Chapter 316: Crazy

The same thing happened on Elder Dorr-Femi-Bonmi's side.

"I think there is one biggest obstacle in our plan..." Yuri Orlov said in a secret meeting.

"The obstacle is the Tank! The Tank!" Ephant Mon yelled angrily, "I want a Tank!! Santa Claus, when can you give me this thing!!"

"Santa Claus is going to give me the Tank, and the nature of the matter has changed. Haven't you noticed that my approval rating is going up all the way?" Elder Dorr-Femi-Bonmi's political intuition is higher than that of the gangsters. I don't know how much, "Now Elder Layton has taken the lead in using tanks, which is actually a good thing for me. The public will not support him even more. So, Mr. Yuri, what is the obstacle you are talking about?"

"What about the current situation, even if you defeat Elder Layton, you will not be able to be the Great Elder. You should know..." Yuri Orlov was bewitched, remembering the hint Tang Xiao gave him before.

"Ki-Adi-Mundi..." Elder Dorr took a deep breath and leaned back on the backrest, "Indeed, his position has always been against our Technological Movement."

He then stared at Yuri Orlov again and said word by word: "However, it is impossible for me to assassinate a Jedi Knight. In this way, it cannot be justified in the Galactic Republic."

"Ki-Adi-Mundi must die, that's the premise. So, I also made some arrangements." Yuri Orlov took a puff on his cigar, "I heard that Mundi's youngest daughter was assassinated... did it?"

"I'm teaching him a lesson. Who told him to arrest you indiscriminately? Anyway, he has 7 children, and this one is not bad, right?" Ephant Mon's voice was extremely dull.

"So, you gave me some hints. The Jedi Knight, is also...a person...he...Damn it! Fuck!!!" Yuri Orlov couldn't continue speaking, he rubbed his own forehead, and then slapped the table hard.

"You mean, to kill his other sons and daughters?" Asked Ephant Mon.

"Someone has already taken the blame for this matter." Suddenly, a gloomy voice came from behind everyone!

Everyone was shocked and turned around suddenly, "Who is it!!"

They only saw a person in a black cloak standing quietly behind them, and they didn't even know when this person came to this heavily guarded room with all the doors and windows tightly closed!

And seeing this person, Yuri was very surprised at first, but then he seemed to think of something, and he was stunned.

"Sit down, Yuri. It's not your fault." Someone pressed Yuri's shoulders, pushed him back to his seat, then looked at Ephant Mon and said, "Elder Layton has agreed to send troops to arrest him." The family of Master Mundi has been arrested. Now you only need to deal with Master Mundi, who is in a state of chaos and lost everything. As soon as he dies, Santa Claus will immediately provide you with a large number of weapons and equipment. The civil war on Planet Cerea will end within a week."

"Layton?! How could he..." Elder Dorr frowned, "You... are the boss behind Mr. Yuri, right?"

"You don't have to worry about why Layton did this, you just need to know that he will do this. Then once Master Mundi dies, your army will go straight to Tecave City, and everything will be dead without proof," Said the man with his hands behind his back. "Then, the remnants of the Elder Council of Planet Cerea conspired to kill the Jedi Master, and Elder Dorr launched an army to avenge and save Planet Cerea from suffering. You will become a hero."

Elder Dorr-Femi-Bonmi's face moved, and he suddenly smiled clearly. He nodded and said to Ephant Mon: "It looks like this is a good opportunity! I'll get the army ready immediately, Santa Claus, I leave it to you to prepare the weapons and equipment. Mr. Mon...Master Mundi, I will leave it to you. No matter how powerful the Jedi Knights are, they cannot stop the Army! The Yinchorri have proved this for us a little. A week later, it will be time for us to sit in the city hall of Tcave and share the fruits of victory!"

"One week..." Even though he was still a little hesitant, Ephant Mon was still quite tempted by this proposal, but the matter of killing a Jedi Knight still terrified him.

However, at this time, the mysterious man in black suddenly added, "Don't underestimate the Jedi knights, because Master Mundi probably already knows who killed his daughter through The Force."

"Do one thing and keep it! The big deal is to kill a Jedi Knight!" Ephant Mon finally made up his mind, and an ugly smile appeared on his rough and clumsy face.

The discussion has been made, and Ephant Mon and Elder Dorr have left. Yuri Orlov hesitated to stand in front of the man in black, but he still asked tentatively, "Boss... Boss, is this your arrangement?"

"You're thinking about your brother, Vitali Orlov?"

"I think if he was there, he would do whatever it takes to stop it."

"How about you?"

Yuri took a deep puff of his cigar, "I'm a businessman, maybe my products are for killing people, but I don't kill people, let alone instigate others to do so. I put the weapon in front of them, should I shoot? They make their own decisions. Compared to cigarettes, at least my weapons have safety catches."

"This time, I'll help you. Next time, it's you who makes the decision."

"For me, as an arms dealer, I have only one purpose..." Yuri put out his cigar, stood up and said, "Never, never join a war."

"The war has already begun."

"Well..." Yuri smiled brilliantly, tidying up his suit, "You will need me later, remember to call. Boss."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and shook hands with the mysterious man, and then left too.


In the next few days, things on Planet Cerea seemed to be pushed onto an accelerated track, and they rushed all the way until they got out of hand.

The first is to occupy the capital city of Tecave. Layton, the self-proclaimed Great Elder, issued a notice to Master Ki-Adi-Mundi of Planet Cerea, asking Master Mundi to be the honorary elder of Planet Cerea.

But Master Mundi didn't respond at all. At this moment, The Force in his body was disordered, and he was meditating in a secluded place.

As soon as Elder Layton became ruthless, he issued an announcement that shocked everyoneā€”declaring that Master Mundi, who refused to make any contribution to Planet Cerea, was treasonous, and issued an arrest warrant for his whole from freewš¯’†bnovel(.)com

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