Chapter 508: News of War

In fact, in order to avoid defeat in the Battle of Geonosis, Tang Xiao discussed with the officials of the Ministry of National Defense for a long time, and the final conclusion was very simple——

If you don't want to lose, it's best not to fight.

With an Army of 200,000 Clones, coupled with Sophisticated Equipment and complete Air Supremacy, it would be difficult for the Republic to lose this battle.

But in practice, it was discovered that it was really not easy to completely prevent the start of the Battle of Geonosis. No, it should be said that it is almost impossible!

The first reason is that Nute Gunray wants to kill Padmé Amidala. You may call him stupid or stupid, but this guy, if you tell him not to kill her at the moment when the Confederacy of Independent Systems is about to be established, he will not sign.

Count Dooku would naturally meet his request, and he would naturally send Jango Fett there. As the strongest Bounty Hunter in the Galaxy, Count Dooku would naturally not send anyone else.

Tang Xiao wanted to help. He didn't care about assassinating Padmé on the occasion of Coruscant, which was different from the situation when he captured Padmé on Tatooine yesterday, but he couldn't send Eldra to do this. Sending this girl who had just fallen into the Dark Side and become a Sith Disciple to the Jedi Order was tantamount to death, and it was tantamount to admitting to Count Dooku that Eldra was his.

Sending Mrs. M's MI was also out of the question because MI's Agents couldn't have done a better job than Jango Fett.

In addition, don't look at Padmé Amidala's silly and sweet appearance on the surface, but in fact, no one who messes with politics has a dark heart. She values ??her personal safety more than anyone else. Not to mention anything else, as far as Tang Xiao's understanding of the plot and characters of "Star Wars" is concerned, he has never seen anyone who acts as a stand-in as soon as she leaves the house.

Then Tang Xiao couldn't interfere with the next thing - the Jedi Order intervened, and Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker were sent to protect Padmé. Then for the second assassination, Obi-Wan went to investigate the real culprit, and Anakin guarded and robbed Padmé.

Of course, it is still open to debate who Anakin and Padmé ate who, because in the relationship between the two of them, Padmé is indeed very active.

Obi-Wan will sense the position of Kamino through The Force and find Jango Fett on it. Tang Xiao No. 1 has no way to prevent Obi-Wan from being able to find Kamino and Jango Fett. He didn't know Jango, and couldn't tell Dooku.

In the end, the only thing he could do was to go to Tatooine and catch Anakin Skywalker, but even killing Anakin and Padmé would not help the outbreak of this battle, let alone when he has more important plans.

So after going back and forth, he found that there was really not much he could do. Tang Xiao once again felt the power of the plot direction, but at least, let's make some preparations.

When he was distracted, Count Dooku had finished speaking, but Tang Xiao had no idea what he was talking about. He only heard Count Dooku finally say: "...Everything has been prepared. Galactic Republic, launch an all-out attack!"

Tang Xiao nodded solemnly. Count Dooku's plan has already been said before. Today is the final mobilization. His plan is to announce the Confederacy of Independent Systems to separate from the Galactic Republic in three days, and then launch a general attack on the Galactic Republic at the same time and completely occupy the entire Outer Rim of the Galaxy.

This time they came to Geonosis to receive the goods.

A total of 60 Lucrehulk-class Battleships, 41 Diamond-class Cruisers, and 286 Hardcell-class Interstellar Transports. Such a huge Transport Fleet is loaded with 5 Million B-1 Battle Droids and 400,000 B-2 Super Battle Droids. There are also a large number of Unmanned Combat Machinery and Support Spacecraft including the C-9979 Landing Craft.

Count Dooku also officially confirmed to everyone that General Grievous would become the Supreme Military Commander of the entire Confederacy of Independent Systems.

For this, Tang Xiao is happy to see that General Grievous owed himself a big favor when he was still that Kaleesh demigod. Although his memory has been modified, at least the seeds are buried.

