From Goblin to Goblin God

Chapter 30: The Defeat of the Sword Saintess!

TL: Sungmin

After a thorough inspection, Lin Tian ordered, “Everyone jump down!”

“What, what?”

“Boss, where do you want us to jump?”

“Could it be this cliff? It’s so high!”

A group of goblins cautiously peeked over the edge, their legs trembling.

Lin Tian then forcefully commanded, “Below is a river, you won’t die. But if you don’t jump, you will surely die!”

“Move aside, you bunch of wimps!”

Gobu Kuang pushed aside several big goblins, walked to the edge of the cliff, and jumped without a second thought.


The splash was more than ten meters high!

Lin Tian thought this guy was a bit too straightforward. Even if he had to jump, he should have at least picked a spot.

Luckily, he didn’t hit any rocks.

With someone leading, the rest of the goblins followed suit.

However, the goblin assassins didn’t need to jump. Their climbing skills were exceptional, allowing them to slide down easily and quickly.

Lin Tian rode his dragon to direct the route, even though it would be a long detour, it was better than dying.

Bright Town.

Bain was rushing towards there, but it was dozens of kilometers away. No matter how fast he was, it would take him more than an hour to reach the town.

By the time he arrived, he was exhausted, foaming at the mouth!

“Sword Saintess!”

Enduring nausea, dizziness, and shortness of breath, Bain hurriedly shouted.

The Sword Saintess saw him and leapt down, “What’s going on? Why are you back?”

“Goblins! Goblins!”

Before Bain could finish speaking, he collapsed on the ground.

The Sword Saintess’s heart tightened, “Damn it! Quickly, help him!”

After saying that, she sped towards the Battle Roar Captain and the others.

Even though she wore armor and carried weapons, and was not an assassin, she was still faster than Bain.

She could reach there in an hour at most.

Including the return trip, it would be two hours.

During this time, Gobu Tian had to make a quick decision!

After seeing the Sword Saintess disappear from sight, he gave the order, “Charge! Capture the women alive, kill the rest!”

A group of goblins sprinted swiftly!

Leading the charge were a dozen goblin assassins, moving at incredible speed!

After entering Bright Town, they immediately killed several residents, “Kill!”

“Ahhh! Help! Monsters are here!”

“Where is the Sword Saintess? They’re killing people!”

“I just saw the Sword Saintess go out, run! Run! Ahhh!”

In an instant, the once relatively peaceful town turned into a living hell!

The goblin assassins moved so fast that corpses littered the ground in no time! The fragile ordinary residents couldn’t withstand a single blow.

However, these people had been on alert due to the wartime conditions.

The militia quickly organized themselves, forming a phalanx to drive the goblin assassins away from the crowd.

Residents, seeing their saviors, quickly hid behind the militia phalanx.




Meanwhile, the town gate was being battered by something, each impact like a blow to their hearts!


Finally, the gate couldn’t hold up and was broken through by a group of big goblin warriors!

Seeing such a large group, dozens of burly goblins, the residents were terrified, their hearts almost stopping!

“Ahhh! Monsters are here!”

Immediately, the residents began to flee in all directions, becoming targets for the goblin assassins.

The men were killed, and the women were paralyzed with poison.

The militia phalanx, facing these big goblins, was as fragile as paper, easily slaughtered!

They had long anticipated that this day might come again.

But they didn’t expect it to come so soon!

Bright Town fell into darkness, becoming a living hell.

Men fell into pools of blood!

Dismembered limbs were everywhere!

They watched helplessly as their loved ones were eaten alive by goblins!

“Help! Help! This can’t be real! It can’t be real!”

A woman screamed until her voice almost broke, causing a brain hemorrhage, and she fainted on the spot.

But whether dead or alive, the goblins packed them into sacks and took them away.

It seemed like these were not people but objects.

In just an hour, most of the women were captured, over a hundred in total!

Divided into twenty large sacks, each big goblin carried one, grinning from ear to ear.

They began to transport them back to the tribe.

The goblin assassins, bloodthirsty, slaughtered for a while longer before finally retreating at Gobu Tian’s command.


The remaining residents, hearing the evil laughter, were plunged into deep pain and despair!

A catastrophe had struck!

This world was terrifying, and death could descend at any moment!

“Boohoo! Dad, wake up! What will we do now that Mom has been taken away?”

A little boy pushed the man lying in a pool of blood in front of him, crying loudly.

But the man didn’t respond. There was already a bloody hole in his chest, and all the blood had drained out.

Some elderly people who had been hiding came out, and upon seeing the horrific scene, some were scared to death!

The streets were full of corpses! Blood everywhere!

The air was filled with the smell of blood and the bitter saltiness of tears.

On the other side.

The Sword Saintess had already arrived at the cliff. Seeing the tragic scene before her, she thought, “Am I too late? These goblins!!”

