Chapter 452: Breakthrough

Huang Yehao and Cummings walked carefully through the darkness. There were still gunshots in the distance, but the positions were very scattered.

Since the Instructor gave the order to launch a counter-attack against the Yinchorri Zombie wave and try to enter the city to hold their ground, they were doomed to this result.

Their firepower and combat literacy are not enough. If they gather together to concentrate their firepower and retreat slowly, there is still a chance of survival. But if they want to attack those Yinchorri Zombies whose average height is close to 3 meters, then basically, it's really courting death.

But in fact, the instruction given by the Instructor is to let them go to death and let their last resistance attract the Yinchorri Zombies in the whole city so that these zombies will not run around and spread the virus.

Obviously, the Instructor of the 132nd Company also issued the same order.

The result is that the 400 Recruits of the 131st and 132nd Recruit Companies initially achieved certain results after launching a counter-assault, but when more Yinchorri Zombies rushed over, they were immediately scattered by the murderous zombies trying to tear them into pieces, running to those houses and relying on the complex terrain to try and survive.

Huang Yehao and Cummings originally planned to pass through a group of houses and arrive at the target point, but they soon found that the street ahead was crowded with hundreds of Yinchorri Zombies, and they had no choice but to hide in a three-bedroom waiting in the multi-storey residence.

And after waiting for a while, they still didn't find anyone able to advance here, and they immediately understood that this battle was a complete failure.

"How come? How many monsters are there?" Huang Yehao yelled in a low voice while grabbing his hair.

"It's over, no one can advance here...we're stuck." Cummings fell on the ground in frustration, tail curled up, and then took out a compressed biscuit and started chewing.

"No...things are wrong!" Huang Yehao suddenly thought of something, "Think about it! If we let us fight this monster one-on-one, can we kill it?"

Cummings shook his head, "Impossible, these monsters are hardly afraid of bullets, and they are super powerful. They are obviously transformed by the Yinchorrians, who are known as the strongest fighters in the Galaxy!"

"Then here comes the problem... In the face of these monsters, we are absolutely not superior in number, and our firepower is absolutely not superior, so why does the Instructor want us to launch an assault on the monster-infested city instead?" ?" Huang Yehao whispered.

"You mean...the Instructor sent us to die on purpose? Why?" Cummings was so frightened that the compressed biscuits dropped when he heard this.

Huang Yehao raised his finger and tapped his helmet lightly a few times, and said slowly while thinking: "The Instructor asked us to capture a building deep in the town. Judging from the situation where we encountered the enemy, that building obviously was his impromptu thought, this road is full of monsters, it is impossible to attack from here. Also... These monsters rely on sound to distinguish their position, they are particularly sensitive to gunshots... So... the Instructor wants us to attract these monsters with gunshots and keep them near us?"

"And then? Blow up here?" Cummings asked.

"If it was going to be blown up, it would have been blown up long ago! And if this is really possible, the air support will definitely be able to arrive when we just encounter the enemy. They can't let us die from the beginning. The Instructor must have Instructions received later...then no Fighters have come so far...the Yinchorris are unlikely to threaten our air power...then what are they planning to do?"

"Why do you think so much... Now we can only wait here to die or for reinforcements." Cummings picked up the compressed biscuit, patted it casually and wanted to eat it again.

"Wait a minute!" Huang Yehao rushed over and slapped the biscuit down.

"What are you doing?" Cummings froze for a moment.

"You can still eat now! Don't you realize that those monsters are all Yinchorrians?"

"So what?" Cummings hadn't reacted yet.

"Looking at the appearance of those Yinchorri, this is obviously a virus. Remember the movie we watched? Isn't there that kind of zombie movie?" Huang Yehao said.

"I haven't seen it..." Cummings looked blank.

"Well, I'll ask you to see if I can go back alive. In short, there must be a virus infection here! We have sucked a lot of air, but there is no problem yet, which means it is not airborne. Then the biggest possibility is contact transmission or food transmission. Yes! Compressed biscuits are sealed and packaged, so there should be no problem, but if you pick them up and eat them after dropping them on the ground, the situation will be different!"

Cummings was terrified, "Then what should we do now?"

Huang Yehao's face was solemn, "We can't stay here for a long time! Let's use suicide attacks to attract these monsters, it will definitely not last long. When we are all dead, those monsters will wander around aimlessly! That's it, whether it is the Instructor or the high-level, they absolutely know! Therefore, they will definitely take action before we are all dead! It is very likely... It is orbital bombing..."

"Orbital bombing? I'll go! Why don't you run now!" Cummings was taken aback again.

"Let's sort out the equipment first! I still have 1 Grenade and 4 Thermal Energy Magazines here, what about you?" Huang Yehao said.

"Well...I'll count..." Cummings put the Combat Backpack on the ground, then poured out the contents with a clatter and started counting, "1, 2, 3, 4, 5... well, I still have 17 Thermal Magazines, 8 Grenades, 5 Compressed Biscuits, 5 Bottles of Water."

Huang Yehao was stunned, "Wait a minute, if I remember correctly, the Instructor gave you a Six-Barreled Machine Gun when he asked you to be the fireman! You were holding a Six-Barreled Machine Gun and carried so many Guns on your back?!"

"Haha! I'm from Sy Myrth, and I have great strength." Cummings smiled honestly.

"Okay! In this case, our hope is even greater! I have a plan." Huang Yehao pointed to a small square more than 200 meters away from the window and said: "You are strong, can you throw the Grenade over there?"

"No problem!" Cummings packed up his things, distributed some Thermal Energy Magazines and Grenades to Huang Yehao, then took out one by himself, and weighed it a little. The Grenade was like a small stone in his big furry hand. He flicked his hand violently, and threw the Grenade with a whoosh! The Grenade was thrown 200 meters away, and a few seconds later, it exploded with a bang!!

At this moment, the Yinchorri Zombies all around let out a roar, and then swooped towards the direction where the Grenade exploded!

"Let's go!" Huang Yehao pulled Cummings, and the two rushed out of the house while the zombie's attention was attracted, and ran towards the direction they came from.

After running for a certain distance, he pointed to an alley and said, "Throw another one over there!"

Without further ado, Cummings threw a Grenade. The explosion of the Grenade attracted the zombies again, and they moved forward.

However, just as they opened the door of a house and were about to go through the house, a huge Yinchorri Zombie rushed out of their faces!!

Before they could react, the tentacles on the zombie shot out, and entangled Cummings!

"Cummings!!" Huang Yehao roared, rushing up and shooting at the zombie regardless.

The electromagnetically accelerated bullets hit the zombie bloody, like a sieve, but it was still not fatally injured. It was so powerful that even Cummings, a Sy Myrthian, couldn't resist and was pulled towards the house.

"Hurry up! Huang!! I can kill it!" Cummings threw the backpack over, then took out a Grenade and threw it directly at the zombie's bloody mouth!

Huh~~~! A sudden mutation happened!

A strong airflow blows over, blowing the Grenade into the distance, and then...

Swish!!! A Red Light flashed, and the zombie was cut into two pieces!

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