Chapter 341: Harvest

Just as Tang Xiao was about to leave, he suddenly heard a slight cry for help from the corner beside him, "Help"

He turned to look, only to see a Troo-tril-tek crawling on the ground with both legs broken. Troo-tril-tek is only over one meter tall and looks a bit like a bat without wings. He is a very flexible race with excellent technical ability.

Beside him, there was a protocol robot whose eyes had been gouged out, standing there indifferently waiting for him to die.

Tang Xiao immediately recognized that this was the mechanic of Cad Bain's team, and he was usually called Troo-tril-tek. But judging by his appearance, it is estimated that he was abandoned by Cad Bain.

Turk-Tek was attracted by the sound of fighting here, he tried his best to crawl over and wanted to seek help from others, even if there was only a glimmer of hope, "Help me...I'm going to me... ..."

Tang Xiao walked over, didn't bother to say anything, and cut off his head with a sword.

"Oh, my temperature detector tells me that this man is dead, did you kill him? Sir." The Protocol Droid that was next to him asked, "Thank you very much, they killed my original owner. Thank you so much for killing him. I am FE-B3 and I am at your service, sir."

"Who was your former master?" Tang Xiao asked.

"It's the Haddrex Gang of Nar Shaddaa." The Droid replied.

"Okay, you can follow me. It just so happens that I have a friend who works as a security guard in Nar Shaddaa. Your database may be useful." "It is my pleasure, sir."

Gross Shelby's spaceship landed, picked up Tang Xiao, Edra and the Droid, and then flew back to outer space to join the escorting two Assault-class Light Destroyers, and sailed all the way out of the Drazkel System.

A moment later, behind them, a small explosion suddenly occurred in the Space Station of Xev Xrexus. Seeing the flames of the explosion flashing away in space, Tang Xiao smiled and said: "Xev should have been killed by the furious Darth Maul, what are your preparations?"

"She died too fast, so it's still a little troublesome. But we can block this information first. Rosanna has already bought a director of the Xrexus Cartel. With internal and external cooperation, it will take a month or two to get It's not a big problem to get out of this group." Gross Shelby sat on the table in front of Tang Xiao presumptuously, her long legs in black silk dangling in front of his eyes.

Tang Xiao slapped away the black silk calf stretched out in front of him, squinted at Gross and said, "Recently you have been a little presumptuous, you should know that this privilege is for different occasions."

With that said, he stood up, ignored Gross, turned around and went to the communication room of the spaceship and turned off all monitoring.

In the holographic projection in front of him, the image of Darth Plagueis appeared, Darth Malthael knelt down on one knee and respectfully said: "My lord, the Xrexus Cartel is in the Drazkel System. I came to participate in the auction of a Jedi Padawan and found traces of Darth Maul. I couldn't help myself, and I fought him."

"It doesn't matter, just go. You should know that in my heart, you are far less important than Darth Sidious, so once you are discovered by him, even if he wants to kill you, I will not say one word." Darth Plagueis said coldly.

"I will be the best of the Lord's men, and I will continue to grow and prove it." Darth Malthael replied.

"So, what do you think of Darth Maul?" Plagueis asked.

"The environment of this battle was too unfavorable for him, so he retreated and fled. However, I only used the Lightsaber and the fourth sword technique you gave me. Therefore, if the battle is fair, the certainty is more than 60% I will kill him." Darth Malthael said calmly.

"Did you see his fate?" Darth Plagueis asked suddenly.

This question is obviously not that simple... A smile appeared on the corner of Darth Malthael's mouth, "Darth Maul's fate is very vague, he seems to be dead, and he seems to live for a long time. But from his soul, he saw strength and perseverance, as well as the hidden deepest fear. His fate is very complicated."

Darth Malthael knew that by answering himself like this, he undoubtedly pushed Darth Plagueis another step into the abyss of death.

Darth Plagueis wouldn't be interested in Darth Maul's fate for no reason, but Darth Malthael has a very important plot - in the future seen by Darth Sidious, Darth Maul, is dead!

Obviously, Plagueis also knew about Sidious's judgment, so he suddenly asked himself this question, especially because he had aroused Darth Tenebrous's remnant in him during the final trial. Under the premise, then there is only one reason!

Darth Plagueis, too, wondered if he could no longer see fate.

If Darth Malthael directly replied that Darth Maul would die, then this future that Sidious and himself can see, Plagueis can't see, he must be largely certain I have no ability to predict fate.

But Darth Malthael played a sloppy eye, implicitly indicating that Darth Maul's fate is very vague, then Plagueis will not be sure about this answer because what he himself sees is also blurry.

As long as he wasn't sure if he really couldn't see fate, the more likely he would be killed by Darth Sidious.

Sure enough, Darth Plagueis just nodded thoughtfully and stopped talking.

Darth Malthael went on to say: "The Jedi Padawan who was auctioned was killed by Darth Maul. After I defeated Darth Maul, I resurrected her with resurrection. I saw her fear and anger, and she will fall to become a mighty Sith. I will deliver her to you after treatment is complete."

"If you think she is a good talent, then you can keep it." Darth Plagueis waved his hand, "Our plan on Planet Naboo is about to be completed, and now is the critical moment, including you. Don't make trouble yourself!"

"Yes! My Lord."

"The Trade Federation is assembling a fleet, will you participate?" Darth Plagueis asked.

"According to the plan, the Galactic Republic has no ability to prevent this blockade. The Trade Federation will achieve its goal, occupy Planet Naboo, and then provide us with a large number of plasma mines. For a war that cannot be fought at all, I don't need to send troops to participate, but I will send military observers," Darth Malthael replied.

"Okay, that's it." Darth Plagueis agreed and then turned off the communication.

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