Previously, her emotions had been calm, but now she couldn’t endure any longer.

To suffer repeated losses at the hands of goblins.

It was simply a disgrace to the name of the Sword Saintess!

How could she face the previous Sword Saintesss?

“Are there not even any corpses left?”

The Sword Saintess searched around, hoping to find someone near death who could be saved.

But there was nothing left, only torn clothes and some blood-stained bones with tendons.

It looked like they had been gnawed by wolves.

Immediately, she quickly searched the surrounding area but found no clues.

“Goblins! Goblins! Why can’t I even deal with a group of goblins! Time and time again!”


The Sword Saintess, overcome with anger, swung her sword furiously towards the cliff ahead!

Sword Qi bombarded the rock face, sending dust flying everywhere!

When the dust settled, the cliff had been shattered, with the rubble forming a new path!


The Sword Saintess’s aura condensed as she thought of something, “Wait! No!”


She turned into a streak of white light, rushing back!

With each step, she could leap more than ten meters, moving so fast she became a blur!

Only the rapid stomping of iron boots and the clinking of armor could be heard.

This time, it took her only half an hour to reach the outskirts of Bright Town.

The wretched cries inside nearly petrified her heart!

She quickly leapt onto the city wall, tore off the cloth covering her eyes, and time seemed to stop.

The air ceased to flow, and everything fell silent!

“No, no, no… don’t do this to me, God!”

After a long time, the Sword Saintess trembled as she uttered these words.

Reflected in her beautiful eyes were corpses, blood, and residents kneeling in agony.

In that moment, her heart completely shattered!

“This can’t be real, it can’t be!”


The Sword Saintess felt powerless, utterly powerless, and she fell from the city wall.

Her noble platinum armor was stained with filthy blood.

She didn’t get up, she didn’t want to, she even wished she was the one who had died!

It was too despairing. What opponents hadn’t she defeated?

Seventh-tier monsters, enemy armies, all kinds of difficult and dangerous situations had been crushed with absolute power!

But now, for the first time, she was plunged into such despair!

The Bright Town she had painstakingly protected for so long was completely destroyed!

Destroyed right under her nose!

For someone with such a strong sense of justice, it felt as if she had destroyed it with her own hands, filling her with endless guilt and self-reproach!

It left her powerless, terrified, unable to hold back her tears!

Large, heavy tears flowed out uncontrollably.

She struggled to her feet, trying to comfort the child clutching his father’s body, only to be pushed away, “Get away! Get away! You pretend to protect us every day, but where were you when my dad was dying! And he saved his milk for you people every day! You bad person!”

“I, I…”

The Sword Saintess wanted to say something but couldn’t utter a word.

She wandered like a weak woman, devoid of any strength.

Everywhere she looked, there were corpses and curses!

The residents now blamed all their anger on her!

The scolding around her felt like ghostly hands from hell, pulling her down! Deeper and deeper!

So deep that she couldn’t breathe!

“I’m sorry…”

Finally, after saying those words, the Sword Saintess collapsed.

She lost consciousness.

On a distant hill, the Purple-Gold Dragon Mother in her human form watched everything, laughing proudly, “That goblin, he really pulled it off. Human Sword Saintess? Undefeated legend? Defeated by a goblin, hahaha!”

Looking at the unconscious Sword Saintess, she didn’t even bother to finish her off.

Just a pitiful stray dog.

She then transformed into a giant dragon and flew away.

“I wonder when I’ll see that little guy again?”

In the Tian Kuang Tribe, Loder watched the Bright Town residents being brought back in large sacks, laughing maniacally.

“Good, good, good! Excellent! Excellent! Woohoo! That’s it!” Loder raved.

He was even happier than the goblins.

By evening, Lin Tian and the others finally returned to the tribe, “Well done, Gobu Tian, nice work!”

Those human women locked in cages were the key to strengthening the tribe!

“Hurry, tell me about that bitch! What happened to her? Quick, quick!” Loder, full of curiosity like a child, asked excitedly.

Lin Tian gave him a look and inquired, “Gobu Tian, you didn’t encounter any problems on the way back, right?”

Gobu Tian explained the events clearly.

They captured nearly a hundred women and killed over a hundred humans, leaving mostly the elderly and children in the town.

“Good, I believe that Sword Saintess will be completely broken by this.”

Lin Tian said with a smug smile. Facing such a strong opponent head-on was impossible.

So he targeted her weak spot.

It had become clear over time that the Sword Saintess was someone with an overwhelming sense of justice and responsibility.

She didn’t even come personally for revenge when the Silver Blades, Kasimov, and even Loder and Ifreya were captured.

Wasn’t that obvious enough?

So Lin Tian came up with this plan.

Next to him, Loder struggled furiously, “I asked you a question! What about that bitch? Did she die? Did she die!!!”

I almost cried when I first read this bruh…

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