Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 968: Becoming A Supreme Being For An Instant!

Everyone was stunned to see that the barrier was destroyed and they could escape, but no one moved. The fear and terror coming from the strange old man made them unable to move their legs. Only a few seniors and experts with high levels of cultivation could move, but they knew that if they attracted attention, it was certain that they would die without knowing how. 

Feng Junze's cultivation essence flowed out at an unimaginable speed, he took out a defensive hexagonal shield-like artifact and threw it in front of all of them. The shield absorbed Feng Junze's cultivation essence, growing several times its size and protecting all of them. 

However, the dark death aura swallowed the giant shield easily as all the cultivation essence disappeared in an instant. 

Feng Junze spat out a mouthful of blood as he felt the connection to his defensive shield being severed out of nowhere. 

Feng Ye had already supported his son, Feng Junze, before he fell towards the ground. He quickly took out his own defensive artifact from his storage ring as well, pouring out his cultivation essence and some of his soul spiritual force to activate it. An umbrella suddenly opened, exploding with a thick yet powerful aura as it faced the death aura that looked like a dark, formless mist heading towards all of them. 

Finally, the dark mist that was the aura of the old man who was filled with death chi, stopped for a couple of seconds, before moving forward and swallowing the umbrella as well. 

Similarly, Feng Ye spat out a mouthful of blood as he felt the reaction of his defensive artifact disappear. He quickly took a medicinal pill. 

Feng Junze, partially recovered, helped his father and they moved from the spot, avoiding the mist filled with death chi to cover them. The other members of the Feng family also moved, temporarily avoiding the dark fog. 

"Where do you think you're going, Junze?" 

Before they could breathe a little better, a voice full of mockery and very familiar echoed in the place, attracting the gazes of Feng Junze and Feng Ye. 

Countless green tree leaves fell like rain on the spot, surrounding all the members of the Feng family. A figure flickered, flashing through the leaves and appeared in front of Feng Junze in an instant. A halberd was swung with both arms, wanting to cut Feng Junze and Feng Ye in half. 

"Dong Hong!" 

Feng Junze gritted his teeth, recognizing the man in front of him. Grabbing his sword with his free arm, Feng Junze poured all of his cultivation essence into it, slashing towards the halberd of Dong Hong, the patriarch of the Dong family! 

* Clang! * 

The sword and halberd clashed together, creating turbulent waves as the cultivation essence spread everywhere. 

Meanwhile, without delaying another second, Feng Ye had already activated a talisman up his sleeve. The cultivation essence and his soul spiritual force flowed out at an incredible speed, converging into a single force and fully activating the mysterious talisman. 

Several waves of spiritual auras spread out from the talisman, spreading out like ripples of water and crashing into the green leaves that fell like small, harmless raindrops, even though the sun was at its highest point and no dark clouds were in the sky. 

* Boom! * 

* Boom! * 

Several explosions erupted as the waves of spiritual aura hit the green leaves, slightly shaking the space as they exploded in all directions. 

"As a supreme expert of the great ascension realm, aren't you always embarrassed to perform sneak attacks, Old Dong?" 

Feng Ye focused his gaze in a certain direction, as if he could see through space itself. A figure quickly materialized, wearing the same style of robe as Dong Hong. 

"You're going to come tell me how to fight and attack, old Feng?" 

Dong Lin, the ancestor of the Dong family, and Dong Hong's father, replied sarcastically to Feng Ye. His cultivation essence quickly calmed down, with the green leaves falling from the sky quickly disappearing. 

Clearly the green leaves that exploded with terrifying power upon contact with the waves of spiritual aura of Feng Ye's talisman had been created by Dong Lin. 

More Dong family members appeared as well, arriving from the horizon and clashing with the Feng family members, starting to fight without giving a moment's rest. 

Only Feng Junze and Feng Ye stood still. The Dong family patriarch and ancestor stood in front of each other, as if waiting for them to make a move. 

Seeing this, Feng Ye's expression became more solemn and serious. His gaze momentarily shifted to the strange old man, before returning to Dong Lin and vice versa. The ancestor of the Dong family, who was previously on the same level as him, looked very different from before, while that strange old man who looked like he was about to die gave him a very terrifying feeling. 

That feeling, terrifying yet deathly, seemed to be a little similar to the aura that Ling Tian had exerted on them a while ago; the supreme aura belonging to a superior being... 

"Dong Family Patriarch, can you explain what it is that you are doing?" 

"It seems that the Dong family has become very fearless!" 

"Even though it belongs to the top-tier ranks, the Dong family must not believe that they are invincible!" 

Several powerful auras, from the body condensation realm to the great ascension realm, came from the horizon, covering the place of the great hall where the gathering of youths and talents before the grand tournament was taking place. 

Several groups, from about five to dozens of people each, quickly appeared, exuding imposing auras. Each group was distinguished by their robes and clothing, showing that they belonged to certain factions or forces. 

"Sect Master!" 


"First Elder!" 

"They are our elders!" 

Seeing the dozens of men and women exuding great powerful auras, the young men and women who lay in total silence and not daring to move a single muscle, exclaimed with joy and excitement at the sight of their respective elders and seniors of their own sects arriving. 

