Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 963: The World's First Genius In The Past!

Hou Qing walked with a firm but proud step, showing a superior bearing on the spot. He lifted his chest higher and his aura became much sharper, like a peerless warrior on the battlefield returning victorious from his battle and is about to meet his beloved. 


Finally, Hou Qing arrived near the table where the three of them were. A frown appeared on him as he felt a strange invisible barrier preventing him from walking on, as if it were an invisible wall. 

He had barely tried vaguely and Hou Qing discovered that even with his half-step body condensation cultivation base he could not break through the barrier. Which means it is a higher grade barrier! 

There was a separation and reunion realm expert master? It might even be an expert of the great ascension realm! 

Feng Zhiyun watched Hou Qing for two seconds before she let out a sigh filled with boredom and shook her head slightly. Li Fengyuan barely shot a glance at the guy who had stolen the spotlight before closing her eyes again as she recited her sword technique in her consciousness. Only Feng Xiao glanced at Hou Qing and then looked at the two women beside him, finally making a faint grimace.

"Then it's true!" 

Not wanting to make a fool of himself by futilely trying to pass the barrier, Hou Qing exclaimed, "The famous daughter of the Great Feng Family has recovered!" 

Instantly, an unparalleled silence spread throughout the hall for a couple of seconds, before murmurs, exclamations and shouts of surprise erupted in an instant. 

"What? She's the famous daughter of the great Feng family? One of the most powerful families in the world?" 

"Feng Zhiyun! The blessed daughter of the heavens who is said to be born with unparalleled talent even from ancient times!" 

"Wasn't she sick? It had even been said that she had died upon finding no cure or salvation for her problem with her cultivation!" 

"Countless masters and experts tried to help her but were unsuccessful! It is even said that the Grand Master of the Resurrection Pill was unable to help her!" 

"But then, how did she recover?" 

"She even became more beautiful than before!" 


From the youngest to the oldest of the current generation were shocked to realize that the famous heavenly daughter from the past had appeared in this place. 

Feng Zhiyun is the eldest daughter of the great Feng family, one of the leading forces of the Heaven Territory, and one of the most beautiful leading young women in the entire continent. Her talent and intellect, coupled with her elegance and unparalleled beauty, had made her the target of many men in the past. 

This young woman was born with a supreme unique talent in which it is said that at age 5 she began cultivating easily, reaching the chi gathering realm maximum stage at age 8, foundation establishment realm maximum stage at age 12, at age 17 she reached the upper limit of the golden core realm and six years later she reached the peak of the nascent soul realm, becoming a peerless top expert and genius before her 30th year, a peerless talent never seen before, even in thousands of years! 

She quickly became the world's first peerless genius, towering above all other geniuses the world spoke of. She even overshadowed the geniuses of the previous generation, proving that in just a few years she had reached the great realms that took them decades and even hundreds of years to attain! 

An expert of the nascent soul realm at less than 30 years old! Where in the world would you find such a person? It has been impossible even since time immemorial! 

This young woman barely in her early 20's, who was the epitome of beauty and talent, was a proud and strong woman, the Dao Companion desired and longed for by all men! 

Unfortunately, a deviation in her cultivation crippled all her strength, damaging her base and causing her several serious injuries to her body, even severely affecting her to such an extent that she became as delicate as a flower in agony. The supreme talent that once made her shine and stand out above the other geniuses and made her unique could no longer be seen or found. It was even said that the heavens themselves were so jealous and angry that they sent a punishment for her, not allowing her to cultivate and thus quickly die with her life expectancy rapidly declining as if she was completely sick. 

The Feng family asked for help to assist Feng Zhiyun. Requests spread to all corners of the world, issuing that if they could help the great daughter of the Feng family, they would pay with countless cultivation resources and could even come under the Feng family's tutelage to cultivate! 

Many daring men, as well as young masters of great main forces, leading disciples of top-tier sects and other world-renowned experts, rushed to the Feng family to try to help Feng Zhiyun by bringing unparalleled cultivation treasures and tempting their fates. However, taking advantage of the situation, many tried to engage with the great daughter of the Feng family, for if she managed to recover, she would become beautiful again and even regain her talent, something no one would hesitate to squander such a situation. 

Unexpectedly, no medicinal treasures, no high-level pills and even unique and powerful cultivation resources could help the great daughter of the Feng family. It was as if Feng Zhiyun's problem had no cure and she was destined to die in a few years. 

Gradually the world forgot about Feng Zhiyun as the years passed, forgetting that once Feng Zhiyun stood gloriously at the top with never-before-seen talent. Only pity and nostalgia remained when remembering her. 

But now, seeing the extravagant beauty, especially that shining silver hair accompanying an unparalleled beautiful face, people's past memories began to emerge, relating the current Feng Zhiyun to the Feng Zhiyun of the past they knew. Those who once got to see her in the past shine as the world's first genius began to recognize her. 

It is her! 

Feng Zhiyun! 

The great daughter of the Feng Family is here! 

How come they didn't recognize her? 

Has she really recovered from her problem? But if she hadn't, then she wouldn't have become so attractive and perfect! 

Rumors, exclamations and other comments flooded the place like huge unstoppable waves. Gazes fell on Feng Zhiyun, from astonishment and shock, to adoration, infatuation and anticipation. 

Everyone wanted to approach the table, even those who previously could not cross the strange force that prevented them from approaching wanted to try again. If they managed to have even a faint connection or were remembered by Feng Zhiyun, it would be worth it. As a proud daughter of the Feng family, meet her even being a little disciple would be the blessing of all the ancestors! 

Feng Zhiyun frowned as a tinge of annoyance crossed her eyes. She looked at Hou Qing, knowing that this guy was trying to get attention. Now the news that she had recovered would be known around the world, and she would no longer be able to go unnoticed, though she didn't care much about that either. 

