Chapter 591: Sacrifice

The fierce battle between 6,000 and 20,000 began immediately. On the scorching plain of Sarapin, terrible flames burst out between the two Artificial Armies.

The B-1 Battle Droids are holding E-5 Blaster Rifles, arranged in a line at an interval of 10 meters, and keep moving forward while shooting. The B-2 Super Battle Droids are a little more flexible and have more powerful firepower. They have Dual Blasters installed on their right arms, and they raise their hands and fire almost without interruption.

The Droid Army did not have a program setting for finding a Bunker. In fact, even in the Alaris Prime battle, Sev'rance Tann asked these Droids to dig trenches, but only let these Droids perform the "trench digging" and "trench fighting" respectively. Among them are the two simple instructions of 'stand and shoot'.

This is how the Droid Army of the Confederacy of Independent Systems relies on the absolute superiority of firepower brought by its huge numbers to offset the shortcomings of being unable to use Bunkers and cooperate with teams. On this point, even a talented General like Severance Tann can't change it.

But in fact, having said that, in the face of the Opponent's Lifeless Army and the overwhelming hail of bullets, there are almost no ordinary people who have the courage to face it, or even launch a counterattack.

The only thing that can be done is - Human Cloning!

I saw that the Clone Troopers formed a group of 5 Soldiers, using Three-Dimensional Firepower, alternately advancing, and Scattered Combat Tactics to the extreme!

In order to prevent the opponent's terrifying 'Death Beam' attack, they spread out their formations, often at a distance of 30 meters, and adjusted their formations at any time according to the battle situation. Once encountering an enemy, the contacting unit will look for cover on the spot and provide fire support. Some other Clone Troopers are responsible for providing flank firepower, some are responsible for using Heavy Weapons such as Rocket Launchers from the rear, and some are responsible for outflanking. The cooperation between them is completely seamless!

Faced with such a position built by a team of 5 Clone Troopers, the brainless charging Droid Army often has to pay more than ten times the price to conquer it. Not to mention there are teams of other Clone Troopers around to provide support!

In the temporary Headquarters, Sev'rance Tann looked at the screen projected from the Omni-Took on her wrist with a gloomy expression.

She found that the loss rate of her Droids exceeded her previous calculations. Even with a three times superiority in strength, the Droid Army was unable to advance an inch, and the battleline even showed signs of retreating!

Through the images of the battlefield, she looked at those brave Clone Troopers in White Armor and realized that the enemy she faced this time was no longer the idiot Army of the previous Republic, but the Galactic Republic, the ruler of the Galaxy with 25,000 years of heritage!

Sev'rance Tann thought for a while, and gave instructions to the OOM Command Battle Droid on the side, "The whole Army stops advancing and shoots on the spot. After 1 minute, the units with Odd Serial Numbers will advance and attack, stop after 1 minute, and then Even-Serial Numbered units advance to assault... Decimator Tanks continue to shoot at opposing Armored Units."

Since AI can't do it, let's - micromanage it!

The action mode of the Droids on the battlefield changed suddenly. Under Sev'rance Tann's simple but effective instructions for Droids, the actions of the Droid Army began to become more complicated. The Clone Troopers also found that those Droids who were not so good were now almost wiping them out.

Sev'rance Tann continued to adjust, and she began to intentionally draw back the Droid Army's attack route, creating more shooting opportunities for the Decimator Tanks. Relying on the incomparably powerful Plasma Beam, there are very few AT-TE Walkers left in the Republic Army.

Not only that, when she realized the strength of the Clone Army, she also began to mobilize more Droids from the direction of Mount Corvast for reinforcements.

"Come on! For the Republic!!" Stam Reath swung his Lightsaber and kept deflecting the Blaster Energy Beams while shouting slogans and charging straight up.

Just as the Jedi Padawan Stam Reath led the Army to launch an assault bravely, Shen-Jon, who was meditating in the rear, also opened his eyes suddenly. Under the powerful Force, even in his pupils, there was a flash of Light.

"Among The Force, I still see failure." Shen-Jon said slowly to himself, "But under the blessing of the Earth, I will definitely win!"

He pressed a few times on the Hyperspace Communicator, and ten minutes later, a V-19 Torrent Starfighter flew crookedly from the sky. The Pilot opened the cockpit, jumped out, and said to him with a Military salute: "General! It's down."

Shen-Jon nodded, "Thank you for your hard work. Next, leave it to me."

"General, the electromagnetic environment on Sarapin is very complicated, the Electronic Systems, the Turbolift and even Thrusters of Starfighters will be disturbed..." the Pilot persuaded.

"This is the only way to victory." After Shen-Jon finished speaking, he cut off the cockpit cover with a backhand of his Lightsaber, started the Thrusters and drove the open-top Starfighter into the air.


But at this moment, more and more Droids rushed to the battlefield, and the remaining Clone Army began to struggle.

Seeing such a situation, Stam Reath decisively decided to concentrate the last forces and carry out a desperate assault on the Enemy Headquarters!

Stam Reath rushed to the front wielding his Lightsaber, and he attracted a lot of firepower by himself. The Decimator Tanks fired at him once, but he was predicted in advance by the concentrated Reath and avoided it.

Looking at the very blurred image of the battlefield due to interference, Sev'rance Tann snorted coldly, "Hmph! Another Jedi Knight."

Swish!! With the Yellow Lightsaber out of its sheath, she walked out of the temporary Command Center and rushed towards Stam Reath at an extremely fast speed. Hundreds of B-2 Super Battle Droids followed closely behind.

Stam Reath is fighting bravely. He has already broken into the formation of the Droid Army. His Lightsaber is swung by him like clouds and flowing water, but it is almost impossible to splash water, and all Blaster Beams are blocked by him. Even the Missiles and Rockets launched were affected by his Force, deviated from the direction, and exploded in the formation of those Droids.

It would be fine if he was alone, but with him were Thousands of Elite Clone Troopers!

"Die!!" Stam Reath yelled, swiping the Lightsaber quickly, splitting several B-1 Battle Droids around him into two in an instant.

However, before he could catch his breath, he suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis. The long-term training made him subconsciously swing his Lightsaber to block it.

Buzz~~~~~! A Yellow Lightsaber suddenly slashed over and collided with his Lightsaber. His Lightsaber restrained her Lightsaber as they repel each other, making it almost difficult for him to hold the hilt of the Lightsaber tightly. At the same time, there is also a powerful Force rushing over!

"Jedi Knights appeared again...hehehehe..." Sev'rance Tann sneered, "I'm starting to feel addicted to appreciating your despair and death!"

"The fallen...will be punished!" Reath yelled angrily. He used all his strength to slam Tann's Lightsaber away and rushed forward with the sword.

With a mocking smile on Sev'rance Tann's face, he easily resisted Reath's attack. In the previous battles, he had already consumed too much physical strength. Well, not an opponent at all.

The B-2 Super Battle Droid behind also stepped forward and fired wildly, forcing back the Clone Troopers who wanted to come to support.

"You...traitors who betrayed the Republic!" Although Stam Reath had already fallen into a disadvantage, he was already reluctant to resist Sev'rance Tann's Lightsaber, but his fighting spirit remained undiminished, and he still roared and fought bravely at the same time.

"Oh, the rotten Republic won't give you any respect, Jedi Knight. At least, I'll give you a decent death." Sev'rance Tann grinned, pushing Reath back step by step.

Reath's resistance became more and more difficult. He didn't notice that behind him, a B-2 Super Battle Droid raised an iron fist and punched him on the back of the head!

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