Moreover, what makes Tang Xiao even more delighted to hear is that in fact, at the beginning of the establishment of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the highest Military Commander was Sev'rance Tann, which also shows that in Count Dooku's mind, Sev'rance Tann Is stronger than Grievous. After all, Grievous is just a wild way, and he doesn't have much experience in commanding Large-Scale Fleets, while Severance Tann is a regular academic.

This Army of 5 Million Droids will form the first offensive of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, swallowing the Outer Rim of the Galaxy completely.

Unfortunately, according to the development of the plot, Count Dooku's secret meeting on Geonosis was broken by Obi-Wan, and then Master Yoda decisively launched a war, leading an Army of 200,000 Clones Troopers to gather against the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The Army on Geonosis was completely defeated.

The most important thing is the loss of these precious Transport Ships, making it difficult for the Confederacy of Independent Systems to concentrate a Large-Scale Army to launch an attack in subsequent operations. Therefore, in the third year of the war, the Confederacy of Independent Systems had already shown its decline. Even if there is no subsequent incident, it is already on the verge of failure.

It can be said that the Battle of Geonosis set the stage for the failure of the Confederacy of Independent Systems from the very beginning. For this failure, Tang Xiao must prevent it!

In order to prevent this plot from happening, Tang Xiao also blocked Jango Fett's request to enter Geonosis. They were in a meeting at that time, and Count Dooku suddenly received a communication from Jango Fett. He originally thought that Jango Fett had come to report the news that Padmé had been killed, so he generously put the holographic projection on In the middle of the conference table.

Who knows that Jango Fett told him that the assassination failed again, and the Kamino was discovered by the Jedi Knights, and now a Jedi Knight is hunting him down.

"Why hasn't Padmé been killed yet!" Nute Gunray roared from the sidelines.

"I guarantee on my reputation that Padmé won't live long, and we should not delay our real goal because of this matter." Count Dooku persuaded.

"Do you still want to back down now?" Shu Mai, the Presidente of the Commerce Guild, said coldly.

"Okay, I will sign the agreement. But remember, kill Padmé, this is your promise to me! Count Dooku." Nute Gunray said.

Jango Fett couldn't wait any longer. He said, "I'll go back to the planet to rest before going to deal with Padmé Amidala. The mission will definitely be completed."

Let him go back to Geonosis, wouldn't that allow Obi-Wan and the others to sneak in and crash the meeting? Sitting aside, Tang Xiao sneered and said, "Wipe your butt clean first, and then talk about rest."

Jango Fett was silent for a moment, then said, "Okay, I'll do it."

Then he turned the ship around and flew away.

Only then did Tang Xiao heave a sigh of relief, and say, "Send Fighters to thoroughly search around the planet to make sure that Jango Fett is not being followed!"

The situation at that time was like this. Who knew that he still failed to catch Obi-Wan in the end... Tang Xiao only felt that his head was about to explode.


At the same time, on the outskirts of Geonosis, Obi-Wan Kenobi, who fell down first, found a vent and called Anakin to hurry over. Rock Johnson also tore the steel plate from the wreckage of the burning Junk Spaceship and ran out, following Anakin. "How come I've never heard from you about this Droid?" Obi-Wan asked.

"His name is Rock Johnson, and he is the partner who guarded me from childhood," Anakin replied.

"Annie picked me up from the trash and restored me," Rock Johnson said.

Obi-Wan nodded. He looked in one direction and said to Anakin, "Did you feel it? In that direction."

Anakin's face became serious, "I know, the perception of The Force tells me that if we go there, our lives may be in danger."

"But if we don't do this, we might miss this Separatist conspiracy. You should have seen the huge Transport Fleet in outer space, right? What exactly is this Fleet transporting?" Obi-Wan asked back.

"Padmé has brought the news back to Planet Naboo and conveyed it to Master Yoda and the Galactic Republic. They should know what they are about to face." Anakin said with a frown.

