Chapter 596: Hatred

The Outer Rim of the Galaxy, Rhen Var.

This Planet was once a Green Planet full of life and vitality, but Thousands of Years ago, the orbit of the Planet suddenly changed, which turned the Planet into a dead star covered in ice and snow.

However, this Planet, which has almost no strategic value, is now being invaded by the Confederacy of Independent Systems on a large scale.

Six Lucrehulk-class Battleships entered orbit outside the Planet, the giant dragonfly-shaped figure of the C-9979 Landing Craft appeared in the atmosphere of the Planet, and 300,000 B-1 Battle Droids rushed towards the Military Base set up by the Republic like a tide ā€”Bravo Base.

The Soldiers of the Republic in the Base are all Local Defense Forces, ordinary people, and they are all pale in the face of this overwhelming Droid Army. But so far, they have no other choice but to fight to the death.

Countless Droids have blocked every exit of the base and launched a crazy attack. The C-9979 Landing Crafts in the sky are also constantly transporting more Droids and Armored Assault Tanks down.

Fortunately, Bravo Base was expanded from the relics left over from the Mandalorian War Thousands of Years ago. It has a complete Defense System. These Soldiers rely on those Turrets to resist desperately.

A large number of Vulture Droid Starfighters were raging in the sky, and the Anti-Aircraft fire inside the Base did not show any weakness. Dozens of Laser Cannons fired wildly, shooting down the Vulture Droid Starfighters like swatting flies.

However, this kind of resistance is only temporary. With the continuous rise and fall of the Landing Crafts, Armored Units began to appear in the Droid. Hundreds of Armored Assault Tanks appeared outside the Defense Line of the Base, Turbolaser Cannons fired continuously, and the greater threat was 20 huge figures more than ten kilometers away.

HAG-M Heavy Artillery Gun!

This Heavy Artillery Gun Motor Tank is transformed from the chassis of the Armored Assault Tank. On this huge 31-meter-long chassis, a Heavy Energy Projectile Cannon is installed along with two Point Defense Laser Cannons. As these HAG-M Heavy Artillery Guns lower their brackets and turn off their Repulsorlifts, it is terrifying. The Heavy Artillery made a deafening roar!

The Heavy Energy Projectiles fell, and the defense of the Bravo Base finally began to loosen.

At the same time, in the sky, there were two Delta-7 Starfighter jets bravely facing the hundreds of Vulture Droid Starfighters.

However, even if there were only two of them, those Vulture Droid Starfighters couldn't touch them at all.

The two Starfighters rolled nimbly, took advantage of the fleeting opportunity to fire, and shot down one Vulture Droid Starfighter after another.

Obi-Wan Kenobi was in one of these Starfighters, and even he had a hard time facing the overwhelming Vulture Droid Starfighters and had to often retreat into the Base's Anti-Aircraft fire circle to take a short breath.

He pressed the fire button, and the Blaster Cannon in front of the Delta-7 Starfighter fired immediately, smashing a Vulture Droid Starfighter in front into a ball of fire, and looked at another Delta-7 Starfighter that was fighting with more than a dozen Starfighters ahead. Obi-Wan, sighed, and said in the communication: "Anakin, don't you want to say something?"

There was no response, the Starfighter just accelerated suddenly and then destroyed two Vulture Droid Starfighters in succession, but there was still silence in the communication.

"Anakin!! Answer!!" Obi-Wan yelled.

"Say what?" came Anakin Skywalker's young but icy voice.

"You've been like this since we set off from Coruscant! Your situation is very bad. I don't know why Senator Amidala's injury has hit you so badly." Obi-Wan said with a sigh.

Anakin fell silent again, and Obi-Wan waited for a while, and when he was about to shout again, he finally said, "There is nothing to say, Master. If only I could make the war end sooner so that no one will Hurt."

"I'm glad you have such an idea, but this is not an excuse for your current situation Anakin, you are being very dangerous," Obi-Wan said.

"I understand, Master." Anakin replied lightly, followed by another moment of silence, and then seemed to feel that this was not appropriate, so he asked again: "What should we do next?"

"This Base can no longer be defended. The Separatists have come with Six Lucrehulk-class Battleships. This force is absolutely unshakable. We should evacuate the Soldiers in the Base as much as possible." Obi-Wan said, "See the Artillery over there? Destroy them, and then we can organize an evacuation."

"Leave it to me." After Anakin finished speaking, he drove the fighter jet to accelerate towards the positions of the HAG-M Heavy Artillery Guns.

"Anakin!! Oh...F..." Obi-Wan yelled to no avail and almost cursed while covering his forehead.


Tang Xiao came to the medical room, looked at Severance Tann who was lying on the hospital bed, and said lightly: "I already know the situation of the battle, you made a good start, Tann, but you got a stupid ending ."

"That damned Jedi Knight! I swear that I will chop him into pieces with my own hands!!" Sev'rance Tann said through gritted teeth.

"This is not what you should do. I admit that you are excellent, but you should use your genius where it should be. You command the Fleet and can easily wipe out millions of Republic Troops. You should not go to the frontline and go to compete with one or two Jedi Knights, your Force is too weak." Tang Xiao said.

"This is not a conflict!" Tann said loudly, she turned her head to look at her empty right hand, furious, "I will have revenge!!"

"It seems that you haven't learned your lesson yet, narcissist, I should have left you in Sarapin if I had known earlier, just die." Eldra Kaitis said coldly.

"Hmph!!" Facing her saviour, Sev'rance Tann couldn't get into a fit, so she snorted coldly, turned her head away, and stopped talking.

"I can help you get your arm back." Tang Xiao said.

"No! After I kill that Jedi, of course, I will! Before that, I will leave this symbol of shame! Help me install a Mechanical Arm." Sev'rance Tann said with a grim expression.

"Up to you." Tang Xiao left this sentence, turned around and walked out.

He went directly to the most secret room, and in one of the Bacta Tanks, there was the body of a Bith - Darth Tenebrous.

A gust of wind hit, and then a gloomy and hoarse voice appeared in Darth Malthael's ear, "The two toys you sent are very good! Although they are determined, they cannot escape death." Corrosion, I have lured them to the Dark Side."

"What do you think about the Sith after the balance of The Force?" Darth Malthael asked suddenly.

"What do you want to say?" The phantom of Darth Tenebrous floated around Darth Malthael's body.

"It's like a lamp. When the light is on, there will be light naturally, but at the same time, on the opposite side of the light, there will also be shadows." Darth Malthael said lightly: "Once the Light is gone, the Darkness will also disappear, no longer exist. After this Sith and Jedi, you should have thought about this question?"

This is updated by fr(e)ewš¯’†bnov(e)

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