Chapter 383: Second Hometown

After talking with Professor Mordin, Tang Xiao woke up all the other 20 Salarians. I have to say that the average ability of the Salarians is indeed very good. Among these 20 people, there are 13 masters and 7 elites. This ratio is simply terrifying, and there is not even a single ordinary one!

At the same time, Daphne Clement has already formed a development team for Kef Bir, because the development of this planet has been planned a long time ago.

If nothing else happens, Kef Bir will be the first alien colony of the fourth civilization, and the Salarians will also join the fourth civilization as official race members.

Together they took a Neruda-class Envoy Cruiser to Planet Kef Bir. This Cruiser is also the diplomatic envoy ship in "Sins of a Solar Empire". It is 150 meters long and has a very comfortable internal environment and safety performance. Also good, with a crew of 250.

This is also the same as the Cobalt-class Light Frigate, the two spaceships in "Sin of the Solar Empire" that the Fourth Civilization has put out for public sale. And Tang Xiao also retained the establishment level of this spaceship cruiser, which is the same as the Galactic Republic, all diplomatic spaceships have two levels of Shuttles and Cruisers.

The spacecraft landed smoothly on Ansett Island. This island is one of the few landmasses on the planet, not far from the only continent. Because the terrain here is flat and the climate is suitable, the development team of the Fourth Civilization has already established a forward base here. There are construction materials and construction machinery piled up everywhere in the base, and more than ten SCVs are busy.

In the distant ocean, three large offshore platforms can already be seen. These platforms are used to drill for submarine oil and also collect rare elements in the deep sea.

The Salarians immediately began to communicate quickly after landing on land. Tang Xiao couldn't even hear what they were saying if he didn't use The Force.

After communicating with them, Professor Mordin Solus came to Tang Xiao and said: "As an egg species, Salarians can reproduce very quickly and must be population controlled. Traditionally, only 10% of eggs are eligible. Populations are just emerging, breaking traditions and speeding up reproduction."

Tang Xiao nodded, he understood that it was true. The Salarians are an egg-laying race, and even if their race grows normally, they will reach maturity at the age of 6-8. People can also go through two generations.

At that time, both their population and social structure will play a more important role.

"You should pay attention to population control. Although our current productivity is fine, all we have now is Planet Dawn and this Planet Kef Bir. In the long run, the living space is not enough. So, after we get more, before creating space, you need to plan by yourself," Tang Xiao said.

"More space is very necessary. The exploration of habitable planets found that colonization and development must be considered first to determine the goals and then start the preliminary preparations immediately." Professor Mordin said.

"There is no need to prepare in advance because we have many goals..." Tang Xiao laughed coldly.

Professor Mordin looked at him and spit out a word, "War."

"That's right, war, for higher glory, greater power, and a wider territory!" Tang Xiao said.

"It's a good way to express directly, but I reserve my opinion." Modrin was noncommittal, but Tang Xiao could tell that he was not willing to participate in the war.

"You need to understand that we didn't choose war, but war chose us." Tang Xiao sneered, "Since war is inevitable, then I will fight better than everyone else! I want to win this battle." A war!"

"The Salarians are not afraid of war, but stupid death." Professor Mordin said.

"So I have prepared a race for you that can foolishly die, as your support." Tang Xiao pointed to a direction deep in the island, "Jackals."

He understood that the Salarians were a race that believed in their brains more than their bodies, and they tended to let a race with simple minds and well-developed limbs serve as cannon fodder for them. In the plot of "Mass Effect", they chose Krogan, and using the power of the Krogan did indeed benefit themselves a lot.

However, in the end, the Salarians felt that the Krogan, a race no less powerful than the Yinchorri, was too difficult to control, so they developed a gene phagocytic virus to control them, and even wipe them out completely.

So now Tang Xiao took out a few Jackals who had been awakened to be used as pilots and pirates. Anyway, this race has low intelligence and well-developed limbs, and its combat effectiveness is not strong. The Salarians can control them very well, let them do some dirty work or just use them as cannon fodder.

Modin immediately began to check the data of the Jackal and kept nodding.

Tang Xiao added: "This race has no potential, and its intelligence level is limited. I didn't expect them to be able to exert greater power. Now if they can be under your control and make your development smoother, it can be regarded as a race. It's a good choice. So, how to adjust this race, including genes, is up to you to decide."

After Professor Mordin walked over and had a quick chat with the Salarian team, they all came over and saluted Tang Xiao with the highest etiquette. Continuation is above all else, Governor. Thank you for providing us Salarians with a chance to survive and continue. For this kind of grace, which is no less than that of the God of Creation, we Salarians will always remember it in our hearts and will serve as A member of the Fourth Civilization, I swear allegiance to you from generation to generation."

"This is exactly what I want to see. Every race under the Fourth Civilization is like this. One prospers and one loses. We will forge ahead. Only reaching the pinnacle of the universe is our endpoint." Tang Xiao said.

The Salarians present once again saluted Tang Xiao respectfully.

Professor Mordin went on to say: "I will be in charge of the continuation of the ethnic group, which is my field of expertise, and Professor Arroyo, the technological tree of the Amarr Empire Fleet, will be in charge."

The Salarian with iron-blue skin and three others stood up and saluted Tang Xiao, "Battleship Engineer Arroyo Barlow, I will be in charge of analyzing the technology of the Amarr Empire, and I will start working immediately."

This person's speech is finally a bit normal, at least he knows that he has broken sentences. People like Professor Mordin who treat broken sentences as a waste of time have been with him too much. Tang Xiao feels that his words will be misleading.

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