Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 277: The Fuse of The Civil War

Chapter 277: The Fuse of The Civil War

The Hiigara Aerospace Group's product line will include the Blade Fighter, the Gunship-class Light Frigate, the Pulsar-class Light Frigate, and the Assault-class Light Destroyer. And Tang Xiao also handed over some of the technology of some elementary Battleships and Fighters in "Homeworld" to them, and asked them to set up a technology department to analyze them.

These Blade Fighters are all modified versions, equipped with Primary Shields, Primary Fusion Engines and Infrared Laser Weapons, which are barely visible. In addition, there are Bomber and Interceptor Fighter Models, including the Blade II Fighter that was rejected by Tang Xiao before, and the Ion Cannon-class Light Frigate that was also not adopted.

Anyway, they are all sold out. Naturally, the richer the product line, the better.

Later, when they take shape, they will hand over the manufacture of some large warships. Currently, the Revelation-class Light Cruisers and Imperator-class Light Carriers are on the agenda to hand over.

After handing over the construction of the Homeworld series of warships to the Hiigara Aerospace Group, the Fourth Civilization's current space dock on Dawn will slowly begin construction of the warships in Sins of a Solar Empire. At present, two new warships are undergoing final tests, namely the Javelis LRM-class Missile Frigate, and the Garda-class Flak Frigate.

In addition, Tang Xiao has also signed more contracts with Planet Sy Myrth, including the terms of open immigration and talent circulation. Sy Myrthians can come here to make a home and promised to build a new city to accommodate the Sy Myrthian immigrants.

For Planet Sy Myrth, whose population is close to 10 billion, this can also greatly relieve their population pressure, especially after learning about the current technological strength of Planet Dawn, especially the strength in spaceship construction, Planet Sy Myrth wholeheartedly cooperated with this ally.

You must know that in this Galaxy, there are not many forces capable of independently designing and building large spaceships, and none of them can simply reach such a cooperation agreement with them.

For the Sy Myrthians, this cooperation seems to pay more, but in fact, they relied on Planet Dawn to pass the threshold of designing and building large warships by themselves!


While there was joy on the side of Planet Sy Myrth, on another planet at the other end of the Galaxy, the cloud of war was getting thicker and thicker.

Planet Cerea...

The anti-science and technology movement started by those radical Presbyterian members intensified, and the whole planet was shrouded in white terror. However, technological products have not been cut off because of this, on the contrary, they have become more and more popular among the people.

Different from those technology products that were forced on the public during the technology movement initiated by Elder Dorr-Femi-Bonmi before, this time the dissemination of those technology products is more covert, wider, and more gradual.

Secret clinics have been set up in many places, and there are also underground black markets. Drugs such as synthetic antibiotics have also begun to circulate. Many families have collected small terminals, which allow them to receive information from the Galaxy Holographic Network—all thanks to Four Network Communication Satellites that were secretly sent over from the orbit of Planet Cerea.

Of course, it's hard to say how secret it is, that is, a spaceship flew over, dropped the satellite and left. Anyway, it is impossible to discover these Artificial Satellites with the level of technology in the medieval period of the Celestial Presbyterian Church.

The expansion of knowledge has broadened the horizons of the people of Cerea. In addition, a large number of technology movement members who have been dispersed but are still moving underground are also secretly contributing to the flames, and their number is also growing explosively.

A very fatal factor is that because of the Droid riot attack at the Eriadu Business Summit and the subsequent war between the Kaleesh and the Yam'rii, the highly popular Jedi Master on the planet Seria Ki-Adi-Mundi has been working for the Jedi Order, and he has no time to pay attention to the development of Planet Cerea.

Without Master Mundi's call and balance, the Presbyterian Church's behavior became more and more extreme, and their army was also stepping up inspections. People were constantly found to be secretly using technological products and then were arrested in those prison cities.

Now there are more than 100,000 prisoners in these three prison cities. These prison cities lack supplies and management is chaotic. Many people freeze to death and starve to death in these prison cities.

And at this time, these three prison cities will become three terrible bombs!

In a secret house, more than a dozen people are gathering here for the final plot.

"Mr. K, we are ready." A Cerea said in a deep voice.

Mr. K in his mouth is Vitali Olov who has been active on Planet Cerea recently. In order to save his elder brother Yuri Olov, according to Baron Zemo's suggestion, he has been delivering scientific and technological items to Planet Cerea, opening clinics, and making science and technology more popular among the people of Planet Cerea.

During this period of time, Mr. K's name is almost unknown to everyone. Although many people dare not mention his name publicly, the people of Cerea are grateful to the man who brought them technological products, clinics and synthetic drugs. The Cerea people even invented a gesture to represent Mr. K. When walking on the street, they often only need to make this gesture to express their respect for Mr. K.

Although Vitali Olov has not delivered even a single bullet to the planet Cerea, in fact, he is still pushing the planet to the brink of war!

And now, it's time to detonate.

"I have 4,000 people in Reese City, and they all vowed to overthrow the tyranny of the Presbyterian Church!"

"There are 1,500 people in Cro City, on standby!"

"There are 3,500 people in Qianhu City, just waiting for a word from you!"

Those Cerea people are the leaders of the technological movement in various places. They followed Vitali Olov's lead and waited for him to say a word, then stood up and resisted!

Of course, it's not just a sentence, they also need Vitali Olov to provide them with advanced weapons and equipment!

Vitali Olov's face was a bit gloomy. He hadn't even had a chance to take care of himself during the recent period of running around and busy. His beard was thick and messy, but it made him look more imposing.

He was still beating drums in his heart. He knew that as long as he said a word, the entire Planet Cerea would be engulfed in flames of war, and perhaps hundreds of thousands or millions of people would die as a result.

He didn't want to be like this, he didn't want to be an executioner, and he didn't want to see people die because of him.

But... Vitali's eyes gradually became firmer, he slammed the table and stood up, just about to speak, suddenly a sudden change occurred!

The door of the house was shattered with a click, and the sound of weapons clashing and armor rubbing kept coming, and a large group of soldiers from the Cerea Presbyterian Church rushed in from outside the door!!

"This is the secret base of the Technology Movement! Arrest them all for me!!"

However, at this moment, on the roof of another house in the distance, a person is watching quietly. When he saw those soldiers rushing in with torches and then tied up everyone including Vitali, an unpredictable smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He took off his hood, and it was...

Baron Helmut Zemo!

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