Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 429: Everyone’s Happy

Chapter 429: Everyone's Happy

Although the terms of the peace talks proposed by Tang Xiao were harsh, they did not push the Ayrou Civilization into a desperate situation but gave them enough room for common development—provided that they were under the leadership of the Fourth Civilization.

Of course, all of this depends on whether the Ayrou Civilization.

At the same time, in the Galactic Senate of Coruscant, Francis Underwood also notified the Senate of the "peaceful resolution" of the Ayrou matter, which roughly means that the final decision between Planet Dawn and Planet Annaj let go of their hatred and reached a consensus that they are willing to jointly develop in the Moddell Star Area and build a harmonious world.

Palpatine and Kuat Drive Yards, which earned more than a Billion Credits in this War, did not question this more. After all, when they chose to participate in this matter, it was impossible to accuse them in public.

The result was naturally satisfactory for all, and Palpatine happily announced that Planet Dawn once again contributed to the peace of the Republic. The members of the New Ring Faction in the Outer Rim Star District were also very happy to see that their new big brother looked really powerful, and it was right to follow them.

Those Aristocratic Lords in the Inner Ring and the Core Area are also tired of arguing about a garbage area of space where birds actually shit, and now that the matter is over, it happens that their ears are clean.

The Fourth Civilization officially established its hegemony in the Moddell Star Area, and the 1 Billion Vashans who used to belong to the Ayrou Civilization also changed their family and re-recognized their elder brother. They are all very excellent labor force. For such a race, Tang Xiao is never stingy with rewards.

With a wave of his hand, he appointed the High Priest of the Vashan Civilization as the Pope of Vasha, built a Huge Temple on their Altar, and built a seat of Pure Gold for them. This is really what they like. In addition, the economic situation of the Fourth Civilization itself is far better than that of the Ayrou Civilization, so the treatment given is naturally much higher.

The Vashan people have always been honest and hard-working, so they are happier and work hard for the Fourth Civilization.

Similarly, the Ayrou Civilization originally had 400 to 500 million Humans under its umbrella. After these Humans become self-governing, the Ayrou Civilization will naturally not give them a good face. These Human beings lack housing and food, let alone industry. They have no choice but to seek refuge in the Fourth Civilization.

Tang Xiao was also very generous, he joined the Trade Federation, and together with Nute Gunray, helped these Humans start to establish their own Agriculture and Industries.

And on the former Prison Planet of the Ayrou Civilization, Tang Xiao also started his new plan. There are 1 Million Prisoners on this Planet, and those who can be sentenced to exile are all serious Criminals. In addition, there are about 2 Million Human Residents, most of whom don't like the way of life of the Ayrou Civilization. They immigrated from Planet Annaj, and they live by Agriculture and Fishing.

In addition, there are about 100,000 Kian'thar living here, mainly engaged in Animal Husbandry. This is a very rare race with telepathic ability. At present, Tang Xiao is only trying to appease them and has not taken any further actions against them for the time being.

There are no High-Quality Minerals on Planet Thonner, which cannot be used to make spaceships. Therefore, Tang Xiao plans to build a huge Army Barracks here. If the felons here are willing to serve in the Army, they will have a maximum of 15 years of Military Service, or an upper limit of two-thirds of the average life expectancy of the race. After the Military Service is completed, they will receive a considerable allowance and regain their freedom.

The Interstellar Banking Clan is carrying out modernization work on Ovise III, the original Industrial Planet of the Ayrou Civilization. The Co-Chairman San Hill has also started preparing for the battle. For an Industrial Planet with a very good Industrial Foundation, it is natural to wish for it.

In a happy ending, only the Ayrou Civilization were beaten.

After this war, whether it was San Hill, the Co-Chairman of the Interstellar Banking Clan, or Nute Gunray, the Viceroy of the Trade Federation, they all got to know Tang Xiao again from their different perspectives.

San Hill has always believed that Tang Xiao is the unknown apprentice of Plagueis, but he is not sure, but at least he knows that there is a deep relationship between the two, so he often starts to get close to Tang Xiao on his own initiative.

Nute Gunray thought that Tang Xiao was also one of Sidious's pawns. Since everyone is a pawn, wouldn't it be good to hug each other for warmth? At least whenever Sidious wants to treat them as abandoned children, he can find someone to discuss with him, right?

Due to this reason, and Count Dooku is indeed trying to broker the relationship between these parties, the Trade Federation and the Interstellar Banking Clan also unconsciously communicated with Tang Xiao's Planet Dawn, Fourth Group and Damask Holdings forming a tighter Alliance.

After the Fourth Civilization and the Ayrou Civilization signed the Unequal Treaty known as the "Ayrou Contract", the first Moddell Star Wars also came to an end.

After the contract was signed, Tang Xiao returned to Kuna's Tooth, where the War started. First of all, Tang Xiao held a grand funeral on behalf of the entire Fourth Civilization, commemorating the 179 Miners who died in the massacre and the 447 members of the Pioneering Group.

Afterwards, Tang Xiao announced that the day when the massacre occurred was the anniversary of Planet Kuna's Tooth, and every year from then on, everyone would observe a 3-minute silence at the moment of the massacre.

And the Fourth Civilization issued high pensions to these victims, because they were all Pioneers who had left their hometowns, so those who had relatives were given to their relatives, and those who had no relatives were given to those who were closely related.

Next, a grand celebration of peace.

At the meeting, Tang Xiao personally awarded the Volgograd Canidi the War Hero Merit Medal. He smiled and came to Canidi, who was dressed in a straight Military Uniform, and held the medal in both hands, "You are extremely disadvantaged. Your Troops not only defended the Colony but also dealt a heavy blow to the enemy. You deserve it, Mr. Canidi. I never thought that you have such outstanding Military Talents, so here, I award you the rank of Major General, leading the Colonization and Military Operations of the entire Kuna Star Cluster. You... are our War Hero." Who knew that upon hearing the words "War Hero", Volgograd Canidi's face suddenly turned livid, he stood up abruptly, snatched the meritorious medal from Tang Xiao's hand, and threw it on the ground with a snap, gritted his teeth and said: "This is avoidable, right!? This war is avoidable!! Those miners don't need to die, right!?"

"I'm sorry, General Canidi. There is no pure and innocent relationship between countries, and there never has been. I think that if you want to take on greater responsibilities, you must understand this." Tang Xiao His expression remained the same, he just smiled and said.

"But those people!" Canidi suddenly pointed at the newly built monument over there, his movements were very forceful, even whistling, "Those people, they are innocent!! If you want to start a War, I will not stop it! You! I don't blame you for Soldiers dying on the battlefield! But sacrificing these civilians! I can't accept it!!"

"If you carefully sort out the whole incident, you will also find that I am only contributing to the flames. It is still the Ayrou Civilization that really caused all this. You can't stop this point." Tang Xiao said calmly.

"Then since I'm a War Hero and a General, can I make a request?" Canidi said suddenly.

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