Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 468: Demon King of Murder

Chapter 468: Demon King of Murder

The Outer Rim of the Galaxy, Hutt space, the satellite of the Planet Nal Hutta, Smuggler's Moon, Nar Shaddaa.

Ding~~~ There was a crisp sound of metal collisions, and the lighter etched with gorgeous patterns was turned on. A pair of creamy hands held a cigar and carefully roasted it on the lighter, then cut off the cigarette butt, and lit it.

The one who lit the cigar was a dignified woman in a black business suit and a one-step skirt. She delivered the lit cigar to the mouth of a man sitting on the sofa in the middle.

Ni Yongxiao is still wearing a white shirt with a gray vest, his hair is neatly combed, and he wears a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. He looked very gentle, but the shapely muscles under the clothes and the sharp eyes hidden under the glasses showed that he was by no means as harmless as he appeared on the surface.

He took a puff on his cigar, closed his eyes and shook his head, then looked up at the three people kneeling in front of him—a Human, a Nikto, and a Mon Calamari.

"I gave you a chance." Ni Yongxiao said softly, he sat up straight, took off his glasses, and rubbed the corners of his eyes habitually.

"Boss Ni... It's really not that we are playing tricks! We don't know why Zorba suddenly changed his plan..." The Mon Calamari hurriedly yelled.

If there are people who know them, it will be very surprising to find that these people are the leaders of the largest Gang Organizations on Planet Adarlon. They control the smuggling trade on Adarlon, a Planet where music and art are very developed, and they are powerful.

But on Nar Shaddaa, a mere gangster who rules a Planet is nothing.

"Because of your wrong information, I failed to capture Zorba's spaceship and sent a ship full of weapons and spices to the black market on Planet Adarlon. This ship is worth at least 4 million credits. That is to say, you cost me 4 million... Most importantly, my raiding Fleet was discovered." Ni Yongxiao sighed, "That's not how the opportunity is given."

"No... Please, give us another chance! This time, we will definitely! We can definitely help you kill Zorba!" the Mon Calamari said while lying on the ground.

Ni Yongxiao took a glasses cloth and wiped the lenses and put them on again, "It's no longer possible, because of your mistake, Zorba has already noticed. It's not yet time to start another war with the Desilijic Family, and it can't be burned on my head, so I have to clean up the traces."

"Boss Ni! Forgive me...forgive me!!" The three begged loudly.

"If you have nothing else to tell me, then back off, I will treat your family well. In the next life, reincarnate into a good family, don't come out to mess around." Ni Yongxiao waved his hand, and the people next to him were wearing black suits. The burly man immediately stepped up and grabbed the three of them and dragged them out.

"This is Jiliac's idea! It's Jiliac the Hutt!!" the Nikto suddenly shouted.

The other two immediately glared at him.

The Nikto was willing to go all out. He knelt and walked in front of Ni Yongxiao. He opened his hands and said, "It's the Hutt Jiliac Desilijic! He has been having a headache because someone is robbing his Smuggling Fleet, so he wants to design a bait to lure them out! They...they threatened me with their family!"

"Go ahead." Ni Yongxiao held the cigar between his fingers, picked up a glass of wine and took a sip, then put down the glass and continued smoking, looking very relaxed.

"This incident was planned by Hector! He controlled our family and let us spread false news! Whoever moves at this time is the culprit who robbed their Smuggling Fleet! I have said everything I can say, please forgive me spare my life!" The Nikto begged for mercy.

Ni Yongxiao didn't answer but just gave a wink to the person next to him, who immediately came over and whispered something to him. Then, Ni Yongxiao smiled, "Okay, it looks like what you said is true. Your honesty bought the lives of your family, so you can rest in peace."

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and several burly men dragged the three of them down.

Ni Yongxiao raised his legs and said lightly: "Hector has been with me for two years, and I have not treated him badly, but it seems that he doesn't want to continue like this. Let her handle it, you remember to send get some people to deal with the aftermath."

The black suit next to him bowed to indicate received and then picked up the communicator.


An hour later, another urban area in Nar Shaddaa.

On a high tower, a figure wearing a black cloak stood facing the wind. Under the gust of night wind, the black cloak outlined the slim figure below. This was a woman and a woman with a very good figure.

She stared quietly at the tall building opposite, where her target was.

Hector was having a carnival upstairs, surrounded by all kinds of beauties, and he drank recklessly because he knew that he had just made a great contribution to the Desilijic Family of the Hutts and received a reward, he can wash his hands and go away, never mind the bloody storm of Smuggler's Moon.

Downstairs and upstairs, there are thousands of his men, some are also drinking, others are faithfully guarding. These thousands of guards also gave Hector a great sense of security.

A bloodthirsty smile appeared on the mouth of the woman in the opposite tower, and under the shadow of the hood, her eyes were confused and cruel. She has been here for more than ten minutes, and with her powerful Force, she has a panoramic view of the tall building opposite.

The more fun the target has there, the more fun she will be when the time comes...

A suspended truck pulled the goods and flew through the air. At the same time, the woman lightly tapped her toes, and the whole person fell down, landed on the truck accurately, and then jumped suddenly, spanning a distance of more than ten meters in the air and then He smashed the unbreakable glass of the pistol directly, and rushed into the carnival venue!

Under everyone's surprised gazes, the woman raised her hand and shook it lightly, a metal Lightsaber Hilt slipped into her palm, pressed the button, and with a buzzing sound, the Blood-Red Lightsaber Blade popped out instantly!


A Republic Shuttle left Hyperspace and came to the outer space of Nar Shaddaa. The pilot contacted a spaceport and then drove the spacecraft to fly there.

In the Shuttle, there were four people wearing coarse cloth robes, and one of them was very short.

"It's finally here...the Smugglers Moon, Nar Shaddaa. We have to be careful, this place can be said to be the most complicated and dangerous place in the entire Galaxy." A man raised his hood and revealed his face. It was a Jedi Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, he continued to someone beside him, "Especially you, Anakin Skywalker, put away your exuberant curiosity."

"Don't worry, Master, I still dealt with the Hutts when I was a child." A young voice replied.

"The Hutts don't have a good impression of our Republic, even if we are looking for the existence of a suspected Sith Lord. Someone reported that a person with a Red Lightsaber was active in Nar Shaddaa, killing many people in recent years, however, if this person hadn't massacred more than 700 members of a gang organization this time, it is estimated that this news would never reach us." Another equally young voice said.

"Catch this man and bring him back to the Jedi Temple, and everything will be revealed!" The shortest man's voice was very hoarse.

This content is taken from (f)reewe(b)novel.𝗰𝗼𝐦

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