Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 294: Loud Slap In The Face

Chapter 294: Loud Slap In The Face

Sate Pestage, a member of Naboo's delegation to Coruscant, and personal assistant to Senator Sheev Palpatine.

As one of Palpatine's most trusted henchmen, he is one of the few people who know Palpatine's dual identity as the Sith Lord. In normal times, he often helps Palpatine with some dirty work.

By the way, according to the direction of the original plot, after Palpatine died on the Death Star II as the emperor of the Galactic Empire decades later, Sate Pestage was also the emperor of the Galactic Empire for a few days. However, he had little popularity and no military power, so he was arrested and executed by other warlords within a few days.

This incident shows that some people can only be dog legs in this life.

Today, Palpatine has another task for him to complete.

"Are these two packages delivered to the gate of the Galactic Senate building?" Sate Pestage frowned and immediately began to think about how to do this. Captain Bono...don't worry, Mister Palpatine, the package will definitely be delivered on time."

He hung up the communication, came to the unmanned hover car parked in front of him, opened the door, and there were two bloody packages on the back seat of the car!

He closed the car door as if nothing had happened, and connected to another communication, "Kinman Doriana, we have work to do. Didn't Bono, the head of the guard, go to an underground casino to gamble last time and owe more than 100,000 credit points? Tell him I can help him settle this, but he has to help me once."

Another man's voice came from the communication, "No problem, you have the final say."


In the early morning of the next day, a shrill scream pierced the quiet air of the Galactic Senate Building.

A Senator who went to bed early and got up early collapsed at the entrance of the parliament building, pointed at the two bloody, mutilated corpses on the ground, and screamed with all his strength. He had never seen such horror in his life. scene.

At the gate of the Senate building, the power center of the mighty Galactic Republic, two corpses unexpectedly appeared! This is definitely another challenge to the authority of the Republic, which is already a blatant slap in the face!

And especially when judging from the clothing of the two corpses, they were probably two Jedi knights, which caused an uproar!

Jedi Master Naeshahn and her apprentice Ebor Taulk were killed and abandoned at the gate of the Senate building! This is tantamount to facing the two major power organizations of the Galactic Republic at the same time - the Galactic Senate and the Jedi Order!

The Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Senate, Finis Valorum, urgently contacted Master Windu, "Master Windu! The impact of this incident is terrible. Many reporters have seen this terrible scene. It is estimated that within a few days, this incident will be over. Spread throughout the Galaxy. I have urgently dispatched foreign affairs officers and press officers to manage the matter, but the situation is still not optimistic."

"Two respected Jedi Knights were massacred by the Yinchorri, and the Jedi Order must respond," said Master Windu.

"I hope you don't fail again this time. It's too rash to send only two Jedi knights to the Yinchorri." Finis Valorum's words meant throwing the blame away. "Then, Mr. Supreme Chancellor, you'd better understand who is helping you solve the problem when you can't get the support of the judicial fleet. And you'd better understand that the Jedi Order doesn't have dozens of people on standby at any time, in order to respond immediately, the only person we could send out was Master Naeshahn." Windu dropped this sentence coldly, and then directly closed the communication.


The sacrifice of the Jedi Knights is not too new, but after the Jedi Knights were killed, their bodies were thrown into the Galactic Republic Senate Building. Such a thing is unique in the Galactic Republic since its establishment more than 25,000 years ago.

And it's a shame!

"The Republic should directly send the Judicial Fleet to solve the problem!" Micah Giiett, one of the members of the Supreme Council of the Jedi Order, yelled loudly.

"Leaving aside the fact that Finis Valorum has completely lost the support of the Judicial Fleet, even if the Judicial Fleet is dispatched, the Republic will be under great pressure from public opinion. Because this will be a formal large-scale war, and The previous battles to eliminate pirates were different, it was the first war in thousands of years. Therefore, it would be best if it can be resolved at the diplomatic level." Master Windu shook his head and said.

"The blood shed by the Jedi Knights should be brought back by the Jedi Knights themselves!!" Committee member Even Piell was also very angry.

Master Windu nodded and said: "This time, I will personally lead the team and go to a special envoy to find the Yinchorri's high command and arrest their leader. In this case, it should be possible to Solve the crisis of the Injoli people under the premise."

He named a few names, "Master Qui-Gon Jinn, Master Jaric Kaedan, Master Micah Giiett, Master Adi Gallia, and their respective apprentices, a total of 12 people, are members of our special mission this time. We may face a tough battle and should be prepared for various scenarios."

At this time, Master Yoda, who had been silent all this time, also spoke, "You should be ready, Jedi Temple. The danger is coming, I feel it."

"Then the Jedi Temple, please, Master Yoda. I will lead the special envoy to arrest the leader of the Yinchorri and save the Galactic Republic from the disaster of this war." Master Windu bowed to Yoda.

"It's just a tool, Yinchorri. Find the black hand behind it, this crisis." Master Yoda said seriously.


At this time, among the Yinchorri Supreme Command, the Injori Chiefs were also meeting and deliberating.

"The Jedi Knights are indeed very powerful. Just two Jedi Knights killed more than 10 of our soldiers!" Kaldek said.

"We need to know how the Galactic Republic will react next. If the Republic wants to send a fleet over, then we will be devastated." Su Fuke, another member of the Chiefs, said.

Wilma said with a sly smile: "Don't worry, the Galactic Republic will not send a fleet over here. Moreover, I have sent back the bodies of the two Jedi Knights with a very 'grand' ceremony. The Republic will soon understand, Our goal is only the Jedi Order."

"But we killed the Jedi!" Yorick worried.

"The Jedi Knights are just a symbol of the Republic, and the Republic's most powerful weapon will always be their fleet. Moreover, the conflict between the Jedi Knights and the Galactic Republic's Senate is very deep now, and the Republic will not care about the life and death of the Jedi Knights!" Wilma Said.

"Next, we need to prove that we are the most powerful fighters in the galaxy! As long as we show this, the Galactic Republic will look at us with admiration!" Another mercenary Holma also said, "And if we want to completely defeat a For ferocious beasts...the best way kill their cubs...hahahahahaha!"

Wilma also laughed wickedly, "Ji Jie Jie Jie... The Jedi Order will send people over, and they must be elites! At that time..."

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