Chapter 441: Free Trader

Looking at the man in a suit and leather shoes, with sunglasses in his hand, and his hairline had reached a dangerous value, Jabba waved his short hands and muttered a few words in Hutt, looking a little annoyed.

"The great Jabba said that you are from the fourth group. You have one minute to finish your sentence, and then you will be dragged into the desert to feed the Krayt dragon." The etiquette robot on the side translated.

"Don't say that, Mr. Jabba. I am no longer serving the Fourth Group. Now I am just a neutral arms dealer." Yuri Orlov raised his hands and smiled, "So, I heard that another war broke out on Tatooine, so I'll come and see if I can help you."

Jabba growled a few words.

"Brave Jabba said, throw this guy out," the Protocol Droid translated.

A few vicious mercenaries walked over immediately, but they were blocked by a few bodyguards behind Yuri Orlov. The two sides were at war, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Yuri Orlov took the time to light a cigar for himself and said, "It's okay if you want me to go, after all, I'm just a businessman. Why don't you hear what I can bring you? I have to remind you that the black market is not a panacea, and you cannot buy many things on the black market. If the situation continues like this, you are no match for the Scourge."

Jabba's face became serious, and he said something again.

"Lord Jabba decided to give you a chance to speak." The Protocol Droid translated.

Yuri Orlov sipped his cigar and said, "Do you know why you were at a disadvantage in the battle on Tatooine? Two reasons, first, mobility. The opponent is a Land-Based Command Carrier, and their Repairs and supplies are in the Carrier, so you have no effect on their Supply Lines unless directly confronting their strongest guards, and they can keep hitting those you have set up around Mos Eisleys scattered spaceports make you exhausted."

"Secondly, they have three-dimensional defenses on the ground and in the air, but you must understand that although their Fighter is very good, it is a High-Speed Light Fighter after all. They can fight against a large number of bounty hunters' spaceships. The focus is actually ground fire support."

Yuri Orlov shook the soot, "So, you need to strangle the opponent's ground force and let the Fighter face you alone. Although the speed is slower, the shield and firepower far exceed Bounty Hunter Spacecraft, but to fight against the opponent's ground force, just relying on your Hoverbikes, don't even think about it."

Jabba waved his hand and said a few words.

"The Mighty Jabba said, what can you bring us?" the Protocol Droid translated.

Yuri Orlov took out a holographic projector, which projected the appearance of a Levitating Airspeeder. This suspended chariot is roughly wedge-shaped, with a flap on the top of its head, making it look like a clumsy 'herringbone' as a whole.

He smiled and said: "T-24 Airspeeder, produced by Incom Corporation, ordered by the Military. It is 4.7 meters long, 2.1 meters wide, with a maximum speed of 520 kilometers per hour and a maximum suspension height of 150 meters. Equipped with two The CEC-AP/9 Laser Cannon produced by the Corellian Engineering Corporation can easily destroy a Hoverbike with a Shield with a single shot of 0.2 seconds."

He leaned closer, "Now Incom Corporation is developing a new generation of Airspeeder, so this old Airspeeder has been discontinued, and it can only be obtained through Military orders. You can't buy this thing on the black market. And I have 80 T-24 Airspeeders in my hand, which is enough to destroy any high-speed convoy running rampant on the Tatooine. Thanks for your patronage, a T-24 Airspeeder is worth 50,000 Credits, and you can buy all 80 of them at once If so, I can give you a 10% discount."

Jabba nodded with some satisfaction and said a few words.

"Master Jabba asked, didn't you serve the Fourth Group before? Why did you sell weapons to their enemies." The etiquette robot translated.

"I said that the relationship between me and the Fourth Group was unsuitable, so I left. Businessmen, we don't need to have a position. What we want is the market. It's like Santa Claus. Where are the children who want gifts? , Santa Claus will go there, and stuff the shining tanks and cannons into the children's socks. Do you know? Put the tanks into the socks... Hahahahahahahaha!!" Yuri ORlof took a puff on his cigar, seemed to laugh at his own humor, and laughed out loud.

However, none of the people present could get his smile, they just remained silent.

"lORD Jabba asks, how does he know you won't sell stronger weapons to Gardulla?" The Protocol Droid was translating again.

"First, it is impossible for the Scourge to ask me to buy weapons. Second, in fact, fighting is all about money. Even if I sell things to the Scourge and defeat you, it just shows a problem— —Your money is not enough." Yuri Orlov leaned back on the backrest and spit a column of smoke towards the ceiling, "Then, give me an answer. Now, are we considered cooperation?"

"Lord Jabba says he wants more and money is not an issue." The Protocol Droid translated Jabba's words again.

"Are you interested in spaceships? Gunship-class Light Frigates and Blade Flighters. When I get the Blade Fighter, I won't have to wait like other suppliers but will arrive immediately. As for the Gunship-class, you should know that this is the previous Military order competition of Planet Dawn, It defeated the Blade Fighter which was an excellent spaceship. Now Planet Dawn is changing clothes, so I can get some of the Gunship-class. Of course, there is also the Corellia YT-1000, this Is more expensive, you know, those gentlemen of Corellian Engineering Corporation are not easy to serve." When it came to business, Yuri Orlov started to talk endlessly.

He glanced at Jabba again and said, "Well, I know what you want to ask. Yes, I don't work for the Fourth Group anymore, but weapons are not guilty, money is not guilty, business does not take a stand."

"Lord Jabba says, now we can negotiate a deal for 20 Million Wupi Wupi coins. Don't let him down," said the Protocol Droid.

Yuri Orlov clicked on the calculator, "According to the latest black market price, this is equivalent to 11.04 million Galactic Credits. You know that the recent war on Tatooine has depreciated Wupi Wupi coins. Okay, I will arrange it. Thank you for your patronage."

After speaking, he stood up and stretched out his hand to shake Jabba's hand, but Jabba didn't accept this trick and waved his hand to signal him to go down.

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