Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 621: The Battle of Christophsis (3)

Chapter 621: The Battle of Christophsis (3)

The battle on Christophsis broke out on a large scale, turning the attention of the entire Galaxy, whether it is the Galactic Republic or the Confederacy of Independent Systems, to this place.

This Planet with a population of 35 Billion and a large number of Rare Resources immediately became the core of the competition.

But in fact, both sides of the battle on this Planet have difficulties, because Christophsis is close to the Hutt Space, not far from Geonosis and Tatooine, and several Traffic Routes around the Planet are under the control of the Hutts.

On the most important Hyperspace Lane on this Planet—the Corellian Run [Note:1], the spheres of influence of the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Galactic Republic are intertwined, and each side is setting up a large number of Hyperspace Blockers, making it very difficult for the Fleets to pass through. In this Hyperspace Lane divided into four sections, both sides can only navigate freely within their own control range.

After learning that the Battle of Christophsis was going on outside the plan, General Grievous, the Supreme Military Commander of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, personally intervened in the matter, asking why Passel Argente had rashly acted without informing him.

Passel Argente would naturally not admit that this was because of his own selfishness, so he perfunctorily said to General Grievous that it was because he had found an opportunity to instigate the Kerkoidens, and he needed to Intervene as soon as possible before the riots were quelled, or the opportunity will be lost.

Moreover, in order to prevent others from participating in this battle, Passel Argente assured General Grievous that the Corporate Alliance had the ability to complete the campaign independently and completely occupy Christophsis.

General Grievous had no choice but to believe his words, because he was also very busy right now, and he was personally planning a surprise attack on Kamino.

Moreover, the Corporate Alliance's attack on Christophsis made the Galactic Republic very nervous. They dispatched at least 40 Venator-class Star Destroyers to besiege Falleen, intending to open up the Corellian Run. This also made the Fleets in the hands of the Republic become more and more stretched.

Now that he had boasted so much, Passel Argente had no choice but to grit his teeth, secretly cursing Admiral Trench who proposed this plan. However, since the start of the battle, Admiral Trench's performance is beyond reproach. He destroyed the Defense Fleet of Christophsis, blocked the perimeter of the Planet, and everything was done perfectly.

Passel Argente had to start looking for more reinforcements for Whorm Loathsom. In fact, the B-1 Battle Droids were easy to find, and the Standard E-5 Blaster Rifle that the Droid was equipped with was more or less available. But a battle can't just have B-1s bludgeoning with Blaster Rifles, can it?

More equipment, including Rocket Launchers and Missile Launchers, needs to be deployed, and those Heavy Combat Machines must be planned for use.

In the end, Passel Argente had to stop the attack on the Bothans, and withdrew his troops from the direction of the Bothans Homeworld, Bothawui, to free up more Equipment and send them to Christophsis. Of course, doing so is tantamount to giving the Galactic Republic a victory.

He also went on to purchase a batch of Octuptarra Magna Tri-Droids from Techno Union Foreman Wat Tambor. This is an enlarged version of the Octuptarra Combat Tri-Droid, which has enlarged the original 3.6-meter-high Droid to a height of 14.59 meters, and installed Three Powerful Heavy Ordnance Launchers, which can launch up to 48 Shells and Multiple Laser Cannons.

The Heavy Ordnance Launchers and Laser Cannons on the spherical body of this Droid can fire in turn as the body rotates, allowing them to cool down and store energy so that it can shoot with greater power. When faced with multi-directional attacks, they can also fire in multiple directions simultaneously.

In short, the enlarged version of the Tri-Droid will play a very powerful role in street fighting, which is why Passel Argente wants to buy this Droid.

New types of Droids and more reinforcements began to be thrown into Christophsis one after another, and Whorm Loathsom, who had received reinforcements, launched another attack.

This time, he defeated the defenders of Christophsis and outflanked Bail Organa and his Clone Army on the eastern outskirts with superior force!

Whorm surrounded this tough bone without attacking it and marched directly towards the Capital Crystal City, Chaleydonia. These Tri-Droids are huge, and their firepower is directly condescending so that Christophsian Soldiers hiding behind the Bunker have no room to escape.

The battle began to enter the interior of Chaleydonia, and wars began to ignite everywhere in this Huge City. The War Refugees who were forced to be displaced by the fighting fled from the City and hid in the suburbs.

Bail Organa almost broke the Communicatior to the Galactic Republic. Anyway, his Military Ability is average, and all Command and Operations are handed over to the Clone Officer.

The Supreme Strategic Command of the Galactic Republic is also very anxious. Their Fleet is blocked on Falleen and cannot advance, however, if a Smaller Fleet sneaks over there, it is absolutely impossible to break through Admiral Trench's Solid Space Defense Line.

Therefore, they turned their attention to Hutt Space, specifically—Tatooine!

This battle completely alarmed Count Dooku and Darth Sidious. After discussion, they planned a conspiracy, a conspiracy to draw the Hutts into the War and become enemies of the Republic!

On July 19th, the Overlord of Tatooine, the Hutt, Gardulla Besadii, was suddenly attacked while traveling and Gardulla was kidnapped.

The worst thing is that in this attack, almost all the evidence points to the Jedi Knights!

Including Coarse Cloth Robes, corpses cut into sections by Lightsabers, and even fragments of Delta-7 Starfighters!

As soon as the incident happened, the Hutts were in an uproar, and Arok Besadii, one of the members of the Grand Hutt Council, directly called Palpatine's Office.


[Note 1: I got the Hyperspace Lane name mixed up in previous chapters. It is the Corellian Run, not the Corellian Trade Spine. This error on my part has been fixed. -Translator S.M. fr𝙤m fre𝒆webnov(e)

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