Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 485: Old Friend, New ’Friend’

Chapter 485: Old Friend, New 'Friend'

Tang Xiao stood in the middle of the Hangar Platform, and there was no one behind him except Eldra Kaitis in black, which was completely different from his usual ostentation.

After waiting for about ten minutes, an old and dilapidated Corellian YT-1000 Light Freighter flew into the hangar. Originally, this ship came in from another direction, but when it saw Tang Xiao was here, it immediately made a sharp turn and flew over.

In this busy Hangar Platform, a large number of spaceships are flying in and out, but this YT-1000 Light Freighter shuttles among the countless spaceships incomparably flexibly, without being scratched at all.

The spaceship drew an arc in front of Tang Xiao and stopped steadily, the cabin door opened, and a man in a leather jacket with stubble on his face came down. As soon as he saw Tang Xiao, he laughed and came over. He gave Tang Xiao a big hug, "Hahaha! I haven't seen you for many years, Mr. Governor."

The person who came was Edison Trent[Note:1], the first legendary figure that Tang Xiao awakened.

When the Fourth Civilization just started, Trent was also running around for them, and went to Tatooine with Tang Xiao, and received the commission from Hego, later the pirate Iron Fang Kuken came to attack, and Trent played a key role.

During that time, Tang Xiao and Trent spent a lot of time together, and Trent taught Tang Xiao many valuable experiences along the way. Therefore, Tang Xiao has always regarded Trent as a true friend, even though his status is no longer what it used to be.

The same is true for Tang Xiao himself who came here to wait. He said to Trent: "You went to explore the Unknown Regions this time. Why did it take you 10 years? I thought you died there."

"If it is death, I guess I have encountered it many times in the Unknown Regions! I think if I want to tell you about my encounters, three days and three nights are probably not enough!" Trent replied with a big smile.

"Then five days and five nights!" Tang Xiao replied.

"Don't be in a hurry now, let me introduce the two new friends I brought back this time!" Trent said.

I only saw a few other people coming down from the cabin, including the old acquaintance Dubrac Quinto and their mechanic, Kenneth the Rodian, these were the first wave of aborigines that Tang Xiao encountered after coming to this world.

After this is a young man in his 20s, Tang Xiao knows him. His name is Jorj Car'das. He is a genius navigator whom Trent met in the tavern of Corellia before going to the Unknown Regions.

However, two other people came out from behind them, and Tang Xiao's expression became serious with these two people!

These two people have blue skin and red eyes. They are... Chiss!!

One of the Chiss is a woman about 27 years old. She has big black curly hair and wide cheeks. She is dressed in a white uniform, which makes her look heroic and imposing. Compared to her appearance, she is also very beautiful, and her heroic temperament is even more attractive.

From the moment she got off the spaceship, she kept her hands behind her back, her feet standing like compasses, without looking sideways, but kept scanning Tang Xiao with a somewhat contemptuous gaze.

The other Chiss was a burly male with a bald head who looked to be in his 30s. His appearance was much more casual, but the fierce light that flashed under his eyes from time to time showed that he was actually a ruthless man who licked blood with a knife.

Seeing these two people, a very unpopular name in the "Star Wars" plot suddenly flashed in Tang Xiao's mind. Thinking of this, his heart jumped!

"Let me introduce, these two new friends I met in the Unknown Regions. This lady is called Sev'rance Tann, a top student who graduated from the Chiss Naval Academy; and this is called Vandalor, a very powerful bounty hunter. By the way, they are a couple, haha!" Trent patted Vandalor on the shoulder, "Old Fan, this is what I told you Many times, the Governor of Dawn, Tang Xiao."

Tang Xiao nodded slightly. He confirmed the origins of the two people and began to calculate quickly. He smiled at the two and said, "Since it's an old friend returning after many years, and a new friend is coming, come on, I've prepared a light meal for you. Let's chat while eating, shall we?"

"A light meal? It's okay, just rest here for the night, we have other more important things to do tomorrow." The Chiss woman named Sev'rance Tann nodded, with the corners of her mouth twitched, it seemed that she was quite disdainful of this small satellite planet.

Tang Xiao gave Trent a wink and went over to pat him on the shoulder. Trent agreed and understood what Tang Xiao was going to do.

Then, Tang Xiao led them in another direction, and soon, hundreds of waiters in black tuxedos ran over, men on the left and women on the right lined up in two rows, and followed their footsteps, bowed and saluted one by one, and a precious carpet has been laid on the ground ahead, extending all the way to a magnificent golden arch in the distance.

The atmosphere that Tang Xiao came to greet alone before suddenly changed, and it became a different flavor.

The 10-meter-high golden gate opened, and a magnificent banquet hall was displayed in front of them. The dining table in the center was already filled with delicacies that could not even be named. The fog machine was turned on, and the clouds and mist full of natural fragrance permeated the feet. I don't know when it started. In the midst of the clouds and mist, there appeared one after another enchanting dancers stretching their bodies slowly, dancing to the music.

Everyone came to the dining table and sat down. The holographic projection system was turned on, and the walls and ceiling around the entire banquet hall suddenly disappeared, replaced by the endless starry sky.

With the slow sailing of the Glory Mothership, Dawn and the completed Star Ring were completely displayed in front of everyone, looking at the Star Ring that almost covered the sky and the Star Ring that was being built on the Star Ring Dock. The frames of a large number of Warships laid out make people feel the atmosphere of steel and industry.

And... the smell of war.

In this high-end banquet that was almost showing off, Tang Xiao and Trent asked each other, and Blabla kept talking. On the surface, Tang Xiao was greeting his old friend, but in fact, he was talking about the current strength of Dawn. "...Speaking of which, Governor, how far have you realized your previous vision for the Navy?" Trent seemed to be chatting about family matters but actually turned the topic in the direction Tang Xiao hoped for.

"I have formed 3 Fleets, and the design of the Support Ships is basically completed, but the Marza-class Heavy Cruiser, which serves as Heavy Fire Support, has just completed the test. So at present, my Fleet is only 90% complete... "Tang Xiao said after taking a sip of wine.


[Note:1 Edison Trent is the correct name instead of Cunte in the translation. Was a mistake on my part. It will be this going forward. Edit: I have already fixed this in all the previous chapters. ]

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