Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 363: Death of The Dark Lord (Part 2)

Chapter 363: Death of The Dark Lord (Part 2)

Darth Plagueis was so drunk that he carried a bottle of wine and staggered towards his bedroom, then fell down on the big soft bed with a plop.

Darth Sidious pretended to support Plagueis. When he came to the bedroom, his eyes gradually became cold. Suddenly, without warning, he sent out a bolt of Force Lightning that struck Plagueis' mechanical breath!!

Plagueis lost his jaw in an assassination more than 20 years ago. He can only install a mechanical breathing mask for himself to breathe and eat, and this has become his greatest weakness!!

The Force Lightning short-circuited the breathing mask, and it immediately lost its effect. Under the suffocation, Darth Plagueis was in great pain. His hands clutched his neck in despair, and the suffocation made him unable to even make a sound.

"It's over! My lord!" Darth Sidious continued to emit Lightning, and his face was extremely ferocious, "Hehehehe! You always think you can control everything! You always think that everything is planned by you Is that right? No! Actually, you have no control over anything! Malastare, Dorvalla, Yinchorri, Eriadu, Naboo... Do you think these are all your plans? Hehehehe... ...No, a smart Apprentice will always convey his opinion to the Master through some well-timed reminders, and then the Master will happily think that it is his own idea... Hahahaha!"

Darth Plagueis' eyes were red, and he stared at Sidious as if he wanted to eat him.

"You lost this game on the first day! Master! From the day you chose to train me and let me rule this Galaxy under the control of your fingers! Your greatest weakness is that you trust others too much! Or said that you trust your own manipulation methods too much! As my teacher, I must thank you, you taught me everything, but as a Lord... Never even think about it!!" Sidious was also venting himself With long suppressed emotions, his voice grew louder, "You let once a confused boy kill his family! To make him fall to the Dark Side!! You destroyed everything about me! You made everyone, playing with them like puppets, but you don't care about their feelings at all!!"

The Lightning from Sidious became stronger and stronger, and almost the entire room was enveloped in endless Lightning. He unscrupulously displayed his power, because he knew that Darth Plagueis's mansion had all been specially treated, and the power erupting here would never be known by others.

"Are you finished?" Darth Plagueis said suddenly and coldly.

Darth Sidious was stunned as if he had been poured a bucket of cold water!

Impossible! After the breathing mask was short-circuited, Plagueis should have suffocated immediately! How could he still be able to speak, and still be so nonchalant?

Without warning, countless smoke rose from Plagueis' body, and this smoke seemed to be real, and suddenly wrapped around Sidious's Lightning-emitting hand. A terrible thing happened, Sidious's hand was instantly disintegrated into countless dust, mixed into the smoke!

"You! What did you do!?" Darth Sidious grabbed his wrist and saw that the entire palm had disappeared, he looked hideous and roared angrily.

"I did teach you everything, but what surprised me is that you didn't learn anything, otherwise you should know that this is just the reverse effect of Life Force." Darth Plagueis said coldly.

He raised his hand and pointed, and a vase next to him suddenly hit Sidious's chest with a bang, and the speed exceeded the speed of sound in an instant! The vase beat Sidious until he vomited blood, flew back several meters, smashed the coffee table with a bang, and couldn't even get up while moaning and crawling.

Plagueis pressed the communicator casually, then threw the communicator on the bed, took off his mechanical breathing mask with a sneer, and installed a temporary small breathing mask on his empty chin and trachea!

While he took out a new mechanical mask from the cabinet and put it on himself, he said: "I have to say, you were really close to killing me. But on Planet Hypori two months ago, I suddenly felt I got something... I feel that I seem to have lost my sense of Fate. This is really important because it allows me to re-examine the existences around me that I thought were harmless..."

He walked slowly towards Sidious, "I did make a mistake. I trusted my perception too much, so I didn't think about the danger I might encounter from other aspects. But now... no more. Darth Sidious, you are the greatest danger around me!"

"Go to hell! Go to hell!!" Sidious looked grim, and once again issued a powerful Lightning Bolt with his only hand.

However, Plagueis' figure was like a ghost, walking through the Lightning like a cloud of smoke! The powerful Lightning couldn't touch him in the slightest!

"As I said, you haven't learned anything about what I'm good at, you stupid Apprentice!" Plagueis grinned.

"No! You can't kill me! I will be the Supreme Chancellor tomorrow! Kill me, and you will get nothing!" Sidious said loudly.

"Of course, I won't kill you, I will just turn you into a useless person! A useless person who can't take care of himself without me! Then, I will turn you into a real puppet, and let you control this Republic in my place! Hahaha...huh?" Plagueis was about to give Sidious a fatal blow when he suddenly felt something was wrong!

The power in his body was constantly being pulled away, he felt his body begin to paralyze, he could hardly move, and even his heartbeat began to stop! He knelt down on one knee with a thud and tried his best not to fall down.

"Hahahaha! Hahahahahaha!!!" Darth Sidious laughed maniacally, "That's right! You trust others too much! You trust others too much! Hahahahahaha! Have you ever thought about it, you really, who is the most trusted person? Hahahaha!" "You! You!..." Darth Plagueis clutched his chest and forcibly used The Force of Life to maintain his heartbeat. This time he was furious, and a powerful Force even formed in his eyes. There were tiny flashes of Lightning!

"Can't think of it? Hahahaha! It's natural! Because you're used to it! You're used to the Medical Droid 11-4D being by your side! It never occurred to you that 11-4D injected neurotoxins into your mask right? Hahahaha!!" Sidious laughed wildly, "To kill you, my Master, am I just hoping to get you drunk?"

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