Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 971: I'll Gladly Give It To You!

Ling Tian went from being a charming handsome young man of just about 20-25 years old, to a man of over 30 years old in moments! 

"Ling Tian!" 

Feng Zhiyun cried out in worry, causing both her father and grandfather to snap out of their dazes and look at Ling Tian, becoming even more shocked. 

The Immortal Young Master, a supreme being of the upper world, a benefactor of the Feng family, was turning old in an instant! As if he had exhausted much of his life expectancy! 

Feng Zhiyun's voice seemed to shatter the illusion of the others, causing everyone to look towards Ling Tian and once again be shocked to see his condition. 

Clearly this had to do with the middle-aged man!

The dying old man from moments ago had stolen all of Ling Tian's vitality and expectancy of life! 

A terrifying killing intent surged from Feng Zhiyun's heart as she focused her gaze on the middle-aged man in front of Ling Tian. The cultivation essence remaining in her dantian began to flow rapidly, wanting to help Ling Tian even if just a little. 

Not only her, Li Fengyuan also glared angrily at the middle-aged man. She grasped the hilt of her sword with her hands, took a deep breath and concentrated all her sword aura and power into her sword, preparing to attack as well. 

But at that very moment, both Feng Zhiyun and Li Fengyuan were stunned, stopping at once. 

Ling Tian raised his eyelids slightly, his eyes faintly glancing at both women before lowering his eyelids again, closing his eyes completely. 

Feng Zhiyun and Li Fengyuan could sense a strange calmness and reassurance in Ling Tian's gaze, as if he had everything under control. Both women took deep breaths, controlling their impulses and clearing their minds but remaining prepared. In case Ling Tian needed their help, the two of them would be ready to strike. 

"Congratulations to the Immortal Lord!" 

Instantly, Dong Lin approached the middle-aged man and cupped his fists in respect for him. A joyful expression was apparent on his face as well. 

The other Dong family experts approached and surrounded the middle-aged man with expressions full of respect and joy. They even knelt on the ground and praised him. 

"The Dong family will be your shield and sword! And will help you in everything you need!" 

Dong Hong added enthusiastically, as he hoped that the Dong family would not be forgotten. He even looked for his son, who had managed to survive and brought him to the Immortal Lord quickly. 

"As long as you all follow my orders to the letter and don't disappoint me, I will take you to the great immortal world!" 

The middle-aged man felt satisfied with Dong Hong's words and nodded cheerfully. Having regained much of his life expectancy put him in a good mood. 

Dong Hong, as well as Dong Lin and the young master Dong, Dong Xiu, smiled happily. The Dong family members also shouted cheers of joy, while showing superior expressions at the sight of the others. 

"It's a pity that being so young you bumped into me, but I can assure you that your power will be of great help to this seat!" 

The middle-aged man looked at Ling Tian and grinned slightly, even seeming to show a tinge of gratitude towards him. His tone of voice became more confident, with a superior feeling filled with majesty. 

After all this time, Ling Tian did not even move and just closed his eyes, probably trying to take control and reverse the immortal technique. Ling Tian could only save himself if he broke his domain over the immortal technique or if he killed him, but it was clearly impossible to achieve either of the two options. 

Once he had absorbed all of this young man's vital essence, he would be able to return to the sect and stabilize his cultivation base. He had already recovered just over 20,000 years in a short time. He might even be able to heal some of his internal injuries from before. 

However, the middle-aged man hadn't even realized that the life force he absorbed from Ling Tian had multiplied, taking advantage of 100% without wasting a single drop. 

Slowly, but Ling Tian was still continuing to age, surpassing the appearance of about 30 years old. 

"This... this is very convenient..." Ling Tian muttered, finally grinning as he allowed the powerful force to drain him of all his life expectancy with a bit of his immortal force. The Sacred Heavenly Scriptures were unaffected by the middle-aged man's power, but Ling Tian made a bit of it flow into his body to make it seem like his own immortal essence. 

Ling Tian looked at the middle-aged man, who kept taking all of his life essence and thus his life expectancy. A similar Yin-Yang Force could be vaguely perceived in the technique. It is not that the middle-aged man understood and was able to use the mysterious power of Yin-Yang, but that the skill he practiced vaguely derives from the concept of Yin-Yang, managing to extract a bit of this supreme force. 

However, this in itself is not the true power of Yin-Yang! 

It was not even close to the Yin-Yang Principle, much less a definitive Law! 

Martial skills, as well as techniques and consequently daos, derive from the great forces of the world. Yin-Yang is a Supreme Force, if not one of the most important, so it is normal that there are derivations of this force, although to a lesser extent because no one could easily comprehend its mystery, especially low-level mortals and immortals. 

The middle-aged man in front of him was using an ultimate technique related to the derivation of the distant Yin-Yang Force. A power capable of using the balance in his favor, breaking the equilibrium and allowing him to absorb as much as he can, as in this case, the life expectancy and life essence of the enemy. 

This situation is vaguely similar to what was happening with Feng Zhiyun, however, the technique and skill is far inferior to Feng Zhiyun's unique innate talent. This middle-aged man seems to control only a small part of this force, but enough to face powerful enemies slightly superior to him without getting hurt or losing control unlike Feng Zhiyun. But despite this, this skill is still inferior and far behind Feng Zhiyun's unique talent, and much more inferior to the true concept of Yin-Yang. 

