Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 300: Everything Is Ready

Chapter 300: Everything Is Ready

Wat Tambor is a Skako, who cannot adapt to the environment of most planets, so his whole body is installed in a mechanical device, which looks like a droid.

As the leader of the Techno Union, he is also an avid technical engineer and businessman. In his opinion, the decadent and rigid Galactic Republic cannot satisfy his pursuit of technology, so in fact, he spends most of his energy outside ring district. At least in places where the Republic is rarely able to manage, he can develop his own technology recklessly.

Of course, a lot of money is needed for Technological development, so Wat Tambor is still very keen on making money.

For example, things about the planet Cerea.

"Elder Layton wants more weapons. He wants us to sell tanks to them." Wat Tambor said very gloomily, but then he felt that the tone was inappropriate, so he adjusted the button on his chest. Turn the knob, and the next tone became cheerful, "He has occupied the capital, and the wealth of the Presbyterian Church is under his control. So I will sell him a batch of tanks at a high price... Hahahaha!"

"Then it would be too obvious if I gave Elder Dorr a batch of anti-tank weapons at this time. Recently, we are testing a new type of sniper rifle, the M-92 Mantis Sniper Rifle, which can be handed over to Elder Dorr to let him At least the defeat is not so ugly. However, although this sniper rifle has high armor-piercing power, it does not have a good effect on shields, so it is best not to equip the tanks you sell there with deflector shields." Yuri Orlov said while smoking a cigar comfortably.

"In this case, I can dismantle the shield generator of the tank and sell it separately, and make it a fixed shield generator, and let them pull it with a bird cart and follow the infantry to advance, hahaha!" Wat Tambor tuned Turn the knob and laugh out loud.

"This is a good way, at least to ensure that the environment is not too severely damaged," Yuri said.

"Environment? Hehehehe... This thing is useless at all! If it is not worthless, I would even cut down and sell every tree on Planet Cerea!" Wat Tambor mocked.

"Planet Cerea is suitable for building an agricultural planet, developing planting and tourism. And the Bangta Night Pod racing competition can also open a new track here. Think about it, I am tired of seeing the desert of Tatooine The scenery suddenly turns into a track full of beautiful forests, hahaha, those gamblers will go crazy." Yuri Orlov laughed.

"Jabba the Hutt will not allow this new track to open."

"No, he will allow it. Or rather, he has no power to stop it."

"Well, it can make money, no problem. So if this is the case, if this new track allows me to invest in shares, I am willing to cross out the large Artillery in the arms sales list." Wat Tambor said.

"You're nothing but an empty-handed wolf, Mr. Tambor."

"Hahahaha! Business, that's how it is, Mr. Santa Claus."


"You handled the matter of the Yinchorri very well, Sidious. Now we are only one step away from the success of our plan." Darth Plagueis in the secret base of the Planet Mulinster, to his great apprentice Darth Sidious.

At this time, Tang Xiao also hid aside, because of Darth Plagueis' protection, Sidious was completely unable to notice that there was another person beside him.

"Yes, my lord. The time has come after the Yinchorri riots, and the reputation of both Finis-Valorum and the Jedi Order has fallen to rock bottom. Now, we only need one last step ..." Darth Sidious said with a bow.

"Has the new king of Naboo been chosen?" Plagueis asked.

"The general election will end within this month. The new king, oh no, the queen, if nothing else happens, will be Princess Amidala, Padmé Amidala." Sidious replied.

"Let Nute Gunray get ready, the end of the Republic will start with the blockade of Planet Naboo!" Darth Plagueis's expression was a bit grim, "The ants on Planet Naboo really thought they were dead. Can a dead king alone calm down my anger? How naive! Only by letting their blood flow into rivers and floating corpses everywhere can they repay the shame of assassinating me! This road paved with the blood of the people of Naboo is my path to the top!!"

"Planet Naboo will tremble under your wrath, and the entire Galaxy will succumb to your feet, my Lord. I will suggest that Padmé Amidala abolish the previous plasma mine export contract with the Trade Federation, Nute Gunray is a good fit to play," Darth Sidious said.

"Let him prepare. Before that, all unstable factors should be eliminated! I'm talking about the Black Sun!!" Darth Plagueis' voice became angry, tens of thousands of light-years away, Darth Sidious in the Coruscant Industrial Zone could feel the air around him trembling, "It's been a whole year! Why hasn't Alexi Garin's head been delivered to me yet?!"

"My apprentice Darth Maul is constantly chasing and killing the forces of the Black Sun, and the Trade Federation and the Corporate Alliance are also working hard to encircle and suppress them. I believe that soon, the remaining Vigos of the Black Sun, along with Alexi Garin's head will be presented to you, my lord." Darth Sidious said.

"Darth Maul...the sharp blade you trained is probably just a blunt knife..." Darth Plagueis mocked.

"Darth Maul is just a transition, I have already found the most suitable replacement..." Sidious laughed inexplicably.

"Master Dooku, hehe...he is too old, and many things have been deeply ingrained and difficult to reverse. Do you really want to choose him?"

"Yes... He has been in his hometown on Planet Serenno recently, but the connection with me has never stopped. I believe that for him to have fallen into the dark side, only needs an opportunity." Darth Sidious As he said that, he suddenly changed the subject, "But there is one more important thing that requires your wisdom, Lord..."

"What's the matter? Tell me."

"There is another unknown factor of instability that stands in the way of our plan. I think it's time for them to be quiet..." Darth Sidious smiled ferociously, and he spits out a name, " The Fourth Group!"

At the same time as he said the name, his head seemed to move slightly towards where Tang Xiao was fr𝑜m fr𝒆ewebnove(l).com

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