Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 574: The Battle In The Bag

Chapter 574: The Battle In The Bag

On Rwookawarrump Island, the Communication Base Station set up by the Wookiees finally collapsed amidst the explosion and flames. The remaining DSD1 Dwarf Spider Droids jumped off the cliff and rolled into the sea to get rid of the angry charge of the Wookiee Defenders.

This is the last Communication Base Station... 10 minutes ago, Chendrrl Island was finally captured by the Droid Army. Faced with 5 times the number of Droids and the powerful fire support of the OG-9 Homing Spider Droids, the brave Wookiees still fought to the end with the Laser Crossbow in their hands, causing these Droid Legions to leave the wreckage of at least 8,000 Droids.

However, in the end, Chendrrl Island was still lost and the Communication Base Station was destroyed.

With the destruction of all five Communication Base Stations, the Fleet of the Confederacy of Independent Systems in Outer Space immediately launched Electronic Interference, and Hyperspace Communications between the Republic Troops on Alaris Prime were all cut-off!

They have been completely unable to coordinate the actions of the various Armies on the Moon. All the Armies have returned to the era of Communication by relying on roaring. As far as your voice can reach, your Command Range is as far as possible, of course, when the Artillery roars on the battlefield, this distance will never exceed 10 meters.

Under normal circumstances, the Army of the Republic could immediately start setting up temporary Communication Base Stations to solve the problem, but now, the Main Force of the Army of the Republic on the entire Alaris Prime is besieging this island and has lost Communication Capabilities. They can't react at all!

Except... being a lamb to the slaughter...

When Jor Drakas saw Sev'rance Tann holding a Yellow Lightsaber among the crowd of Droids, his rage was almost irrepressible!

He suddenly jumped up, swung the Lightsaber in his hand quickly, and bounced back more than a dozen Blaster Energy Beams to hit those Droids, immediately knocked down more than a dozen Droids, and took this opportunity to directly kill Tann!

"Where's the Sith?!" Jor Drakas yelled at Sev'rance Tann.

Sev'rance Tann sneered, "You mean that lazy bitch? Why are you looking for her? If you want to find the person who destroyed your Army, shouldn't you be looking for me?"

She shook the Yellow Lightsaber in her hand, "Look, I am the Supreme Commander of this Army, if you knock me down, maybe you still have a chance of winning?"

"Ah!!!!" Jor Drakas had lost his mind, and he charged forward with his Lightsaber, slashing towards Tann frantically. Now his heart is full of anger and killing intent, but at the same time, he also feels that his strength is constantly increasing! Now, he has the confidence to kill any enemy that stands in his way!

However, the reality is cruel. Sev'rance Tann easily blocked every attack of his. She didn't even use The Force to control the surrounding environment too much. Drakas was played like a monkey.

Many people may have had this kind of experience when they were young. You will find that a classmate or friend of yours is obviously not good at school, but every time you see him, he is still playing, playing more crazily than you, and if you feel dissatisfied, when you tell him about the solo in the middle lane, he will often show you directly and make you feel that all the games you played skipping class in the past few years have been played on dogs. In the end, he easily won first place in his grade in the final exam, passed your desk under the adoring eyes of countless girls, got the notice and walked away.

Anyway, that scumbag named Master Jing is such a neighbour since he was in elementary school. He also came from a Fourth-Tier City, and now he is in the Institute of Applied Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and married a beautiful woman from Singapore... By the way, he is already bald. No wonder it is so powerful!

(Translator: Salty Author Hmm?)

In short, this is a genius, and Sev'rance Tann is a genius among geniuses, the kind that is rare in a century.

When she was studying at the Chiss Military Academy, she had already ranked first in her grades. In the simulation test, she beat all the Teachers and Instructors of the Academy. She was also amazing in other aspects, even including The Force!

In the beginning, her Force power was self-taught, but now after several months of training under Tang Xiao, a Jedi Knight like Joel Drakas who has been in the Jedi Order for more than ten years is not her opponent at all.

"Is this the Jedi Knight? Hahahahaha!" Sev'rance Tann was not in a hurry to defeat Drakas at all but kept taunting, "Look at you, on 'The Rig', you left your Jedi Friend to die, and now you ruined the entire Army of the Republic, and even your Wookiee Allies were killed by you! I want to apply for a Medal of the Confederacy of Independent Systems for you!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Jor Drakas almost couldn't care about anything else!