Reinforcements from their clans and sects had finally arrived on the scene! 

"Immortal Lord, we will take care of them!" 

However, the patriarch of the Dong family, Dong Hong, exclaimed in a voice full of arrogance but at the same time respectful as he walked towards the strange withered old man. His cultivation essence fiercely burst out, looking at Feng Junze and then glancing at the other experts with a superior and arrogant look, as if he already had the final result in his palm. 

The gazes of the elders and seniors of each clan and force that arrived focused their gazes on the old stranger, frowned full of doubt. For the Dong family to dare to be so arrogant in this place and not give face to all of them, the Dong family should have a powerful backing. 

But what powerful backing would be enough to give the Dong family the security and confidence to be able to face the major forces of the world without fear? 

When their gazes fell upon the strange withered old man who gave off a strong death aura and looked like a mere mortal about to die, questions and doubts arose in their minds. Quickly, a glimmer of fear and terror began to grow unnoticed the more they watched the dying old man. 

"It's a waste of time...." 

The dying old man mumbled lightly, but his voice carried through the whole place, reaching the ears of everyone present and sending chills all the way to the soul. He hadn't even looked up, as if he didn't even care about the experts releasing powerful auras. 

Raising both arms, the dying old man grinned faintly as he watched the supreme experts of the great ascension realm in front of their respective forces. The auras they exuded belonged to the peak of this world, demonstrating their strengths that they have attained after hundreds and few thousand years. 

The death aura of the dying old man's body emerged once again, spreading in all directions and mainly directed towards the great experts of the main forces of the world. The sky darkened and small flashes of lightning flashed overhead, while an ominous feeling descended at the same time. 

Goose bumps appeared on every human being present, sensing that something was not right. Their gazes upon the dying old man showed the stupefaction of not believing that a mortal about to die might do something. 

"This is not good!" 

The moment Li Feng Fengyuan was about to perform another different sword technique to attack the dying old man to defend themselves, Feng Zhiyun's anxious voice instantly stopped her. Li Fengyuan could sense a bit of anxiety and confusion in her voice. 

Feng Zhiyun's face turned somber and without delaying another second, she formed a cultivation essence giant hand and grabbed Li Fengyuan and Feng Xiao in it, before throwing them both towards where the members of her Feng family. 

Flowing all her cultivation essence together with her spiritual force from her consciousness sea, Feng Zhiyun urged the two mysterious forces within her dantian that Ling Tian gave her, recalling again that feeling from the past when she was with Ling Tian and he cured her, teaching her an unforgettable vision and amazing power. 

Two small dots began to glow in different color, black and white, red and blue, green and brown, different glows began to emerge inside Feng Zhiyun's dantian as they spun and flew around each other, as if responding to the circulation of the cultivation essence and backing Feng Zhiyun in her movement. 

The death-filled aura spread out like a fog, wanting to cover all the cultivators, from youths to adults, men and women alike. 

"Shit! What is this!" 

"What's going on!" 

"Damn you!" 

"First elder, save me!" 

"Bastard- your excellency, why are you doing this?" 

"W-who are you?" 

"Sect master, this old man..." 

"Who is that old man?" 

The countless cultivators who arrived on the scene, as well as other youths who were already previously at this place, screamed in terror and for help as the mist covered them. 

In front of everyone, the first cultivators who were caught by the mist filled with the death aura, aged in an instant, turning from young and middle-aged men, to weak and dying old men, to finally die as their bodies rotted at great speed, as if their hopes of life had been cut off and their vitalities came to an end. 

Not even a whole body was left! 

The bodies withered and thinned in seconds and minutes, turning to dust in the end! 

Even several Feng family experts and Dong family experts who were still fighting each other were overtaken by this dark mist, experts from the separation and reunion realm to some great ascension realm experts became old in a few seconds, turning their bodies weak and thin, withered without vitality, to finally turn to dust as well. 


Feng Junze exclaimed anxiously when he saw that his father, Feng Ye, was being pushed towards the death-filled mist rank by Dong Lin as he burst out with slightly superior power to Feng Ye. But Feng Junze couldn't even get rid of patriarch Dong Hong, when the latter also burst out with a power superior to him. 

Feng Ye's pupils shrank in terror when he saw that he was about to touch the death-filled mist as he arduously defended himself from Dong Lin's attacks. 

 * Rumble~ * 

Suddenly, the sky subtly trembled as an unknown but strange force began to surge. 

Everyone present couldn't help but look in a certain specific direction, looking at one person in particular. 


The dying old man finally blinked in surprise and confusion as his gaze focused on Feng Zhiyun. 

Feng Zhiyun's extravagant but beautiful silver hair fluttered in the wind, an aura completely different from her own aura emerged from her, as her cultivation base seemed to soar into the heavens, breaking through all the limitations of her body and becoming a supreme being for an instant! 

The dark mist filled with death chi of the dying old man that was spreading rapidly stopped in an instant, even began to shrink slightly. 

Feng Zhiyun's eyes shone attractively like the sun, and then she gradually began to frown. Feng Zhiyun waved both arms and the next second the dark mist was receding, retreating from Feng Ye and the other experts who had been caught at the last moment. 

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