Chapter 454: Gone Crazy

Following the cries for help, there is a pile of tables and chairs, which can't be seen clearly, but if you want to go there... Eldra looked at the stumped limbs on the ground, and she had to step on these things to get there.

"Help me..." It seemed that a voice was heard, and the cry for help became a little louder.

People must be saved... Eldra gritted her teeth and started to walk over there, stepping on the flesh and blood on the ground.

Puchi, Puchi, the landing point is greasy, I don't know what I stepped on with each foot, maybe it's the scalp, maybe the liver, maybe...

Eldra resisted the nausea in her heart and walked forward step by step. The strong smell of blood filled her nasal cavity. Every time she took a breath, it was like drinking a big mouthful of blood. A rusty taste of iron began to appear in her throat.

It's not that she hasn't killed people before. When she practiced with her Master, she did kill several pirates, but... the Lightsaber is an elegant weapon, it can cut everything, it can destroy everything, and the super high temperature makes the Lightsaber even if it cuts a person into two pieces, it will burn the wound instantly, and no blood will flow out.

In fact, because of her outstanding Force and swordsmanship talent, when she killed pirates before, she always pierced through the chest with the Lightsaber, leaving their whole corpses, elegantly.

She had never seen such a bloody scene, let alone set foot in it.

"Don't need passion, calm your mind...don't follow ignorance, obey true knowledge...don't indulge in lust, be quiet and clear...although there is chaos, there is still perish, only the force of force..." She kept chanting the Jedi silently The creed of the Jedi Knight is approaching there step by step.

"Help me..." The cry for help began to weaken.

Eldra's head was already covered in a cold sweat, and the two antennae on her head had curled up against her back because of tension. She tried it, but her Force seemed to be disordered again, so she raised her hand to push away and remove the pile of tables and chairs.


A Soldier fell among the piles of corpses, and next to him was the corpse of an Yinchorri Sombie. The Soldier's right hand was torn off alive, but it was amazing that he didn't die!

His wound has been infected with the G-Virus, and the virus keeps mutating and finally grows together with the body of the Yinchorri Zombie next to him. The virus had not yet spread to his brain and the right side of his body, and he was still somewhat awake, calling for help constantly.

Seeing Eldra approaching, hope appeared in his eyes, and he stretched out his blood-stained left hand, "Help me...I don't want to die...My home is in Zaolu City...It hurts, it itches... I don't want to die...Pull me up...I can't move..."

"You... no..." Eldra was stunned by the scene in front of her.

No matter how little she knew about the G-Virus, she knew that the person in front of her could not be saved, and the only option was to kill him. "" Eldra backed away step by step until her back hit the wall.

"Help me!" The Soldier began to struggle violently, his flesh was constantly torn, and finally, he succeeded!

He stood up successfully, and then the flesh on his right side was torn off like a rag, exposing the white bones! The heart that had been squeezed by the mutated tissue to the broken part of his right arm rolled down all of a sudden, and he fell headfirst, never moving again.

Eldra Kaitis was already in tears, trembling all over, unable to speak a word, this person seemed to be dead, and she wanted to get out of there.

However, the voice sounded again!

"Save me..."

Eldra suddenly turned her head but saw a terrible scene.

The Soldier actually stood up again, but this time, he stood up together with the flesh and blood around him and the body of the Yinchorri Zombie! ! These disgusting corpses and minced meat were put together to form a disgusting and terrifying monster!

Half of the Soldier's head was squeezed into the chest. He looked sideways at Eldra and stretched out his bloated arms, "Help me..."

"You! You! You!... Don't come here!!" Eldra broke down, and she roared loudly, swiping the Lightsaber and cutting the Soldier in half!

"Why... why did you kill me...? Didn't you come to save me..." Because of the mutation, the Soldier no longer felt pain, and he looked at Eldra suspiciously.

"Go, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die!" Eldra yelled frantically, and the Lightsaber in her hand kept chopping. The Plasma Blade with millions of degrees cut the Soldier's mutated body into countless pieces!

Eldra slammed the door open and rushed out, and there were again intensive gunshots in the town, but these gunshots were very scattered and short as if the battle ended in a short time.

But she didn't pay attention to these, just ran on the road desperately. There were more groans and roars from all around, and the corpses of the Soldiers of the Fourth Civilization who had been killed by the zombies and fell on the ground climbed up one by one again! They opened their eyes without pupils, raised their blood-stained hands and rushed towards her!

"Die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, hahahahaha!!!" Eldra easily escaped the pounce of all the zombies, and swung the Lightsaber in her hand like lightning, killing all the zombies again.

Not only killing but cutting every zombie into countless pieces!

Suddenly she thought of something, and frantically ran in the direction of the five Soldiers she had saved before, still muttering, "I'll save you, I'll save you, I'll save you..."

However, the door of that house had been broken open, and two Yinchorri Zombies fell at the door. Eldra rushed in, and oncoming... were five Soldiers of the Fourth Civilization who had been infected and turned into zombies!!

They roared with unknown meaning, and there were scars all over their bodies, and even one Soldier had only his upper body left! But they still crawled towards Eldra!




The powerful M-22 Eviscerator shotgun shot directly from the Yinchorri Zombie's eyes at close range, and the zombie's eyes and body suddenly swelled irregularly and exploded with a bang.

Justin Reeves looked at the corpses of 4 or 5 zombies lying around, walked to the door and punched open the door sideways.

Da da da da! A burst of bullets was fired, but they all hit the empty space and did not hit Levi who was standing on the side. He just said lightly, "Come out, follow me."

There was a burst of cheers from inside, and several Fourth Civilization Soldiers came out, and when they saw Levi and the others, they burst into tears. Those iron-like men were weeping uncontrollably at this moment, this hellish night had already destroyed their will.

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