felt a hint of fear.

It felt like they were going to devour him, their greed evident.

Throughout the banquet, Lin Tian was like an innocent young man, teased and flirted with.

Adele didn’t mind, after all, she was the queen. Who would dare to steal her man?


Night fell.

Adele was still busy handling some trivial matters from her recent appointment.

Lin Tian stayed alone in the empty room.

With a creak, the door was pushed open.

Someone sneaked in. Upon closer look, it was none other than Duchess Jamila from the daytime!

“Shh, His Highness Dennis, don’t shout. If you dare to shout, I’ll accuse you of molesting me.”

Jamila threatened directly after closing the door.

Lin Tian did not resist, he went along with it.

Although Jamila was a duchess, she was now the true power holder.

She held immense influence.

Moreover, she possessed the rare dwarf talent to forge world-class magic tools.

He had to seize this opportunity.

Suddenly, footsteps sounded outside.

Jamila, frightened, quickly hid under Lin Tian’s covers.

However, it wasn’t Adele who came in, but Winnie and Linda.

These two sisters were daughters of another duke, their faces still a bit immature, but their minds were filled with impure thoughts.

“Hmm? The Queen isn’t here? We said we had something to discuss with her.”

“Yes, what a pity. In that case, we can only discuss it with His Highness Dennis alone.”

Winnie and Linda exchanged glances.

Their smiles couldn’t be suppressed by anything.

Inside the covers, Jamila snorted, thinking, “You two pretentious girls, if I hadn’t arranged for Adele to be sent away, would you even dare to come here?”

At that moment, more stealthy footsteps sounded outside.

Winnie and Linda, frightened, quickly turned off the lights and also hid under Lin Tian’s covers.

“Ah!? Sister Jamila!”

Winnie and Linda were dumbfounded; there was already someone hidden in the covers!

Jamila quickly gestured for silence.

The awkwardness was unbearable.

Outside, a voice called, “Sister? Are you in there? Hey~ my good sister, I’m sick, come out~”

The person was Adele’s sister, the blonde dwarf Lin Tian had met at the tavern earlier.

“Hehe, sister, don’t blame me. Who told you to be so selfish and keep Dennis to yourself!”

The blonde dwarf chuckled mischievously as she came in.

She was met with Jamila and the others, all with dark expressions, emerging from the covers.

The complex and chaotic scene.

Everyone felt an embarrassment worse than death.

They covered their faces and ran out.

Lin Tian lay in bed, knowing the time had come.

At midnight, Adele finally returned. Despite being tired from the day, she was energetic, “Darling, you couldn’t wait, right? I’m here!”

In the midst of their activity.

Lin Tian spoke directly, “Darling, I believe our kingdom is growing weaker. I suggest we restart the Apollo Forge to mass-produce magic tools and strengthen the kingdom.”

“That’s true, but the other nobles definitely won’t agree, and the citizens won’t support it either.”

Adele enjoyed herself, thinking aloud.

Forging magic tools wasn’t as simple as forging iron.

It required mining special ores deep within the dungeons and collecting various precious materials for enchantment.

Combined with the dwarves’ God’s Blessing and advanced forging techniques, it could succeed.

Mass production would require the nation’s efforts.

Lin Tian responded, “I can handle the nobles. You just need to be firm with the citizens.”

“But, I feel…” Adele began to say.

Suddenly, Lin Tian exerted a force, causing her to cry out in pain, “Don’t do this, I was wrong, I agree, okay?”

“Then it’s settled.” Lin Tian said with an evil smile.

The next day.

Adele ordered from the kingdom’s plaza, “Everyone, the ghoul incident served as a wake-up call. If not for Dennis, it could have escalated to unimaginable consequences.

Therefore, I have decided to restart the Apollo Forge to mass-produce magic tools and establish a magic tool army!

When the time comes, even if external enemies invade, we can defend our homeland.”

However, the gathered dwarves strongly opposed.

“I’m not interested! I’m going back to drink!”

“Just got appointed and wants us to work, I don’t recognize this queen!”

“Who cares, it’s none of my business.”

“What if my hands get dirty?”

The dwarves began to leave one after another.

They were known for their stubbornness.

Otherwise, Lin Tian would have used force to make them work, without much effort.

They were the kind who would rather die than be subdued.

Why did the dwarves almost go extinct? They wouldn’t forge magic tools for others even if enslaved.

Otherwise, magic tools wouldn’t be rare items on the continent.

And here, royal authority didn’t hold much sway.

At this moment, Lin Tian stepped forward and said, “Everyone, trust my decision. We must restart the Apollo Forge and prepare for danger in times of peace. We are the last bloodline of the dwarves, we cannot vanish! We must let the hammer and the forge fire continue!”

Simple words, seen as nonsense by the male dwarves.

They had no persuasive power.

But the female dwarves were moved, “That’s right! I support His Highness Dennis!”

“Men are like useless trash, they should pick up the hammer again!”

“Exactly, learn from His Highness Dennis!”

Under the fierce attitude of the tigress-like women, the men didn’t dare to speak up.

Finally, Adele looked at the group of nobles.

The noblewomen avoided eye contact.

Under Jamila’s lead, the other nobles followed suit, with no objections.

Lin Tian was satisfied, “In the future, I’ll join you in mining and forging. As long as we produce twenty magic tools each day, all the drinks will be free that day! And I’ll drink with you!”

“Oh my! Did I hear right? His Highness Dennis will join us in the dark, deserted mines? That’s too dangerous!”

“Drinking with us, what if he gets drunk? Too dangerous!”

“What if we meet him in the mines, too dangerous!”

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