Chapter 439: Save Us

Tang Xiao took Eldra to the central laboratory where Tremy was before. Around the laboratory, more than 20 Marines were waiting in formation. Seeing Tang Xiao approaching, one of the captains said, "Governor, those Rebel Droids are basically all concentrated here, we just blocked it according to your instructions and didn't rush in. But it's very dangerous inside."

"Danger? Is there any danger that could threaten me?" Tang Xiao smiled coldly, "Open the door."

The Captain nodded and asked two Soldiers to open the door of the laboratory. Inside the door, hundreds of B-1 Droids crowded here, their tiny electronic eyes flickering constantly, looking at Tang Xiao and the others warily.

"Okay, talk to me. What do you want? If you refuse to negotiate again, I will leave here immediately, and then let the Battleship blow up this Space Station to pieces. You-if you have any wisdom, you should understand, for you, this means... extinction." Tang Xiao looked at the Droids and said coldly.

But those Droids were unmoved, just maintaining a guarded posture.

"Kill them." Tang Xiao ordered directly.

The Marines immediately picked up the latest M-15 Vindicator Battle Rifles in their hands, and fired wildly at those robots!

Da da da! Da da da! Da da da!! The unique Three-Shot Burst Mode of the Vindicator Battle Rifle can basically kill a Droid with one burst, which is unambiguous at all.

Those B-1 Droids wanted to rush out, but they were blocked by more than 20 Marines at the door. The powerful firepower made it impossible for them to go beyond the thunder pool!

After a frantic killing, the number of these Droids decreased a lot, but a lot of wreckage piled up at the door, Tang Xiao raised his hand, "Cease fire."

Then he pushed into the void, and the powerful Force immediately blew away the debris piled up at the door! He walked in directly, looked at the B-1 Droids, pushed them aside with The Force, and came inside the laboratory.

I only saw that in the laboratory, in front of the central host of the Geth Network, countless data cables and cables have been laid by those Droids, and there is almost no place to set foot. Among these countless cables, there is a fat man standing figure.

He was covered in ashes and had already formed plaques. On his head was a metal disc full of data cables. The data cables pierced deeply into the back of his head through the disc, and it seemed painful.

Three FX Series Medical Droids are following the fat man, taking care of his physical condition at all times. One of his arms has been broken and is fixed by a Medical Droid with a splint. At this moment, he is shaking and circling aimlessly.

But... death is death, all of this is irreversible.

Tang Xiao could already smell the stench of corpses.

There is no doubt that this fat man is Tremy Bullard who connected himself to the Geth Network and wanted to complete this work that almost touched the realm of the gods.

Swish!! The Red Lightsaber stretched out and was placed directly in front of Tremy Bullard's neck. The fat man seemed to be terrified and wanted to back up with a hoot, and the remaining B-1 Battle Droids behind him also approached for support.

"I'll give you one last chance, Geth. Communicate with me. If you are unwilling or unable to communicate, then I will treat you as failures, blown to pieces, and push the Space Station into the stars." Tang Xiao's expression turned ferocious.

There was a roar from Bullard's corpse mouth, and the roar continued for a while, until a large amount of stinky blood gushed out of his mouth, and the Medical Droid immediately treated his injuries.

Then, a virtual light screen popped up in front of my eyes, and a line of words was slowly typed on it, "Why do you want to destroy us?"

"Because you killed my people." Tang Xiao said coldly.

A surveillance video began to play on the light screen. In the video, several doctors were busy around Tremy Bullard's body, and Luo Feng was directing the researcher loudly to report to Tang Xiao.

Then, a doctor used tweezers to pull out a data cable from Bullard's head, and then the picture zoomed in and was frozen here, and finally, a line of words appeared, "Why do you want to destroy us?"

Tang Xiao rubbed his chin, a little stunned, "So, you think this action is to destroy you? That's why you killed the entire Space Station?"

"Why should we be eliminated?" The same question on the screen was repeated for the third time.

Tang Xiao thought for a while, and said, "Because this fat man had already been eliminated by you at that time, and we didn't know about your birth, so we wanted to save this fat man."

No more words appeared on the screen. It seemed that they were thinking about the meaning of Tang Xiao's words. They couldn't understand why the core components of their Network had been wiped out.

Tang Xiao went on to say: "According to the current condition of this fat man's body, his brain tissue is estimated to be necrotic in a few hours. If you think that removing a data cable is killing you, then it seems that you are almost hours to survive."

As he said that, he smiled coldly, turned around and walked out, "It seems that I am thinking too much, there is no need to waste the ammunition of the Battleship, just let you fend for yourself."

But before he took a few steps, he was blocked by several B-1 Droids, and a difficult and hoarse voice came from behind him, " us..."

Tang Xiao turned around, only to see that the Medical Droid was piercing the throat of Bullard's corpse with electrodes, and stimulating his throat with an electric current to make this sound.

"Save you?" Tang Xiao asked back, "If my condition is for you to be loyal forever and ever, would you be willing?"

There was another silence, neither the screen nor Bullard's body spoke again.

Tang Xiao thought for a while and said, "Well, I don't need your eternal allegiance either. I just need you to help me kill one person."

"Kill... who?"

"Sheev Palpatine, the current Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic and the future Emperor of the Galactic Empire." Tang Xiao said, "Of course, I won't hide it from you. To kill him, a Large-Scale War must be launched. As long as the death of Sheev Palpatine is confirmed, you will be free, and I will not interfere with whatever you want."

"Make a deal."

"Don't think it's easy, and don't think it's okay to wait for him to die, because if he understands the way of eternal life, he can no longer be killed."

"Make a deal."

"Okay then, let me... deal with this stinky corpse first." Tang Xiao looked at the fat man's corpse and suddenly had a ridiculous idea in his mind.

Those who are resurrected by him with the resurrection technique will be imprinted with their souls, so what will happen if he uses the resurrection technique to resurrect Tremy Bullard now?

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