Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 365: Death of The Dark Lord (End)

Chapter 365: Death of The Dark Lord (End)

The Lightning dissipated, and Plagueis, who had been charged like charcoal, fell to the ground with a plop, his head was broken, and the metal respirator that was melted into a ball fell aside. His body was completely burned. Burnt, no moisture left.

Hego Damask II, the Muun Damask family, son of Caar Damask. He once served as the Co-Chairman of the Interstellar Banking Clan, a Business Tycoon, and a Financial Oligarch. After retiring, he founded Damask Holding Group, which is incomparably rich. Almost all business people in the entire Galaxy bowed their heads and called him a teacher when they saw him, which can be said to be highly respected.

Darth Plagueis, apprentice of Darth Tenebrous. He is the son of his mother, a woman who is sensitive to The Force and a disciple of Darth Tenebrous, who was born to Caar Damask by the latter.

Under the training of Darth Tenebrous, he possessed unparalleled skills on the Dark Side, was knowledgeable, and his research on The Force of the Dark Side had almost reached the pinnacle. And in order to study immortality, his research on The Force of Life has also reached an extremely high level. His power is extremely powerful, and in the past 50 years at least, he can be said to be the strongest in the entire Galaxy.

But now, it's gone!

Darth Plagueis, born in 135BBY[Note 1], died in 32BBY at the age of 103.

Returning from the crane to the west, the sound and appearance are still there, the old age returns to the truth, the virtues are always shining, the hard work is forever, the fragrance will last for thousands of years, the deep mourning, the unfulfilled ambition...

Master Plagueis, through the ages.

At the moment Plagueis fell, Darth Sidious only felt the power of the Dark Side rolling in, and he actually felt a sense of sadness and loss from it!

Sidious suddenly became serious, "Is this your emotion? Plagueis, are you still haunted!!" He raised his hand and sent a Lightning Bolt to Plagueis' body. The crispy corpse was beaten to pieces.

At this moment, a message came from his communicator. When he looked down, it was a message from Nute Gunray, who was like a lost dog. Nute Gunray didn't even have the audacity to communicate directly face-to-face, only dared to send a text message, 'Invasion failed, Droid Control Ship destroyed, Darth Maul was killed by Obi-Wan Kenobi after killing Qui-Gon Jinn Kenobi.'

"Idiot. Do you still think that I really care about the outcome of Planet Naboo? Ha ha ha ha... But, is Darth Maul dead? Then the sadness and loss in the Dark Side of The Force belong to Maul?" Sidious threw away the communicator casually, "Maul is also the Lord of the Sith officially recorded in the Book of Sith, which is a matter of course."

Sidious looked at Plagueis' horrific corpse and said to himself: "No! His research on immortality has not succeeded! It is impossible for him to survive! Here, it is farewell! Master! Hahahaha! Hahahahaha Ha ha!!!"

He laughed wildly, the power of the Dark Side washed over his body like a tsunami, he felt that the tide of The Force was changing, and although he didn't know what it meant, what he knew was that he became stronger!

Darth Sidious indulged in the tide of the Dark Side of The Force, enjoying the pleasure of being the only Heir of Darkness, but soon, his face suddenly changed.

He put down his hands, came to the balcony and looked in one direction, there was a towering launch tower, and there was no one on the top of the tower, but Sidious stared there, motionless. "'s not over yet...Is this your hole card? Plagueis! Maybe the game between us has just begun..." Sidious's eyes seemed to pass through the sea of ??stars like a sharp sword, The demon-like voice trembled in the air, and the powerful Force even made the sky change color.

A vague figure appeared in his eyes, but he couldn't see the person's appearance clearly, "Lord Sith... there is another..."

Darth Sidious returned to his room, poured himself a full glass of wine, and drank it down. He looked at the empty palm of his left hand, tore off a section of the sheet and wrapped it around his wrist, then poured another glass of wine and drank it all in one gulp.

There was a knock on the door, and Senator Palpatine walked over to open the door. Outside the door were several Thyrsian Sun Guards wearing gold-silver armor. They were once the most elite guards under Darth Plagueis, and everyone had undergone the most brutal training.

This guard was almost wiped out when Planet Sojorun was blown up during the assassination of Plagueis by the former King of Naboo, Ars Veruna. Later, Plagueis reconvened the surviving people and some substitutes to reorganize the Sun Guard, and those substitutes also gave Sidious a chance to infiltrate.

"Your Excellency, those stubborn people have been cleaned up. But their Captain Thull Wulain broke through and escaped, and we failed to catch him." A Sun Guard said.

Palpatine straightened his clothes and said: "Thull Wulain rebelled suddenly and killed his Master Hego Damask II. He will be wanted by the entire Republic. Alright, clean up Come here."

"Yes." The guard soldier bowed his head and answered, walked into the room and started tidying up.

"Oh, by the way, I packed up the body of my respected teacher. I thought of a good place to be his home." Palpatine showed a distorted smile on his face.


The death of Hego Damask II did not cause much disturbance under the suppression of those who cared, but now the eyes of the entire Galaxy are focused on Coruscant in another direction.

The Election of a new Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Senate.

On the second day after Hego was assassinated and died, in the Galactic Senate building, this election related to the future direction of the entire Galactic Republic was going on.

One of the candidates, Planet Alderaan's Senator Bail Antilles made an impassioned speech. He claimed to reshape the Republic's power structure, carry out a reform, completely remove the many disadvantages left after the Ruusan Reform, and bring the Galaxy to a better future.

But he didn't get much response to his speech, supported only by some of the bumpy planets in the middle ring of the Galaxy.


[Note 1: Plagueis's birth year was between 147BBY and 120BBY, ??and there is no definite time point, so an intermediate value is taken here, let the Master be over a hundred years old, hahaha. ]

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