* Yawn~ * 

"Could you hurry up? I want to go rest for a while..." 

Unexpectedly, Ling Tian put his hand to his mouth and yawned after casually saying the words. He blinked slightly, stretched lazily and showed a bit of desperation as he looked at the middle-aged man. 

"Huh? Looks like you still haven't realized your situation..." 

The middle-aged man scoffed at first, but quickly became dumbfounded when he finally realized that something was wrong. He looked at his arms and then at his body, causing his expression to become more dazed and with a hint of fright. Even a hint of terror surfaced in his intuition. 

At this rate, he had already regained a life expectancy of almost 300 thousand years, and it was still increasing rapidly! 

His body continued to rejuvenate, very soon regaining his appearance of a man in his mid-thirties! 

He soon reached approximately 500 thousand years of life expectancy and was still increasing without stopping! 

The vital essence of life expectancy seemed to glimpse and reach at any moment the limit of one million years! 

What was going on? How could a weak young man who barely broke his mortal shackles have so much vital essence in him! Not even a Heaven Lord could extend his lifespan by almost a million years even with heavenly treasures and resources! 

Therefore, that only meant one thing... 

"Immortal Lord... is something wrong?" 

Dong Lin walked over and asked worriedly as he saw the immortal lord's expression, as if he was scared when he looked at Ling Tian this time... no, it seemed like he didn't even dare to look at him! 

When his gaze fell on Ling Tian's calm eyes, the immortal lord momentarily lost himself in those intense and deep jet black eyes, as if within them existed an infinite universe filled with an inexhaustible vital essence as well as a terrifying power, enough to trap him and tear him apart with just a glance. 

Not even at his peak did he feel he had a chance of survival! 

Without a word, the immortal lord disappeared from the scene, appearing several miles away in the blink of an eye before vanishing again and appearing elsewhere, moving away in a few seconds. His expression became increasingly anxious as he gritted his teeth and tried to escape. Much of the life expectancy and immortal force he stole were consumed to explode with more power. 

Dong Lin, Dong Hong and all the Dong family members were left confused as the Immortal Lord they trusted seemed to flee full of fear. 

"Why are you leaving?" 

Ling Tian's eyelids lifted again, and this time, the familiar golden glow in his eyes appeared again. The aura of his body changed slightly, while at the same time exuding a feeling of an absolute being. 

Ling Tian waved his hand and the sky bent in all directions, shortening and stretching, trembling like ripples on the surface of a lake. 

The immortal lord burned much of his immortal essence that he regained, as well as blood essence to activate a talisman and break through the space in order to escape. But the space barely trembled and returned to normal in front of him, making the talisman useless. 

Ling Tian had blocked the space all over the place. 

"Come here, I'll gift you more life~" 

Ling Tian laughed, and the next moment, the two giant hands in the sky that had disappeared after covering him reappeared around him. Both giant hands separated from him, rose up in the sky and headed towards the man, now covering him. 

"What the..." 

The immortal lord was dazed, scared, full of shock and not knowing whether to attack, defend himself or try to escape with a different method when he felt more life essence enter his body far surpassing the absorption from moments ago. 

This young man in front of him was still transferring his entire life expectancy to him without interruption! 

But the immortal lord didn't understand what was going on! He had cut off and stopped the technique he used on Ling Tian to escape and avoid being chased, so he didn't understand why his technique was still active!

Space had also become heavy and difficult to move, so the young man in front of him had undoubtedly made some powerful move to prevent him from escaping. 


The immortal lord finally spat out blood, feeling like his body was about to explode. His life expectancy had reached a million years, but his body could not withstand that much life essence. 

"This... this is of a level above the Heaven Immortal realm... this... you... you are an Immortal King!" 

The immortal lord, who had now rejuvenated into a 30-year-old man, exclaimed in fear at the sight of Ling Tian. His body trembled with fear and pain, while anxiety and terror filled his entire being. 

A True Immortal King! 

Someone who has reached the realm of Immortal Thrones and can be considered a powerhouse in the Immortal World! 

What is a supreme existence like this doing in a cultivation world? Not to mention that he is such a young man! Surely he has to be a talented genius with a powerful background! 

The immortal lord couldn't stop trembling. The Immortal Kings are peerless existences, admired and feared in many places, ruling plots of land and cities all over the world. Only an Immortal King could have so much life essence and unimaginable power! 

The immortal lord looked at Ling Tian's eyes, which this time turned a deep golden color, and then looked away finally, not daring to look at him again. 

Not even at his peak he would dare to raise his head in the presence of such a supreme being... 

"Why are you so frightened? Where left the supreme bearing of this seat~?" 

Ling Tian lifted the corner of his mouth as he saw the expression of the man in front of him, understanding his thoughts as he realized the difference between their strengths. He returned the same form of address towards himself. 

"Didn't you want more life expectancy and immortal force? That's fine! I'll gladly give it to you!" Ling Tian exclaimed fiercely as he mobilized all his power and activated his own Yin-Yang concept with ease. 

Ling Tian's aura surged from his body, so intense and full of vitality that it resembled a white mist that could be touched with one's hands, it spread out in all directions and covered everyone on the spot. The cultivators who had been injured were healed in an instant when they inhaled this aura, while many felt their bottle necks loosening and breaking, ready to advance to the next realm! 

However, no one moved or made a sound. All eyes were focused on Ling Tian and the 30-year man in appearance in front of him. 

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