"Hahahahahaha!!!" Seeing him like this, Sev'rance Tann burst into laughter, and the enemy's roar like a defeated dog gave her great satisfaction. She doesn't have any special hobbies, but she is very interested in appreciating the pain of the enemy's defeat face-to-face. Whenever this happens, she will be truly satisfied!

She knew that she was a genius, so she mocked every opponent more recklessly, told them the injustice of fate, and admired their constant struggle but powerlessness.

"Has he fallen? Hahahaha..." There was a charming laugh from behind, and Darth Lilim walked over, holding the Blood-Red Lightsaber upside down in her hand.

Seeing her appearance, Jor Drakas' eyes turned Blood Red, The Force around him was already Dark enough to be seen by the naked eye, and even Blood-Red Threads began to appear on the originally Blue Lightsaber.

"What do you want to do?" Sev'rance Tann asked, but she didn't mean to stop her. Seeing Drakas' defeated appearance, and even falling into the Dark Side because of this, she is already thoroughly comfortable.

Darth Lilim had already charged forward, easily held Drakas' Lightsaber, swung it away, and instantly cut off his arm with a backhand of her Lightsaber!

"You are too weak! Come on! Embrace the darkness! Serve my Master, and then you will realize what real strength is!" Darth Lilim said.

However, Jor Drakas just stood up, grabbed his Lightsaber with his remaining arm, and continued to attack frantically.

Darth Lilim parried his attack easily again, and cut off his other arm again, "Do you know why you failed? The Jedi Order will not tell you how to become stronger! Those rotten guys, they only care about their own status, they will not allow a strong person to appear! Come with me, you will Master the real power! Become even stronger!"

"No! I just want to kill you! Just kill you!" Jor Drakas' eyes were burning with flames of hatred. Even though he lost both arms, he stood up and rushed over to bite with his teeth.

Swish!! The Blood-Red Lightsaber flashed, and one of his legs was severed.

"Surrender! You will get everything!!" Darth Lilim said loudly, blood and tears began to flow from the corners of her eyes at some point.

"Hahahaha!! If you commit suicide on the spot, maybe I will consider it! Hahahaha!!" Jor Drakas laughed wildly.

Swish!! The other leg was also amputated. "I let you surrender! Surrender!! Don't you see my strength? Am I not stronger than you?? As long as you surrender! You can get everything! Surrender!! Hurry up!!" Darth Lilim roared so loudly that she almost became hysterical.

Drakas, who had lost his limbs, squirmed over on the ground, and when Darth Lilim thought he was about to say something, he directly bit her foot!

"Die...I'm going to...kill you..." Jor Drakas said in a weak voice.


Darth Lilim yelled crazily! She almost went crazy! She swung her Lightsaber and slashed around, even knocking down several Droids.

In the end, she swayed and fell directly to the ground, still muttering to herself, "Why...why...why..."

Sev'rance Tann stood in front of her, looked down at her, sneered, and said to herself in the language of Dawn: "Stupid."

She lifted Eldra Kaitis's weak and boneless body against her shoulders and walked towards the Base. Before leaving, she went to a Captain's B-1 Battle Droid and said, "Take it easy, don't you?" Stay alive."

"Roger Roger." The B-1 Battle Droid saluted immediately.

Countless Droid Legions attacked from front to back. As the connection between the positions of the Republic Army was torn apart, the battlefield was divided into more than a dozen areas, and each area had a Republic Army besieged in it, desperately resisting.

The battle continued for another 2 hours. When the last Gunshot from the Islands ceased, the battle on the Alaris Prime also ushered in its final conclusion.

After losing all Main Forces, neither the Wookiees nor the Republic had enough strength to defend the Island Chain Defense line, and the remaining three Islands were captured successively.

The Confederacy of Independent Systems successfully occupied Alaris Prime.

The Research Facility of the Decimator was seized, the Data Codes of the Prototypes were secured and obtained using a Data Droid, and at the same time, a large amount of Experimental Data of the Decimator was obtained!

This Weapon Project secretly researched by the Galactic Republic has become the possession of Sev'rance Tann!

Not only that, after analyzing the Data Codes, Sev'rance Tann came to one of the Diamond-class Cruisers, entered the Data Codes, and there was a roar from the Engines of the three Decimator Prototypes!

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