Chapter 562: Ancient Secrets

"How's the situation over there with Sev'rance Tann?"

"She raided a Republic Hyperspace Monitoring Outpost and cleared out the Republic Sentries inside, and the Outpost didn't even have a chance to raise the alarm."

"Why is she going to provoke the Republic? I told her not to make her actions too high-profile."

"The conditions given by Boorka the Hutt, only in this way, he will be willing to give information."

"Boorka? Which family?"

"The Desilijic Family."

"Then there's no problem, let Tann have fun [Note 1]."

"Don't you care about the information Tann got?"

"The Force has told me everything. This is a project about reacting through Kyber Crystals and bursting with powerful Energy."

"My Lord Governor, I am overwhelmed by your wisdom. Indeed, the Decimator Project is a Technology that uses Kyber Crystals to emit powerful Energy."

"Tell me the specifics."

"The Decimator Project is a project developed by the Wookiees."


"So this shows that even if it is a primitive and backward race, there will always be geniuses."

"Okay, what did this Wookiee do?"

"You can understand that this is a Lightsaber magnified tens of thousands of times."

"If that's the case, it's really amazing."

"Not only is it powerful, it is indestructible! There is nothing in this Galaxy that can stop it! If it is big enough."

"You mean it's not big enough?"

"At present, it cannot be applied to Battleships. The current experiment of the Republic is to install this thing on a Tank."

"Even if that's the case, it's still an invincible Tank!"

"Invincible Tank, yes."

"And what about Tann's plan?"

"There is no plan. Or even if she really has a plan, she will not report it. Immediate response is her greatest strength."

"Then you tell her that if she can put the Decimator on my desk, she will be my first Marshal."

"I think you should tell her this in person, Your Honor."

"She and I are not just subordinates, you have to understand. Tann and I are comrades first, then Masters and Apprentices, and finally, subordinates. This is the treatment that a genius like her deserves."

"I would be honored if I were her."

"So you're not her, Zemo. You're you. When you're in your shoes, you're the one who sees everything."

"From the moment you uttered these words, Mr. Governor, you are the one who knows everything."

"I... am just an insignificant part of the great cause of the Fourth Civilization. Zemo, you too. Do you think I am your superior? No. First of all, we are comrades, comrades of the Fourth Civilization!"

"This is my honor, Your Excellency Governor. I never expected to have such a huge stage, and I can't wait to reach the end of this stage, even if it is your end alone, I will not hesitate."


Outer Rim of the Galaxy, Pelgrin Sector, Draay System, Draay 2.

A burst of white light flashed, and a Red Spaceship appeared on the outskirts of this Uninhabited Moon. Then, the Spaceship activated its Stealth System and disappeared into space.

"It is determined that there is no sign of anyone else's activity in the entire System except us." The Sith Infiltrator, the 'Red Comet', the Instructor of the Fourth Legion, Thull Wulain.

"Very good, let's find a place to land, choose a safe place. Here, The Force can't tell us anything. At least I can feel that the former Master here, the power he once mastered, is far stronger than me." Darth Malthael said.

"According to the information I have, The Jedi Covenant was indeed an extremely powerful Force." Thull Wulain said, "During the all-out war between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, the Light Side and the Dark Side of The Force were in full confrontation. In this war that lasted for more than 3,000 years, both Technology and The Force were almost developed to the extreme."

"This statement is a little inaccurate, Wulain. Whether it is the Jedi Knights or the Sith, the research on The Force is far better than that of the past. However, compared with the completely reckless development of the past, the current research on The Force Research is very cautious." Darth Malthael's voice said.

"I'm not a Force-sensitive person, Lord, but from the information I have, the Sith War 3,000 years ago was indeed the golden age of The Force, whether it was for the Jedi Knights or for the Sith Lord," Thull Wulain said.

"I agree with you. In fact, this is the biggest difference between Sith and Jedi Knights. My Master, Darth Plagueis, is also constantly studying the nature of The Force, but Darth Sidious took an opportunity to take advantage of it. His research will not take into account the results, but at the same time, his research is also the biggest taboo."

"This is all in the past, my Lord. Just like this relic of the Jedi Covenant, although it tells about the past, in the end, we are running for the future, not the past."

The Sith Infiltrator landed on the Desolate Moon, the hatch opened, and out comes a dozen or so people in Space Suits.

This is the No. 2 Moon of the Draay in the Draay System. The gravity of the moon is approximately equivalent to 0.89 of the standard gravity environment of the Galaxy, which belongs to the most suitable gravity environment range, but this moon does not have a complete atmosphere, and it cannot breed life at all.

However, now, this small moon that no one has set foot on for tens of thousands of years has been broken.

The Soldier walking in the front was wearing a Liberator Heavy Combat Armor that covered his whole body with Armor Plates, two Weapons in the card slots on his back, and a third Weapon at his waist. He looked at the surrounding environment vigilantly, and scanned with the instrument, then waved his hand and said: "Everything is safe, but you can't leave the Space Protective Suit. The environment of this moon is not suitable for Human activities."

"If you could put down this stuffed toy in your hand, your words would be more convincing, Justin Reeves." Thull Wulain walked down with a large Sniper Rifle, and Darth Malthael and ten other Soldiers followed closely behind.

All of these Soldiers exude a terrifying evil spirit, their movements are calm and powerful, and they are always vaguely prepared for any emergencies. Even every time they take a step, they will always have the strength to take this step back at any time and adapt to respond to the worst situation.

