Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 513: The Battle of Geonosis (1)

Chapter 513: The Battle of Geonosis (1)

When the Artillery Fire hit, 212 Jedi Fighters scattered instantly. These Fighters were all Delta-6 or Delta-7 Fighters, and many of them had been modified by those Jedi according to their own habits, with excellent performance.

Coupled with the terrifying predictive ability of the Jedi Knights, it is impossible for this level of firepower to hit them.

In the next instant, 1,700 Nantex-class Fighters collided with more than 200 Jedi Fighters, and countless Laser Beams and Blaster Beams instantly lit up the dark universe. Thousands of rays of light were continuously emitted with the energy of death, and then countless fireballs exploded in the dark and cold universe!

It was the flames of hundreds of Nantex-class Fighters exploding in the Geonosian Space Defense Force, and not a single one belonging to the Jedi Knights!

The Fighters driven by the Jedi Knights are flying at an acceleration of more than 500G in the open space, and no Fire Control System can lock them! Even some powerful Jedi Masters can maximize the acceleration performance of Fighters, reaching 3000~3500G acceleration!

You must know that even the most advanced Fire Control System among the Warships produced by Kuat Drive Yards can only lock the target under the acceleration of 100G for complex maneuvers at most, but in fact, this is enough in most cases. It is impossible for ordinary biological pilots to react at this speed, even with the protection of the most advanced protective clothing and buffer system, these pilots will also bear unimaginable pressure when turning at extremely high speeds.

But a Jedi can do it, and it's dozens of times stronger than an ordinary pilot!

1,700 Nantex-class Fighters could not stop the Fleet of Jedi Knights at all, and at this moment, white light flickered on the other side of the planet, and 10 huge figures escaped from the Hyperspace Channel and came to Geonosis!

10 Munificent-class Frigates!

This is the Reinforcements Fleet dispatched by General Grievous!

On the bridge of a Lucrehulk-class Battleship, Admiral Grievous yelled into the comms: "Trabo! Move your Fleet! Keep the Jedi out of the way of Lucrehulk-class Battleships!"

"Yes!" A Neimoidian General quickly agreed, and then commanded the Fleet to rush in the direction of the Jedi Knights.

The firepower of the ten 825-meter-long Munificent-class Frigates is much stronger than that of the Geonosian-class Cruisers. They also took off more than 300 Vulture Droid Fighters to join the battle for the first time.

General Grievous looked at the battlefield projected on the Holographic Star Map in front of him, and he found that even so, their Fleet could not resist the powerful Jedi knights.

A Geonosian-class Cruiser was approached from behind by several Jedi Fighters during the melee, and several Proton Torpedoes directly penetrated the weak parts of the Shield and exploded in the Engine!

Following a series of explosions, the Cruiser was instantly blown into several sections!

Boom! General Grievous punched the console in front of him with a fierce look in his eyes. He connected to another communication and shouted angrily, "Captain Cavik Toth! It's time for your Mercenary Group to enter the field!"

"Leave it to me! Just 200 Jedi Knights, I'll take care of it!" A middle-aged human with a fierce face and a scar on his face replied viciously. He waved his hand back and said loudly: "Let's go! Sabaoth Squadron Brothers! Kill all the Jedi Knights and we'll get a high price!!"

"Oh!!!!" There was a howl like a ghost crying and a wolf howling in the communication.

Three White and Blue Armored Sabaoth-class Destroyers rushed out from behind the asteroid belt on Geonosis. These three Warships have Catamaran Hulls, Heavy Armor and more than 30 Turrets. They are about 800 meters long and have undergone extensive modifications. It is no longer possible to distinguish the Original Warship Model.

The Sabaoth Squadron is one of the most powerful Mercenary Groups in the Galaxy and has been hired by Count Dooku to fight for Separatism. They are headed by Captain Cavik Toth, and all the mercenaries under him are vicious and blood-licking people. They have experienced many battles and are extremely powerful.

After the three Sabaoth-class Destroyers joined the battle, more than 50 Sabaoth Fighters were released immediately. However, the pilots of the Sabaoth Squadron had long been observing the combat methods of the Jedi Fighters. Their Fighters did not rush out to fight, but stayed within the near-fire range of the Warships and waited for an opportunity.

When it was found that there was a Jedi Fighter surrounded by a large number of aircraft groups, they rushed over suddenly, pressing the last straw to the brave Jedi Knights.

Master Windu, who was flying a Delta-7 Fighter, also felt a sharp increase in pressure. The constant arrival of Warships made the Jedi Knights more and more stressed. More than a dozen Fighters of the Jedi Knights had been shot down.

He decisively issued an order, "Everyone! Don't be entangled in outer space, we will enter the atmosphere immediately! Destroy the Anti-Orbital Cannons on Geonosis!!"

During the battle, Master Windu scanned Geonosis several times and found at least three huge Anti-Orbital Cannons on the equator of the Planet. These three Cannons will give any incoming enemy Warships a fatal blow.

All the Jedi Fighters immediately dispersed and rushed towards the atmosphere of Geonosis.


At the same time, in the Command Center of the Main Lair in the eastern hemisphere of the Geonosis, everyone is paying attention to the invasion of the Jedi Knights.

"The two Jedi Knights in the factory haven't been caught yet?" Count Dooku asked back.

Archduke Poggle replied: "They are already stuck in a workshop, and they cannot escape. I have already photographed 10 Destroyer Droids to go there, and it is only a matter of time before they are killed."

"No, I want them alive." Count Dooku looked at the battle video, although he was very unfamiliar with Anakin Skywalker, but he was very familiar with Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Obi-Wan Kenobi's mentor, Qui-Gon Jinn, was his Apprentice.

"Yes." Archduke Poggle nodded and spoke in Geonosian for a while in the communicator.

"I think we should stop boarding the Droid Army and let the core of the Lucrehulk-class Battleships return first, and give priority to preparing for the upcoming Republic offensive?" Gross Shelby after exchanging colors with Tang Xiao, spoke.

"If this is the case, we will not be able to launch an offensive in time after 3 days. Correspondingly, if we officially announce our secession from the Republic at that time, we will instead be actively attacked by the Republic. In this way, the period of many Outer Rim Planets will be in danger. If they are hit, they will no longer recognize our strength, which will be fatal to our plan." Count Dooku looked at Gross Shelby and said.

"If this is the case, we have to doubt the odds of winning this war." Gross Shelby said coldly.

"Don't worry, we must be the victors of this war." Count Dooku said proudly, "What I'm about to show you is the most secret part of this plan—the Way of The Sith!"

Hearing this statement, Tang Xiao's eyes darkened, and with a vague smile on his lips, he looked at Count Dooku.

"As I said before, I used to be a Jedi Knight, but now, I believe in the way of The Sith, and I... also have a Master, he is a Sith Lord, and in the Republic's High Levels."

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