Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 356: The Invasion of Naboo (7)

Chapter 356: The Invasion of Naboo (7)

Sheev Palpatine, who was attending a political rally on the Perlemian Orbital Facility, had to end the rally early and return to Coruscant. Although he wanted to stay in the rally, a series of emergencies on Planet Naboo forced him to return to Coruscant. Instead of remote control, at least the two idiots Nute Gunray and Rune Haako won't really screw things up.

Because just yesterday, after he ordered Nute Gunray to kill the two Jedi Knights who went to Planet Naboo to mediate, Nute Gunray did not mention this matter again, including the fact that they occupied Naboo, the whole planet and captured Queen Amidala, it also didn't mention it when they sent him the good news.

Darth Sidious only thought that the two Jedi knights had been killed, just like what he did on the Planet Yinchorr with the remote-controlled mercenary Vima, killing the Jedi knights is for his layout It's not such a difficult thing.

Now that Planet Naboo has been occupied, all that remains is to get Queen Amidala to sign the surrender treaty as soon as possible so that he can turn upside down the Senate to legalize the occupation of the Trade Federation.

"Nute Gunray, since you have captured Queen Amidala, she must have signed the surrender treaty by now?" Darth Sidious asked in the communication.

"Hmm...that...Lord Sidious..." Nute Gunray's expression was terrified, he lowered his head and didn't dare to look at Sidious's expression, "The Queen...she disappeared..."

"What did you say? She disappeared?!" Darth Sidious was stunned for a moment. Even if the city was as well-preserved as he was, he was almost furious at the news, but he couldn't lose his composure. He could only forcefully express the anger in his heart. Be calm...

"Yes, when we escorted Queen Amidala to the concentration camp, those two Jedi knights suddenly attacked the escorting team, rescued the Queen, and even robbed a spaceship of the Naboo Royal Family, breaking through our blockade line and escaping..." Nute Gunray said with his head bowed.

He also understood that what he did was really stupid, even if the Queen was rescued, he actually let them snatch the spaceship! It's fine to grab the spaceship, but the blockade of 60 Lucrehulk-class LH-3210 Cargo Freighters was broken by a Naboo Royal Spaceship?!

This is really a disgraceful failure to say it out loud!

Nute Gunray kept making excuses in his mind. For example, the spaceships on the blockade were all cargo ships, and only 10 of them were equipped with Weapons, and the coverage of the installed turrets was very unsatisfactory, and the Vulture Droid Fighters they carried were all escorting C-9979 Landing Craft has gone into the atmosphere of Planet Naboo, and is not in the blockade.

However, as expected, Darth Sidious's fury did not come. He just said coldly: "I want you to find the Queen, capture her and sign the peace treaty! The time I can procrastinate in the Senate is limited!"

"But...we don't know where her spaceship went..." Nute Gunray's voice became smaller and smaller.

"Sith, omnipotent!" Darth Sidious said through gritted teeth, he beckoned, Darth Maul came over and stood behind him, looking fiercely at the two idiots in front of him, "This is Darth Maul, his apprentice, will help you find the Queen and kill those two Jedi Knights!"

The communication was turned off, and Rune Haako looked at Nute Gunray in horror and said: "Things are getting out of hand! How did I not know that there was a second Sith!? How many of them are there?! I said from the beginning. You shouldn't make a deal with such a terrifying existence!"

"Don't mention it again! At least they can help us sit in a high position and rule the entire trade union!" Before the terrifying figure of Sidious, Nute Gunray somewhat recovered some majesty, he snapped: "The most important thing now is to find Queen Amidala as soon as possible! Otherwise, if the time drags on for too long, the Senate of the Republic will really trouble us!"

He looked at Planet Naboo outside the porthole, and said: "Scatter our entire fleet! Go to all the surrounding Systems to find the traces of Queen Amidala, and make sure to catch her!"

"But what about Planet Naboo?" Rune Harkle asked.

"The battle on Planet Naboo is over! We have already occupied the planet, so naturally we no longer need to block it, and we still have an Army of 2 million Droids on the planet. It is impossible for Planet Naboo to have any power that can match it! Leave our flagship as the Droid Control Ship, and the other spaceships will start immediately!" Nute Gunray said firmly, "And this will also relieve some of our political pressure."


At the same time, with the help of Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi, the miraculously escaped Queen Amidala and her party also encountered trouble.

When they broke through the blockade, the engine of the spaceship was hit by the firepower of the Trade Federation blockade fleet, and the Hyperspace Engine was damaged. They had to fly to a nearby planet for help, and the target they chose was Planet Tatooine.

"An armed conflict comparable to a civil war broke out on Planet Tatooine a year ago. It is definitely the most dangerous to go to this planet now." Panaka, the Minister of Security who escaped with Queen Amidala, said.

"Since this is the case, our enemies will not think that we will come here. In short, Tatooine is located in the Hutt space. As long as we don't provoke the Hutts, we will not have too much trouble, at least not more than now. Oops." Qui-Gon-Jin said, "Until we fix the Hyperspace Engine, we can't open the communication, otherwise we will be tracked by them."

"There are two big cities on Planet Tatooine, Mos Eisley and Mos Espa Port, where are we going?" Obi-Wan Kenobi asked.

"Let's go to Mos Espa Port, the chaos there can just protect us." Qui-Gon Jinn made a decision.

The spaceship landed at Mos Espa Port. Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi decided to try their luck in this city that can be described as a refugee camp, a slum, or simply ruins. A maid also insisted on going with them.

In the chaotic alleyways of the city, Qui-Gon Jinn suddenly saw some Kaleesh people in black uniforms patrolling around in the crowd. Dare to be angry but dare not speak, whenever they see these Kaleesh people, they bow their heads and leave.

"Be careful, don't be noticed by those Kaleesh people." Qui-Gon Jinn pulled Obi-Wan Kenobi and said in a low voice: "I heard Master Ki-Adi-Mundi say before that they were on the planet Cerea. It happened in the Civil War, and it was the Kaleesh of Atlas Security, they belonged to the Fourth Group, and they were with the Trade Federation."

"Planet Cerea...the Fourth Group...the Atlas Security..." Obi-Wan Kenobi hid in the shadows, looking at those Kaleesh people with cruel faces, and some bad memories came to his mind.

But fortunately, because these Kaleesh people are too fierce, as the saying goes, a strong dragon does not overwhelm a local snake, no matter what they want to do in Tatooine, they are struggling, and those residents don't buy their account at all, Qui-Gon Jinn and the others, neither was found.

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