Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 515: The Battle of Geonosis (3)

Chapter 515: The Battle of Geonosis (3)

"It looks like you know each other." Count Dooku glanced at Tang Xiao with a half-smile. He naturally knew what Obi-Wan was talking about.

Isn't it the Bounty Hunter he sent 13 years ago to explore the Moddell Sector? Moreover, he sent out a few Bounty Hunters of bad character at that time. They had a bad reputation and couldn't get jobs, so they were willing to take on the drudgery of going to the Moddell Sector to investigate.

As a result, when they saw the money, they even dared to rob the huge Colonial Mothership, and were later killed by Qui-Gon-Jinn.

Thinking of the Colonial Mothership, Count Dooku looked at Gross Shelby, the Director of the Fourth Group. Gross Shelby who is about 38 years old, is constantly using the most advanced technology and products for maintenance, so now she looks still in her 20s, still charming and full of mature charm. Now she is obediently following behind Tang Xiao, without saying a word, seeming to have a tacit understanding.

The Fourth Group and Dawn... Count Dooku said it in his heart. He has always felt that there may be many unknown things behind these two major forces, some of which even he himself, even his own. Even the Master doesn't know...

Deep darkness.

Over there, Tang Xiao smiled and chatted with Obi-Wan, "So you see, it is because I am very grateful to you that I brought you here instead of letting the Destroyer Droid beat you into a sieve. Why don't you follow me? What are we going to do? Overthrow the Republic, and we will be the bosses ourselves."

"When you said that, did you believe it?" Obi-Wan Kenobi could clearly see that Tang Xiao was joking, he snorted and asked back.

"The Republic has been corrupted to this point, and there is no need to save it. Only by overthrowing all corruption can a stronger and more efficient regime be established, and this regime does not necessarily require a Republic." Count Dooku Walking up to Obi-Wan, said, "The Galactic Republic has been controlled by the Dark Side, and the Lord of Sith has even entered the Senate. Join me, let us work together to clear the darkness of this Galaxy!"

In fact, even from the perspective of an insider like Tang Xiao, he felt that Count Dooku had said too much at this time. Even if half of it is still embellished by lies, the information he provided has indeed crossed the line. Speaking of this, Tang Xiao really felt that Count Dooku really wanted to help his disciple, yes he really wanted to save him.

Because Count Dooku believed from the bottom of his heart that he would succeed, and his success also meant the destruction of the Jedi Order.

But Obi-Wan Kenobi obviously wouldn't be persuaded, he scolded angrily: "Impossible! You despicable traitor!"

"If this is the case, it will be very difficult for me to let you go." Count Dooku didn't say much, he turned around and waved his hand, and several B-1 Battle Droids came over immediately, and Obi Wan and Anakin took him down and handcuffed him.

"Take them to the arena and carry out the public execution!" Archduke Poggle said with a grim expression.

Tang Xiao rolled his eyes behind him. Even though the battle of Geonosis is going in a completely different direction now, what should come will still come...

This is true when you think about it. After all, people are still the same people, and the relationship between interests and hatred has not changed, so they will still make the same choice.

For example, Count Dooku would take Obi-Wan and the others to the arena for public execution.


At this time, the battle on the surface of Geonosis is changing. The Sabaoth Squadron has rich experience. They rely on the powerful firepower of their own Destroyers and Fighters to deal with the Fighters of the Jedi Knights. Coupled with the siege of the Nantex Fighters, the Jedi Knights had to give up their attempt to continue the air battle.

But they still fired all the remaining Proton Torpedoes at the three huge Anti-Orbital Cannons.

Master Windu drove the Fighter to climb to high altitude first, and after attracting a lot of firepower, he turned on all the horsepower and dived directly! Through the cockpit, the Spherical Turret with a diameter of more than 500 meters on the ground and a small part of it buried in the ground grew bigger and bigger until it occupied his entire field of vision!

The powerful force unfolded, everything around him was sensed, the Anti-Aircraft Fire on the ground fired wildly, and dozens of Fighters were pouring firepower behind him, but they couldn't touch a single bit of it, and with the perception of The Force, Master Windu felt the angle at which he should launch.

Push the joystick hard to continue to accelerate, then adjust the direction of the Fighter by a slight angle, after that, press the launch button!

The last two Proton Torpedoes were launched instantly, accurately hitting an energy node of the Anti-Orbital Cannon!

Numerous cracks suddenly appeared on the huge Spherical Turret, and a large amount of flames shot out from the cracks. With the continuous spread of the explosion energy, the shell of the Turret finally couldn't stop it anymore!

Boom! Boom!! Boom!!! A violent explosion immediately engulfed the Cannon.

Affected by the explosion, the Delta-7 Fighters that had blown up the second half broke through the flames of the explosion and flew out, then plunged headlong to the ground. The cockpit opened, and Master Windu jumped out from a height of 100 meters and landed steadily.

At this time, other Jedi Knights also gave up their Fighters and fell to the ground. They got into the underground factories through various entrances.

The inside of the factory is now in chaos, and the invasion of a large number of Jedi Knights almost immediately threw the factory into chaos. Geonosis Guards and guarding B-1 Battle Droids poured in from all over, attacking the Jedi Knights in disorder.

Master Windu gathered the scattered Jedi Knights together again, counted the number of people slightly, and found that there were only more than 160 Jedi Knights left, and 50 Jedi Knights had died heroically.

With a firm expression on his face, he pointed in one direction and said, "Over there! Count Dooku and Obi-Wan Kenobi!"


At the same time, a piercing siren sounded from the Command Center of Geonosis's main lair, and the figure of General Grievous appeared in the holographic projection in the center. He clenched his fists and roared loudly: "Detected Massive Hyperspace Jump! We are about to be attacked!"

However, most of the people had already left the Command Center at this time. Count Dooku, Tang Xiao, Nute Gunray, and Gross Shelby went to the dungeon, and then they headed towards the arena. Queen Miraj Scintel and Toonbuck Toora left first, preparing to go back to their own Planet.

Only San Hill, Wat Tambor, and Passel Argente were on the scene at the moment. They all looked at each other in blank dismay when they heard General Grievous's alarm, not knowing what to say.

Seeing the expressions of these people, General Grievous stared, without saying anything, turned around and said loudly: "All Fleets are ready to meet the enemy!" After that, the communication was cut off.


In the Outer Space of Geonosis, a large area of ??white light flickered violently, and a total of 20 Acclamator-class Assault Ships broke away from the Hyperspace Channel and appeared in space in an instant!

In the Battleship Implacable as the Flagship, Master Yoda stood in the center of the bridge with a cane and said to the Zilkin who was not much bigger than him: "I leave it to you, Command the Fleet. Colonel Meebur Gascon."

Tactical Advisor Meebur Gascon nodded, jumped on the seat, and said loudly: "Break through the defenses of Geonosis! Majestic, the Acclamator rushes forward and launches an latest chaptš¯’†rs at freewš¯’†(b)novel.c(o)m Only

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