Chapter 545: The 19th Legion

Boorka the Hutt is hiding in his own mansion in Nasada, enjoying his luxurious life.

He is not a particularly powerful Hutt Crime Lord, but he still has several secret Smuggling Channels, including Human Trafficking and Spice Trade. Under these evil transactions, he has wealth that ordinary people can't match.

However, even so, in Hutt Space where there are gangsters everywhere, he is not very eye-catching, but recently, he found a way to make a fortune.

Many of Boorka's Smuggling Channels are in the territory of the Galactic Republic, and he hates the Republic deeply, not for anything else, but because the Military and Police of the Republic often attack and destroy his Smuggling Fleet, causing him to suffer heavy losses. Therefore, when the war between the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Galactic Republic began, he was also moving around, trying to draw the Hutts into the battlefield, to join the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and take revenge on the Republic.

However, during a smuggling operation, he inadvertently rescued a mysterious guy. Surprisingly, that person actually knew himself. The man named Bogeega Bu'Daay knew that he could not escape the pursuit of the Republic's Intelligence Agency alone, so he told Boorka that he had a very important piece of information that could be sold for a large price.

After seeing the outline of the information, Boorka bought the information without hesitation, sent Bogeega Bu'Daay to the vicinity of Geonosis, and then put the information on the black market, planning to auction it at fifty times the price.

He was very sure of the value of this information and knew the danger of this information, so he secretly left Tatooine and returned to Nar Shaddaa.

Here, it would be impossible for Agents of the Galactic Republic Intelligence to find him.

Boorka felt thirsty, he waved his hand and asked his maid to pour him wine. However, at this moment, his mansion was suddenly pitch black!

"Guards! Guards!!!" Boorka reacted very quickly and immediately shouted at the top of his voice.

Around his mansion, there are 100 fully Armed Bounty Hunters protecting him. As long as there is any situation, they will rush to him at the first time and tear the intruders to pieces!

However, no one responded.

After a while, the lights came back on, Boorka looked around and found that his slaves had disappeared, and none of his guards showed up.

Even... in the center of his luxurious hall, there is a Human wearing a black windbreaker!

"Who are you!" Boorka asked tremblingly.

The man turned around and looked at Boorka lightly. This is an old Human being, who looks to be about 50 years old, with gray beard and hair, wearing an eye patch on his right eye, and vicissitudes of life are written all over his angular face.

"Human! Do you know where this is? How dare you provoke a Hutt in Nar Shaddaa!" Boorka said loudly.

However, that person just shook his head, lit a cigarette for himself, and said in a deep and deep voice: "You can call me Big Boss, the rest is not important."

"If you don't want to die..."

"I bought the Project Decimator's information." Big Boss interrupted Boorka directly, and said flatly, "But the price you offered is too high, so I only plan to offer, 5 Million Wupi Wupi coins."

"The price I set in the black market is 30 million!" Boorka said, waving his short arms.

"That's the deal. Pay the money and deliver the goods." Big Boss said, taking out a personal credit device issued by the Interstellar Banking Clan from his arms, and putting it on the table.

"I never promised to trade," Boorka said harshly.

"This is not a wise choice, Boorka. You should understand what it means to be here."

"Do you still want to kill me? You should also know what it means to kill a Hutt in Nar Shaddaa!"

Big Boss raised his wrist, looked at his watch, and said, "You still have a minute to get the money."

He glanced at Boorka again and said, "You know, as long as your body is not found in Nar Shaddaa, it's fine."

Boorka's body trembled violently. After thinking for a moment, he said in a deep voice, "Deal! But I still have one condition!"

"Say." Big Boss answered very briefly.

"There is an Outpost set up by the Galactic Republic, blocking my Smuggling Route. I want you to destroy this Outpost!" Boorka said viciously.

"Deal." Big Boss nodded, stood up, and walked towards the door.

The door was opened, only to see a group of fully Armed Kaleesh Soldiers wearing black cloaks outside!

"You are... Atlas Security!" Boorka finally recognized the notorious Kaleesh Warrior of Atlas Security.

Big Boss glanced back at him, put out the cigarette butt on the vase at the door, and left without saying a word.


Since the outbreak of the war on May 21, the Strategic Command of the Galactic Republic has been working on various tasks for this war.

On May 24th, the Strategic Command of the Galactic Republic put forward a proposal that was formally authorized by the Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine, to divide the entire Galaxy into 20 War Zones, each of which is headed by a Governor and a corresponding 20 Legions.

Among them, Geonosis and the vicinity of Tatooine are divided into the 14th War Zone, which is in charge of the 14th Legion code-named Red Tails, and the Legion Headquarters is set on Ryloth.

Governor Wilhuff Tarkin's Seswenna Sector was integrated into the 18th Legion, code-named Night Hammer, with its headquarters on Eriadu.

The Anoat Sector was integrated into the 19th Legion including Bespin and Cerea, code-named Dark Saber, the Headquarters being on Yavin, and appointed to be Governor, was Sulamar.

Suramar, a Human, was originally the Finance Minister of the Galactic Republic and was later transferred to be the Governor of the Haven System. After the establishment of the 19th Legion, he also became the highest Officer of this Legion.

In fact, because the time of peace has been too long, the Galactic Republic is very short of Military talents, so basically, the Senior Generals of the Army are Civilian Officials.

From the perspective of position, there is no doubt that Governor Suramar's 19th Legion is the most powerful barrier deployed by the Galactic Republic against Dawn!

On May 26, news of the fall of Bespin reached Coruscant. Sheev Palpatine urgently held a Military meeting and made a decision—to counterattack, starting from Bespin!

On May 27th, under the leadership of Jedi Master Glynn-Beti and another Jedi Master, 60 of the Republic's most Technologically Advanced and powerful Battleships—Venator-class Star Destroyers completed their assembly in Coruscant, the capital of the Galactic Republic, and entered the Hyperspace Lane in a mighty way, and fly directly to the Command Center of the 19th Legion, the on Haven.

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