In the entire Galaxy, apart from the Clone Legion of the Galactic Republic, only the Elite Troops of the Fourth Civilization, the Fourth Legion, can do this!

This is a Super Army that has been bred from frozen embryos and has learned all kinds of killing and fighting skills since the embryonic period!

Thull Wulain was the instructor of this Elite Unit. He walked behind with a Sniper Rifle. The edge of his Helmet was fully covered, revealing some gray hair on his temples, and the current Commander of this force was the burly guy who was walking in the front, Justin Reeves.

As Wulain noted, the style would have been more fitting if Reeves hadn't hung a cute stuffed animal over his Assault Rifle.

"My vocation is to kill, but I don't like to kill. I hope there can be something that makes me feel less uncomfortable when I kill. So... what do you think is the opposite of killing?" Justin Reeves asked rhetorically.

"I've answered you that question countless times, but the answer has never been a cat plush toy," Thull Wulain said.

"For me, this is the standard answer." Justin Reeves said lightly, hanging the pink plush toy around his waist.

Darth Malthael looked at the two who were arguing, and said darkly: "I don't want to interfere with your personal preferences, but you'd better prove that you are the most powerful fighter."

"I will defend this with my life and with little Kitty."

"If you mention this plush toy in front of me again, then you will be torn apart by me along with it."



After the group of people stepped off the Spaceship, they began to walk on the Barren Moon. In this place where the scenery in all directions is exactly the same, ordinary people can only get lost when they come here, but the direction of their actions is very clear.

In the past few years of research and exploration, Thull Wulain finally locked on this humble moon, Draay 2.

Here is also the mausoleum of an important figure of the Jedi Covenant, an Ancient Force-Sensitive Organization.

During the Sith War more than 3,000 years ago, there were not as many restrictions on the use of The Force as it is now, and the most important point is that at that time, intermarriage was encouraged among those who were sensitive to The Force, and this, in the current Jedi Order, is absolutely not allowed.

If there is a marriage between Force-Sensitives, especially powerful Force-Sensitives, there is a great possibility that the children born will also be Force-Sensitives, and if his parents are strong enough, the child's Force talent may be inherited from his parents, and it is extremely terrifying.

The result of this is that powerful families of the Force will be born one after another, and the result of this is that those who are sensitive to The Force will become a class above ordinary people... In other words, they will become eternal nobles!

One of the greatest contributions of the Jedi Order to the Galactic Republic is to eliminate the generation of this class. They position the Force-Sensitives as guardians of ordinary people, not rulers.

In this regard, no matter how corrupt and rigid the Jedi Order is in the end, their contribution is still unmatched.

However, more than 3,000 years ago, in the era of all-out war between Light and Darkness, the Jedi Covenant was such an organization of Extreme Force-Sensitives.

This organization is completely different from the current Jedi Order. In order to resist the power of the Sith Empire and the Dark Side of The Force, they can be said to be doing everything they can. As long as they can curb the spread of darkness, they are willing to pay any price, even if it is the lives of billions of civilians on a whole Planet, if necessary, they will sacrifice them without hesitation.

The Draay Family is one of the largest Force Families in the Jedi Covenant.

Lucien Draay, one of the last leaders of the Jedi Covenant and an immensely powerful Jedi Master, is buried here - on a Moon named after his family, Draay 2.

"My former Master, Darth Plagueis, did a lot of research on this. At the end of the Sith War, the Jedi Covenant, as the most radical Force-Sensitive Faction, killed a large number of Sith Lords and got their treasures... Many of these treasures are what they think should not appear in this world, so they also brought these treasures and the secrets contained in them into their graves..." Thull Wulain said.

"Lord of the Sith Empire, Ludo Kressh." Darth Malthael was wearing a Black Cloak, walking among the Barren Moon, the fine sand dust had a strong adhesion, It was stained on his cloak, making the cloak look dirty and mottled, and the fierce wind even blew the edges of the cloak to pieces, flying one by one with the wind.

"That's right. As the most powerful Sith Lords at the end of the Sith Empire, he was once one of the most favorable competitors for the Sith Emperor, but his existence has not been left in the taboo history of the Sith Empire. It is full of color because he is cautious, he doesn't care about how to expand in the direction of the Galactic Republic—he doesn't want to fight a war, and his only hope is that his son, Elcho Kressh, can grow up healthily." Thull Wulain said, "When the ambition of an entire Empire was transformed into doting on a young son, something like this was born..."

Thull Wulain pointed to a large shadow in front of him and said, "The Gauntlet of Kressh the Younger, an Artifact created using the most powerful and forbidden Sith Alchemy. According to legend, Ludo Kressh hopes that this treasure can protect his son from all harm and make him invincible. Even if the Planet explodes and the Stars burn, his son can continue to survive under the protection of this Sith Artifact and continue the blood of the Kreesh Family."

"Ludo Kressh is not just doting on his son, but he has foreseen the fall of the Sith Empire at that time." Darth Malthael said.

"Now, this Gauntlet is sleeping here—obtained by Lucien Draay and brought into his own tomb..." Thull Wulain said, "After ten years of searching, I finally determined the location of the mausoleum."


[Note 1: The Desilijic Family is Jabba's family. This Family can be said to be Pure Hutts. Their position is very firm, and they will not help the Republic or the Confederacy of Independent Systems. As a member of the Desilijic Family, Boorka's actions are obviously hostile to the Republic, which is extremely detrimental to the Desilijic Family. From another perspective, there is an opportunity for the protagonist. ]

This chapter is by f(r)eew𝒆bn(o)

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