From Goblin to Goblin God

Chapter 85: The Kingdom’s True First Man

TL: Sungmin

Everywhere he looked, there were lolis!

Lin Tian’s face twisted into a smile. The air was filled with the scent of lolis.

“This place… is heaven.”

Just as he was immersed in paradise, a voice filled with disdain and contempt rang out from behind him. “Heaven? Heaven, my ass! Where’s the Purple Sunflower I asked you to get?”

Lin Tian turned around to see a well-dressed loli standing behind him.

She was quite cute.

However, that scowl on her face made it impossible for Lin Tian to like her.

It was as if he owed her a million bucks.

He rolled his eyes at her and moved aside, muttering, “Crazy…”

The loli immediately exploded, swearing, “You dare curse at me? Dennis, have I been too lenient with you lately, making you think you’re something special?”

Upon hearing this, Lin Tian finally realized.

This dwarf girl must be the “Little Mei” mentioned by the bootlicking dwarf earlier.

“Dare to put on airs in front of me, a Sigma male? Watch how I deal with you,” Lin Tian thought to himself.

He then looked at her disdainfully, “Oi, you think I’ll go pick flowers just because you told me to? You’re nothing but a piece of shit!”

“Are you crazy!”

Little Mei was stunned, looking at him as if she had seen a ghost.

She never expected her bootlicker to suddenly act like this.

Immediately, she grew angry, “Fine, fine, fine! You’ll never get my forgiveness for the rest of your life, understand? I hate you!”

“That’s a promise! Everyone’s happy!”

Lin Tian turned and left. With so many lolis on the streets, who would care about this one?

As he walked away decisively, Little Mei was left completely dumbfounded. “Damn guy, I’ll make you regret this!”

On the street, Lin Tian wandered aimlessly.

Even with so many lolis around, he couldn’t just force himself on them.

After all, his current identity was a dwarf, not a goblin.

If he got expelled, he wouldn’t be able to learn the craft of making magic tools.

But in this Dwarf Kingdom, Lin Tian knew nothing.

The best solution was to find someone to get acquainted with and understand the current situation of the dwarf tribe.

“I definitely won’t chat up a guy. Let’s start with the lolis.”

With that, he entered a tavern.

Even a branch of the dwarves couldn’t resist their love for drinking.

The streets were full of taverns.

“Burp! That was satisfying…”

As soon as he entered, a drunken male dwarf sat at a nearby table.

Lin Tian looked at him with disgust and then began to focus on the female dwarves in the tavern.

They were the easiest to strike up a conversation with.

He quickly spotted a blonde female dwarf drinking alone.

“Bartender, two glasses of your best wine.”

Lin Tian placed a gold coin on the counter, speaking generously.

These gold coins were what he had obtained earlier in Clinforth, perfect for use now.

For almost all intelligent races, currency was traded in gold.

It worked everywhere.

Seeing this, the tavern owner frowned and looked at Lin Tian in surprise. “Are you really a dwarf? Who drinks just one glass of wine? Not for sale, buy a bottle or nothing.”

Only then did Lin Tian realize, so he grabbed two bottles of the best wine and walked over to the female dwarf.

“Care to share a drink?”

The female dwarf looked surprised, then gave him a playful smile. “I’d be happy to. But your pickup skills are terrible.”

Lin Tian’s mouth twitched slightly, and he forced a smile, “You caught me, haha.”

Indeed, his pickup skills were poor. Outside, he would have just taken action. Who dared to mock him???

Lin Tian suppressed his irritation and began chatting with a smile.

Watching the female dwarf gulp down the wine, things were going according to plan.

To be safe, he bought her another bottle.

“Your pickup skills may be terrible, but you’re quite rich. I like that. You should drink too. Don’t tell me a dwarf can’t drink?” The female dwarf asked suspiciously.

Lin Tian quickly took two swigs, nearly revealing himself.

But not drinking would have been better.

Just two swigs in, and he was already wobbling, his ears and eyes not working right.

He couldn’t see or hear anything clearly.

He lifted the bottle to check.

82% alcohol!

Was this really wine???

No wonder they were dwarves; they could brew such strong alcohol and be fine after two bottles!

When Lin Tian opened his eyes again, he was in a room at an inn.

Beside him, the blonde dwarf from before was still sleeping soundly, hugging him tightly.

Lin Tian quickly lifted the blanket and saw that he’d been done!

Trying to steal a chicken only to lose the bait!

“You’re awake? Last night was amazing~”

At that moment, the female dwarf slowly opened her eyes, reminiscing with a satisfied look.

Lin Tian held his head, still feeling some pain.

He didn’t expect to have slept for so long.

The female dwarf was about to lift the blanket and climb back in. “Even though your pickup skills are bad and your drinking capacity is even worse, I didn’t expect you to be such a man. In the entire Dwarf Kingdom, there’s no one else as manly as you. Come, let’s continue!”