"But it's not enough, we should give them more information."

"How to give them? Our ship crashed, and Communication Jams everywhere, we can't get the message out."

"Well, this is the second problem we need to solve." Obi-Wan shrugged.

"What's the first one?"

"Find out what the 'Metal Trash' transported by this Fleet is." Obi-Wan took out the hilt of the Lightsaber from his waist but did not open the Lightsaber for the time being. He shook the hilt and said, "Let's go." Anakin, avoid the greatest danger, let's take a look and leave."


By this time, news of Padmé Amidala had reached the Galactic Republic.

In the office of Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine, some major Senators of the Senate and the core members of the Jedi Order gathered here, looking at Padmé Amidala projected in the holographic projection, their faces were a little unsightly.

"Jedi Knight Master Obi-Wan Kenobi sent a message. He said that a large number of Transport Fleets have been assembled around Geonosis. There are at least 300 Transport Ships. The purpose of the Separatists is unknown." Padmé was extremely worried.

"What is this Transport Fleet transporting? It can't be transporting food, right?" Master Windu said.

"Now Obi-Wan is trapped on Geonosis, and Anakin is going to rescue him, but they can't get in touch now. Master Yoda, I hope you can rescue them." Padmé said.

"Hmm... must be rescued, Anakin and Obi-Wan. They may have information about Geonosis." Master Yoda replied with a nod.

Palpatine unobtrusively gave Deputy Chancellor Mas Amedda a wink. The latter understood and said loudly: "Gentlemen, our top priority should be Geonosis! Separatists are on this planet! There are a huge number of Transport Ships gathered on board, what are they planning?"

"There is no doubt that this is an Army! The negotiations are over, and they are preparing for war!" said Ask Aak, another Senator of Malastare.

Because of the previous murder of the Senate, many changes have taken place inside the Malastare, and the forces close to the Republic and alienated from Separatism have begun to rise, so Ainlee Teem was squeezed out, and the current Senator is Ask Aak, his political stance is highly consistent with Sheev Palpatine.

"No! The negotiations are not over yet! Until the Separatists actually launch an attack, there is still hope for peace!" Alderaan Senator Senator Bail Organa said firmly.

"We must react before it is too late! By the time the Separatists attack, it will be too late! Now we must discuss the Military Creation Act immediately, this agenda cannot be postponed any longer!" Ronnie, Senator of Planet Iseno said. He was a Senator of the Loyalty Committee, and to put it bluntly, he was Palpatine's running dog.

Supreme Chancellor Palpatine sighed, and said to the projection of the communicator: "What do you think, Senator Amidala?"

"This matter must be carefully considered. I will go to Coruscant immediately to discuss this proposal with everyone." Padmé Amidala said.

"But your coming to Coruscant is still full of danger..." Palpatine seemed a little hesitant.

"I must come, for the Republic," Padmé said firmly.

"I will immediately organize people to rescue Obi-Wan and Anakin." Master Windu said.

"Thank you for your hard work, everyone." Palpatine said with a compassionate expression, "The Republic has come to this point, and each of us is unwilling to see it, but the matter has come to this point, we can only do our best."

After everyone left the office, Palpatine sat alone at the desk, looked at the metal statue on the left side of the door, and muttered to himself: "Have you seen it? Master, our plan is about to start It's all... everything, just one step away."

The two statues at the door of his office hide Darth Plagueis's body inside on the left and his Lightsaber inside on the right.

Palpatine opened a secret communication channel, and said slowly in his original twisted and greasy voice: "Padmé is about to go to Coruscant...kill her!"


At this time, Count Dooku on Geonosis looked down at his communicator, then nodded, and forwarded the message to Jango Fett.

After receiving the signal, Jango Fett turned his head and looked at his son Boba Fett who was standing aside, smiled and said, "The opportunity is here again, let's go, let's wipe our ass clean."

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