Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 466: The Master of Tatooine

Chapter 466: The Master of Tatooine

In Jabba's palace, Jabba sat on his comfortable platform. The once luxurious silks, satins and silks around him had long since been torn and burned, and the Mercenary Leaders who were feasting had disappeared. The dancers had already turned into cold corpses—they were strangled to death by the angry Jabba himself.

The brand of a loser has now been completely stamped on his forehead.

Once upon a time, he had the upper hand in the fight with Gardulla the Hutt, and Gardulla had to hide in Mos Espa Port to survive. Part of the proceeds of the Bonta Eve Classic Pod Race was handed over to her in order to achieve a semblance of peace between the two parties.


Jabba felt like everything had changed since the Bothan Bandits Broderick Gravel and Magtan Scar had found a large amount of ammunition from nowhere and robbed the race like crazy.

He tried his best to get closer to Hego Damask II, hoping to gain the support of this veteran figure in the financial world, but the latter treated him indifferently. Even if he got the news that Gardulla wanted to assassinate Hego and told Hego the news, Hego didn't act too enthusiastically.

Jabba's career has struggled without funding from Damask Group Holdings. The Pod Race was sabotaged and he lost a chunk of his earnings, the war with Gardulla left him in debt, and he was almost betrayed by Bounty Hunters for not being able to pay the high bounty.

Later, Gardulla concocted a powerful Kapisi-class Command Carrier out of nowhere and kept harassing the outskirts of his city. The harassment lasted for more than half a year, causing his smuggling industry to suffer a devastating blow. After that, he had to purchase a batch of T-24 Airspeeders through the arms dealer Yuri Orlov to turn the tide of the war.

But this is also a flashback. Gardulla reappeared after a few months of dormancy. As before, she brought a surprise every time she appeared, and the surprise this time is the SA2-17 Phalanx-class Armored Assault Vehicle and the 114-meter-long Zenith-class Armored Capital Ship.

These Advanced Ground Vehicles easily destroyed the Airspeeders he bought at a high price, and completely destroyed his last hope.

Jabba has reached the end of the stage of the Galaxy.

A burly Hutt was reflected in the holographic projection. The skin folds on his body were as rough as old bark, and there were black spots.

He is Jiliac Desilijic Tiron the Hutt, head of the Desilijic Family and uncle of Jabba Desilijic.

"You have suffered a disgraceful failure, Jabba. Just like your incompetent father!" Jiliac said in Hutt, his tone full of anger, "Why do you all come from the Tiron Family? It's trash!"

"It's not fair! There's a powerful force behind Gardulla helping her! I'm fighting alone!" Jabba roared in Hutt.

"Then what about you? Why didn't you find a stronger force? Before you swore that I could get Hego's support, but where is he now!? He's dead!" Jiliac said.

"Gardulla planned to kill Hego before, but failed..."

"Then it seems that the failure was only temporary, and she succeeded in the end. The Besadii Family is already covering up all this. We lost the Pod Race and lost Tatooine! The Besadii Family has begun to rise! We... because of your stupid failure, have to compromise!" Jiliac roared.

Jabba said: "Let me go back to Nar Shaddaa, and I can make a comeback!"

"It's over Jabba. I've persuaded Marlo Qunaalac of the Qunaalac Family and Oruba Gorensla of the Gorensla Family to mediate this war. With these two, the mediation of the members of the Council, the Besadii Family did not dare to mess around. However, we must withdraw from a seat in the great council." Jiliac calmed down, "That is to say, in the Grand Hutt Council composed of five people, among them, our Desilijic Family will no longer have two seats, and the vacant seat is estimated to be occupied by the Besadii Family, and they will have two seats from now on."

Jabba was silent for a while, and said, "It's not over yet!"

"It's over on Tatooine."

"I'll be back." Jabba climbed off his seat and headed out the door.

His Protocol Droid followed up and asked, "Great Lord Jabba, where are you going?"

Jabba suddenly turned his head, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and his huge slug body suddenly rushed forward like a tank, the speed was quite fast, with a bang, the Protocol Droid was knocked to the ground by him, and then Jabba waved his fist and bang. After a burst of smashing, it actually smashed the robot made of steel to the ground!

"Great...Lord...*()&&...Bada%*&..." The damaged generating device of the Protocol Droid made a messy sound.

Jabba straightened up, withdrew his wounded and bleeding fist, and crawled out the door, "I'll be back."


"Hahahaha!! Sing! Dance!! We won! We won! Tatooine is mine! Hahahaha!!" Gadrulla Besadii the Hutt sat sprawled on Jabba's seat, waving her short hands and laughing happily.

Next to her, two dancers were feeding her wine and fruit.

Magtan Scar embraced her hands, stood aside and looked at him coldly, and T-850 Jason Statham was also standing behind him. The terrifying aura emanating from this Robot made everyone around shudder, and no one dared to approach this place at all.

Scar just looked at the luxurious life, wine pool and meat forest in front of him. This was what he and his brother dreamed of before, but now, these things are right in front of him, and he can even go up and kick Gardulla down, and go to the crowd by himself enjoying all this in the middle, however...he just feels ridiculous.

Now Scar has long understood that the Scourge Army that he and his brother Grovel have joined together is what he really wants, and Tatooine is also the stage he really wants!

He want mores, something more exciting!

Scar couldn't help showing a ferocious and terrifying expression. A maid next to him, who was only covered with a thin layer of silk, walked by. Seeing his expression, she screamed, and the fruits in her hands scattered all over the ground.

On the Atlas Security side, Big Boss did not attend the banquet, nor did Kaleesh General Hakimi. They are all people who have dedicated their lives to the battlefield, and they are not suitable for such an occasion.

Instead, Mira Han participated in the banquet, got herself very drunk, and then sent a message to Matt Horner, saying some explicit things, which made him stunned for a while.

At the same time, in an encrypted Hyperspace Communication Channel, two people who could really decide the fate of Tatooine were talking.

The head of the Besadii Family, Arok Besadii, and the Sith Lord Darth Malthael.

"Tatooine is already ours, but the Desilijic Family will not let it go. I know Jiliac, he is not a good guy, and Jabba is definitely not as bad as he showed in this war." Arok said.

Darth Malthael just said indifferently: "Now you, you only need to enjoy the victory, and then cooperate with me to run Tatooine. Later, when the opportunity will find out, what a wise decision you made today."

"What kind of chance?" Arok took a sip of the spice.

"If you want more, then cooperate with me and do a big thing! If you just want to be content with the status quo, then you just need to maintain good-faith neutrality with me, and you will definitely make money from this business. What do you think?" Malthael's mouth under the shadow of the hood raised a cold arc.

"The Scourge is on Tatooine, can you still withdraw? Will the Desilijic Family spare me? Gardulla is useless, can I still count on her? There is no turning back, right? As long as we can enhance the strength of our Besadii Family and completely sweep the Desilijic Family into the trash, it is not impossible for me to consider working with you again."

Malthael laughed, "Then, wait for me for five years... you'd better not be kicked out of Tatooine during this time. After five years...hehehehe..."

He laughed for a while, the communication was cut off immediately, and the encrypted communication frequency was also automatically destroyed, leaving no traces.

Arok narrowed his eyes as he looked at the smoking Hyperspace Communicator in front of him.

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