"From what I see, you seem to have fully recovered, or am I wrong?" Hou Qing narrowed his gaze, with a glint in his eyes of fascination as he saw Feng Zhiyun's face and looked at that gorgeous silver hair, which conveyed an extravagant and unique beauty, making Feng Zhiyun more beautiful unlike in the past, just as Hou Qing remembered. 

However, Hou Qing was somewhat envious looking at Feng Zhiyun, feeling fascination and jealousy intermingled. If Feng Zhiyun has recovered, doesn't it mean that her talent also recovered? If that is true, then Feng Zhiyun's talent will take her to the top once again, taking her to heaven in one step like in the past! 

That means his position as the leader of the current generation will pass to Feng Zhiyun! 

Although this tournament will be decided to see who will be the leader of this current generation after such a long time, Hou Qing has remained undefeated and arrogant in first place, proving that his strength has reached a peak and can even compete a little and keep up for a few seconds with the old generation! 

Feng Zhiyun narrowed her eyes and then shifted her gaze to the guy behind Hou Qing, Miao Wucheng. 

Miao Wucheng, the eldest son of the Miao family, one of the three main families that allied with the Yuan family and Dong family to attack them. No doubt Miao Wucheng's father, Miao Yucheng, will have told his son about what happened and that she must have recovered when he saw her at that time. 

The stability of the Miao family would undoubtedly be totally damaged when Ling Tian killed their ancestor, getting rid of one of the main and most important pillars of the Miao family, a top expert of the great ascension realm. 

And now Miao Wucheng stood behind Hou Qing, like a silent follower while avoiding Feng Zhiyun's gaze. There is no doubt that the Miao family is now keeping a low profile to try to avoid trouble and joining other forces to stabilize themselves, especially to avoid the news that their ancestor has died. 

"I hope we can exchange ideas and advice later in the tournament, and you can guide me through some problems if we meet directly, fellow Zhiyun." 

Seeing that Feng Zhiyun had no intention of removing the strange invisible barrier, Hou Qing smiled elegantly and politely to eventually retreat. 

"Who are you? I don't remember you." 

However, Feng Zhiyun said indifferently, causing Hou Qing to be stunned upon hearing it. 

The whole place was filled with an awkward silence. Many gazes fell on Hou Qing, making him even more uncomfortable. 

"My name is Hou Qing, and I am the core disciple of the World Sovereignty Sect! As well as the current Sect Master's disciple!" 

Hou Qing shook off the discomfort and exclaimed firmly, feeling proud of his background. He even added being the disciple of the Sect Master. With all this, it would be strange if Feng Zhiyun didn't recognize him. 

"Ahh... so you're that guy..." Feng Zhiyun casually replied, unfazed upon learning Hou Qing's identity. 

Although she had investigated these past few days the major important changes in the world, as well as some of the famous talents in the territory, Feng Zhiyun only superficially inquired without meddling any further. She only knew the names of the famous talents and a little bit of their abilities, but she didn't even know how they were or what they looked like, until she came to this meeting and collected more information. 

Also, last but most importantly, how could Feng Zhiyun want to know about another man when her heart only has Ling Tian permanently marked on it? The other men are of no value or importance to her! 

What do the men present in this place have to do with her? 

If it were up to Feng Zhiyun, she would stay at home, especially next to Di Ji, since she has the special token given by Ling Tian that contains his aura! The moment Ling Tian returns again, she would most likely track Di Ji down and he would appear before them, just like when he saved them in the little mysterious realm! 

Feng Zhiyun is just waiting for Ling Tian's return. She even left a special guard at home to come and warn her once Ling Tian appeared at the Feng family residence. In the meantime, she came to search for the medicinal materials Ling Tian needed, that's only why she came to this meeting. 

"Don't bother, I won't participate in the tournament, so you don't have to worry about me stealing the spotlight from you!" 

Feng Zhiyun snorted, causing Hou Qing to be dumbfounded. Feng Zhiyun could see Hou Qing's character at a glance, and she could see the envy and fear in Hou Qing, thinking that she would be a hindrance for him. 

With her current cultivation base, it would be an insult to herself to try to participate in this tournament. Why not better concentrate on finding the medicinal herbs Ling Tian needed? Then she could surprise him when he returns, and change his opinion about her.

Discomfort, shock, anger, rage, envy, shame and so on swirled in Hou Qing, feeling Feng Zhiyun's disdain on him, as if she was telling him that he was not worth it. 

Hou Qing was about to turn away when out of the corner of his eye he noticed the figure beside Feng Zhiyun, inwardly startled once again to see that another peerless beauty on the same level as Feng Zhiyun was present. But he did not recognize her despite watching her for more than two seconds. 

But the gazes were like arrows that seemed to want to pierce through his back, so Hou Qing decided to withdraw in order not to receive any more attention. He did not even turn to look at the man wearing a mask standing next to Feng Zhiyun. 

This small but important incident went smoothly, with most going back to their own business while discussing with their own acquaintances and friends. However, most still turned to look at Feng Zhiyun and Li Fengyuan at her side, wondering if this famous fairy from the past would shine once again, sweeping away everyone in her path as she positioned herself as the first leader of the current generation. 

Seeing that there was no more sense, Feng Xiao took off his mask, being recognized almost immediately and confirming the identity of Feng Zhiyun! 

The place filled up and finally several groups that were absent began to arrive, especially the main and most important forces of the heaven territory, the sects and top-tier families that control certain regions. 

Feng Zhiyun's eyes narrowed as she noticed one individual in particular, instantly recognizing him as he became her main target this time: the young master of the Dong family! 

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