Lin Tian jumped out of bed. Be manly?

He couldn’t help but grin.

Did that mean all male dwarves were little wimps?

Finally, his goblin strength had found a use!

“Sorry, I have something urgent to do. I have to go.”

Lin Tian quickly got dressed and dashed out the door.

He had already gathered information from her last night, so he had no time to continue playing with her.

The blonde female dwarf chased after him reluctantly, “Wait! What’s your name? Where do you live? Don’t go, my destined man!”


Lin Tian didn’t bother to look back.

From her, he had learned an important piece of information: in this vast underground world, there were other monsters.

The biggest problem troubling the dwarves was the constant harassment by ghouls, which posed a significant threat.

If he could eliminate those ghouls, he might gain some status and even be granted an audience with the king.

Learning the crafting techniques would be a matter of a few words.

“Let’s do this!”

Lin Tian found a guild, intending to join and gather some teammates to hunt the ghouls.

He needed witnesses to believe he had killed the ghouls.

Otherwise, no one would believe him.

Upon entering an adventurers’ guild, he was almost dumbfounded.

It was vastly different from the guilds in the human world, which were always bustling.

Here, there wasn’t a soul in sight.

It seemed the dwarves had grown complacent.

On the second floor of the guild, two dwarves were quietly observing Lin Tian.

One dwarf speculated, “Looks like he’s here to join the guild. Shouldn’t we go greet him?”

The guild master yawned, “Forget it. A guy like him joining won’t help. It’s just another mouth to feed.”

“Anyone here? I’m here to join the guild and form a team to hunt ghouls.” Lin Tian asked tentatively.

Hearing this, the eyes of the two dwarves upstairs lit up.

The middle-aged dwarf wearing bronze armor and holding a hammer hurried downstairs.

He looked as if he was being chased by a ghost.

“Young man with ambition! Our Carmen Guild warmly welcomes you!”

The middle-aged dwarf said excitedly, extending his hand. “I’m Brooks, and I have a Warrior Medal.”

The Warrior Medal indicated that he was a former member of the Dwarf Kingdom’s army.

Since hiding here, they hadn’t experienced any wars, and the kingdom had disbanded the army.

Many former soldiers were struggling to survive.

Becoming adventurers, they found no work and had to shamelessly eat the guild master’s food every day.

Hearing Lin Tian’s intention to hunt ghouls and do something worthwhile made him so excited.

The guild master, Carmen, was also surprised, “There’s actually a young person doing something so ambitious?”

Seeing their enthusiasm, Lin Tian found it easier to proceed, “Hello, I’m Dennis. Are there any requirements to join the guild?”

“No, no, as long as you’re a dwarf!”

Brooks warmly arranged everything, serving tea and water.

After a simple registration, Lin Tian officially became a member of the Carmen Guild.

The guild had only Brooks besides the guild master.

Carmen then approached, “The guild is quite deserted, but it’s the kingdom’s only guild. Do you have any skills to show off?”

Ghouls were tier-five monsters, and the strongest could be tier-six.

Hunting them wasn’t something that could be taken lightly.

“How should I show them?”

Lin Tian asked, checking their attributes.

Both were around a thousand, very weak.

Brooks placed his hammer on the ground, “Hehe, this welded iron hammer weighs over five hundred pounds. If you can lift it, you don’t even have to pick it up…”

Before he could finish, Lin Tian picked up the hammer and played with it.

“This hammer is nice, is it a magic tool?”

Lin Tian asked, surprised as he checked the hammer’s abilities.

[Welded Iron Hammer: Allows the user to cover their entire body in a layer of steel protection.]

Brooks stood there, stunned, “You… you brat!”

Even Carmen couldn’t believe it, “He’s holding the welded iron hammer like a toy??? How did I not know there was someone like you in the kingdom!”

Lin Tian could hardly hold back his laughter at these two small fries.

“Ahem, maybe I’m just low-key. Let’s go directly to wipe out the ghouls.” Lin Tian said eagerly.

The sooner he made a name for himself, the sooner he could ask the king for a reward.

Brooks, however, looked solemn, “Wait, ghouls are exceptionally strong and numerous. We need a plan.”

Since dwarves had to die eventually.

The burial areas gradually produced ghouls.

They liked to feed on corpses, most of them transformed from dead bodies, moving quickly and carrying corpse poison.

The Dwarf Kingdom had spent money hiring many former soldiers to hunt them.

They all came back injured.

Years of peace had made them forget how to craft magic tools, and their combat skills had faded.

“Do you think I need a plan?”

Lin Tian didn’t bother to argue with them. He had his guild identity now.

He didn’t necessarily need a team.

Seeing his firmness, the two quickly followed him.

Afraid of being left behind.

Led by Brooks, they soon arrived at a forest outside the kingdom.

The surrounding clearings were filled with densely packed tombstones, all of which had been emptied.

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