Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 343: The Boy From Tatooine (Part 1)

Chapter 343: The Boy From Tatooine (Part 1)

Outer Rim of the Milky Way, Planet Tatooine, Port of Mos Espa.

After the previous war between Gardulla the Hutt and Jabba the Hutt, the port of Mos Espa, which was almost destroyed into ruins, was rebuilt a lot in this year.

Many houses and buildings have also been rebuilt. Although most of them are built on the basis of the original ruins, they can at least provide shelter from the wind and rain.

Many moisture farms, which are necessary for the survival of the residents, have also resumed operation, and some early-maturing crops are also growing vigorously.

However, the Tusken Raiders, who are extremely hostile to the residents of Tatooine, are also eyeing this place, and they even built a camp nearby.

And because the Port of Mos Espa was destroyed, many wealthy residents ran to Jabba's Mos Eisley City, which also caused the two largest cities on Planet Tatooine to begin to appear bipolar differentiation.

The city of Mos Eisley didn't suffer much damage, so it became a paradise for the rich on Tatooine, and the Port of Mos Espa became a slum.

But no matter what, life must go on.

A little boy was walking among the uncleared ruins of Port Mos Espa. He used his immature hands to flip over the bricks on the ground and rummaged through the scorched soil.

Although he is only about ten years old, maturity and determination can already be seen on this young boy's immature face.

Suddenly, several wires were dug out. The boy flipped left and right and judged that it was an integrated circuit. He grabbed the wire and pulled it out, but he didn't expect that there was a big piece attached to it, so he hurriedly shouted Said: "Hey, Johnson! Come help me!!"

A scary-looking Robot came from the side. Its body structure looked like a human skeleton. It was hideous and terrifying. The silver-gray metal body was extremely strong, and it didn't leave a scratch even if it rubbed against the exposed steel bars.

He also welded many additional armor plates on the surface of his body. Although these armor plates were rounded to some extent for the sake of beauty, the terrifying aura still kept strangers away.

However, it is a little strange that the lower body of this Robot seems to be spliced ??together, and it is installed with four legs that were removed from the B-1 Battle Droid. Although it has weakened the sense of horror a lot, it is also full of mechanical punk style.

Droids are not uncommon in this world, but such hideous and terrifying Droids are really very rare.

This hideous Robot named Johnson came over, looked at the cables on the ground, and said in a very low voice that was almost the same as a human voice: "It looks like you found a big guy, Anakin."

As he said that, he pulled with one hand, and the huge force dragged up the piece of soil. The console of the small half of the spaceship was indeed underneath, and there were no traces of fire on it. It seemed that the spaceship that was shot down fell down and planted on the ground.

"There are still some shells that can be used, and the internal circuit board can be repaired. There is also a terminal, which should be repaired." Johnson said.

Looking at the wreckage, Anakin was very surprised. He took off a part and rubbed it on his body, "Look! This chip is still intact! Great! Now C-3PO can run! Also, Let's fix these things, and we should be able to go to Chirucci to change to that anti-gravity wheelchair! Oh yes, there are also..." Anakin had a naive and satisfied smile on his face, excitedly talking. Johnson looked at the malicious eyes of other scavengers around him, grabbed the wreckage with one hand, gently patted little Anakin on the shoulder with the other hand and said, "Let's go back, Anakin, It's not good to stay at home alone for too long."

"Well! Mom will be very happy if she knows what we have gained today!" Anakin said with a smile.

"Hey! Anakin! What did you find today? Show it to me!" A scavenger with a fierce expression but only one hand came over.

Johnson stepped forward to block Anakin and said, "You should back up and keep your distance."

"Bah! I'm not afraid of you!" The scavengers spat but still approached step by step.

"I'm sorry Otto, I need this very much, and so does my mother. And, if you come over again, Johnson will beat you up." Anakin Skywalker looked into the scavengers' eyes and said seriously.

The scavenger suddenly froze, feeling dazed for a while, the desire to snatch the wreckage in his heart inexplicably weakened a lot, and he snorted coldly, "You're lucky! Get out!"

"Thank you." Anakin bowed his head and walked towards his home with Johnson.

Coming to a house that had been half-collapsed, but was rebuilt with many baffles and stones, Johnson walked over and grabbed a heavy stone slab at the door, moved it aside and put it away. This stone slab weighs at least two tons, and blocking the doorway can prevent others from entering at all.

"Mom, Mom! I found a spaceship console today!" Anakin ran home, ran to the bed and plunged into the arms of a middle-aged woman who was sitting on the bed.

The middle-aged woman lovingly stroked Anakin's soft brown hair, "You are amazing, Anakin. You can find the best things every time."

"Because my senses are very sensitive! I knew there was something there just now!" Anakin said with a smile, "We can exchange a lot of good things for this console!"

"Okay, then I'll go get something to eat, and you take a rest first." The woman said, grabbing the two crutches placed by the bed, and stood up with difficulty. It was only at this time that she could see that her two legs had disappeared up to her knees!

"Mom, rest, let me do it!" Anakin hurriedly supported his mother.

"It's okay, I've been resting all day." The woman smiled, came to the kitchen, mixed some unknown tubers and some powder, and began to prepare a simple dinner, "You should deal with today's harvest, and ah, or let Johnson go out by himself tomorrow, can you stay with me at home?"

"Okay Mom." Anakin nodded very sensibly and hopped to his own room. The room is full of various mechanical parts and a crude workbench.

There is also a humanoid Droid in the corner on the other side, but this Droid has no shell, and all the parts are exposed.

"Johnson, come help me," Anakin called out.

The Robot has already walked in, and he helped Anakin remove those useful parts, and then repaired those that could be repaired, and processed those that could be processed.

Anakin removed an energy circuit, thought for a while and said: "Johnson, I think, let's give this thing to Otto, I know he is like this today because his brother broke his leg yesterday. Now these few parts should not be needed, but he should very much need to use these things to change some medicine."

"I agree with your judgment, Anakin. After dinner, I'll send you there." Johnson said.

"Okay, I'll just deal with this chip and circuit board and install it on C-3PO!" Anakin immediately buried himself in the pile of machines.

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