Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 603: Gray Businessman

Chapter 603: Gray Businessman

After finishing the communication with Passel Argente, Yuri Orlov let out a long sigh of relief, and rubbed his face vigorously with both hands, looking very tired.

After a while, he dialed another communication again, and the commercial smile returned to his face.

What appeared in the Holographic Projection was a Jedi Knight——Anakin Skywalker!

"I've kept you waiting, dear Jedi Knight." Although Yuri Orlov was smiling, there was a hint of sarcasm in his tone, "I always thought that I would never be able to do business with a Jedi Knight in my life. Well, at most, I was caught and sent to prison by you again, huh?"

Anakin Skywalker's face was very gloomy, he gritted his teeth and said: "I need to recover the Rhen Var, but I don't have enough Heavy Firepower to hit the Separatist Tanks, I need a lot of Bazookas and even Anti-Tank Guns!"

"Oh..." Yuri Orlov suddenly realized, "With the productivity of the Republic, do you really need to rely on Smuggling Channels to obtain Weapons?"

"The Hyperspace Lane has been blocked by the Separatists, and support cannot be delivered in a short time, and I don't want to wait!" Anakin said seriously.

"Okay, then we can talk about the price," Yuri-Olov said, spreading his hands.

"The money will be secured through the treasury of the Republic!" said Anakin Skywalker.

"I think you got one thing wrong, Young Jedi." Yuri Orlov shook his head. "We are doing a gray business. Do you know what gray is? Oh, it's my favorite color, because it is neither white nor black..."

"I don't want to talk about your preferences!" Anakin snapped.

"You should understand that it is impossible for the Republic to approve this payment. As I said, the gray area, the law, is not allowed." Yuri Orlov smiled slightly, "So, unfortunately, the deal cannot be concluded."

"What do you want me to do!" Anakin said impatiently.

"I'm a businessman, so it's very simple, just give me money." Yuri Orlov thought for a while, and then said: "But I think you probably can't afford the money, so let's do it, I'll give you a way."


"You want to recover Rhen Var, right? Although I don't know why you are interested in this remote Planet, as far as I know, the Confederacy of Independent Systems has blocked the Hyperspace Navigation of the Tion Trade Route, and for the Army of the Republic, It's hard to get there, and... I don't think they will invest any power on this Planet that has no strategic value." Yuri Orlov said with a smile. "Get to the point!" Anakin's patience was exhausted, he said through gritted teeth.

"Well, I know that there is a Military Base of the Republic on Rhen Var. According to the standard configuration of the Republic, a Military Base has to at least be equipped with Hyperspace Detectors, Hyperspace Communicators, and a large number of Weapons and Ammunition. ...I can give you a batch of Weapons that can definitely deal a fatal blow to the Armored Assault Tanks of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and give you a chance to win the battle. But when you win, the Hyperspace Detectors and Communicators on Rhen Var, as well as half of the Weapons inventory, will belong, to me." Yuri Orlov said.

"That is the property of the Republic!"

"Who knows? Maybe the Separatist Droids moved all this stuff after they took over the Base?"

Anakin Skywalker had a gloomy face, and after a while, he said word by word: "That's it, deal."

"Then, happy cooperation." Yuri Orlov agreed with Anakin on the delivery method and location and closed the communication.

After that, he fell on the sofa as if he was exhausted, picked up a glass of whiskey, took a sip, and whispered in his native language, "Осёл..."

Then he picked up the communicator, hesitated for a moment, and then connected to a frequency band that he hadn't contacted for a long time.

In the Holographic Projection, a familiar face appeared, handsome, with melancholy lake-blue eyes. It was his younger brother, Vitaly Olov.

"I need your help, Vitaly," Yuri Orlov said wearily.

Vitaly in the projection was well dressed, and he didn't look down at all. He just shook his head and said lightly: "Your business is very good, Yuri, I won't participate."

Yuri Orlov became anxious, "So you follow that Anti-War Organization? Is it useful? Is it useful? Look around you! The whole Galaxy is already fighting! Although Tang Xiao is a fucking piece of shit, he predicted this event ten years ago! This is our opportunity!"

"That's why we want to end this war when each of you is running towards it," Vitaly Orlov said.

"Fuck You!! Isn't the war over when the outcome is decided? Is there something wrong with us just making money from it? At least it's better than making money with shit like the Fourth Group and Trade Union!" Yuri cursed.

"You don't understand, Yuri. Here I found my lifelong dream. I want to help people! I can't bear to see your Weapons piercing someone's chest, we will never work together again Brother." Vitaly said lightly.

"So? This is how you want to be remembered? Waving billboards at the gates of those warlords and begging them not to fight?" Yuri finally got angry, "Listen, Vitaly, you have nothing in your hand, nothing! Don't expect those Warlords to listen to you!"

"Will Count Dooku listen to you? Will Tang Xiao? You have no role other than to intensify this war." Vitaly didn't want to talk anymore, he cut off the communication directly.

"Fuck! Fuck!!!" Yuri Orlov cursed loudly, overturning all the wine glasses and fruit plates on the small coffee table in front of him.

The Cleaning Droid that had been on standby slid over immediately and began to clean up the garbage on the ground.

Yuri Orlov calmed down and then connected to a secret frequency band, "Listen, let's count the Anti-Tank Weapons we have now... No, as many as possible! If you can't make up the number, then the RPGs can also dug out from the bottom of the box for me!... M41 SPNKr? Yeah! M41 SPNKr is a good thing! Double-barreled Rocket Launcher, enough firepower! I need 10,000 Launchers and 100,000 rounds of Anti-Tank Missiles! ... OK! You're a fucking bastard! I'll tell that fucking Forth Group myself!"

After speaking, he jumped up and kicked the Cleaning Droid, but the Droid didn't move at all, he stumbled, then wiped his face again, his expression became humble, and he connected the communication.

"Hi! Miss Gross, long time no see..." He kept his signature smile and approached the beauty in public costume in the holographic projection.

In fact, after he left Tang Xiao to work on his own, although he established relationships with some manufacturers on Corellia, he was still frustrated to find that his largest Supply Channel was still Tang Xiao's subordinates, the Fourth group.

Although his Arms Business became bigger and bigger, becoming one of the largest Private Arms Dealers in the Galaxy, in the end, he still failed to escape the control of Dawn

Sometimes Yuri even wondered, sometimes, if his brother wanted to live more freely.

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