Chapter 267: Persecution

When the news came, the entirety of Planet Kalee was in shock!

We are the ones who are enslaved! We are the ones being slaughtered! We are the ones being exploited! But why did the Republic let us withdraw after we rose up to resist?


Why are the aggressors and enslavers not sanctioned, but the exploited and the victims are sanctioned?

On the Planet Kalee, in the palace of the Kaleesh people, the Great Chief's face is full of disbelief. He asked the diplomat of the Republic standing in front of him in a trembling tone, "Is this true? Why did the Republic let us withdraw our troops? When the 'Huck' invaded our homeland and enslaved our people, why didn't the Republic let them withdraw? Why is the embassy of the Republic here when we want to avenge the death of millions? Why? Why? Why?"

A litany of whys, that's the indictment of the Kaleesh.

But all this is doomed to be in vain. The diplomat of the Galactic Republic said coldly: "This is the resolution of the Galactic Republic Senate. If there is any dispute between you and the Yam'rii, you can go to the Galactic Council to discuss it. But now, you have invaded the home of the Yam'rii. , the massacre of their people is a fact that is happening, you must withdraw your troops!"

"What about our people who were massacred by 'Huck'?! What about our wealth that they plundered?! What about the heinous crimes they committed on our planet!!!" The Chief trembled all over, loudly and angrily.

"That means that the Kaleesh people are unwilling to withdraw their troops and obey the resolution of the Republic, right?" The diplomat put his hat on in a slow manner.

At this time, a bald-headed Jedi stood up and spoke, "You are pushing things in a bad direction, Mr. Diplomat. If this is the case, I will truthfully report this conversation to Your Excellency the Supreme Chancellor."

He is the leader of the Jedi Order, Dorn Tavers.

"Hmph!" The diplomat, who had put the bribes from the Yam'rii in his pocket, snorted coldly and stopped talking.

Dorn Tavers took a step forward, bowed deeply to the chief of the Kaleesh people, and then said: "Your Excellency, the current situation is very unfavorable to the Kaleesh people. This situation puts you in a disadvantageous position in public opinion, so my suggestion is to withdraw the troops first, and then hand this matter over to the prosecutor of the Republic for adjudication."

"The Jedi Order, and the Republic... are you pushing us Kaleesh to a dead end?!" The Chief pointed at Dorn Tavers's nose and cursed.

Dorn Tavers didn't care, he bowed again and said: "If the crimes committed by the Yam'rii before are confirmed, then they will definitely get the punishment they deserve. I hope you can trust the Republic."

"Believe in the Republic? Where was the Republic when our homeland was invaded?! Where was the Republic when our people were slaughtered? When you saw us old and weak, women and children carrying heavy ore in those dirty mines of Huk!? When you are faltering, tell me whether you believe it or not!!" The Great Chief scolded angrily.

"With all due respect, Your Excellency the Chief. If you continue to persist like this, the situation will only get worse." Dorn Tavers said.

"If we refuse to withdraw our troops, will the Republic send a fleet?" The Chief suddenly calmed down and asked slowly.

"The reason why the Jedi Knights sent a special envoy is to avoid this result." Dorn Tavers's words were very sincere, and he really believed that this would be a good thing for the Kaleesh people.

He stayed out of the matter, only thinking that the Kaleesh uprising was fine, but if they counterattacked and entered the home planet of the Yam'rii, that would be over. He thinks the best way is to let the people of these two races go to the Galactic Senate to make a good distinction. It is better to move the tongue than to use the weapon.

But the problem is...

He was too short-sighted.

Sometimes tongues are more deadly than guns!


Grievous threw the withdrawal order sent by the Chief of Kaleesh to the ground, looked at the eight bravest and most combative generals under his command, and said: "The Republic forced us to withdraw, which is basically a death sentence for us Kaleesh. The Death Penalty!! But...the Republic forces us to withdraw! Otherwise, the Republic fleet will intervene by force!"

When he said the word "Republic", he gritted his teeth, as if his eyes were on fire!

"If we don't seize this opportunity to wipe out 'Huck' completely, then they will definitely come back! They have more advanced technology and can travel to the stars, and the transport ships we snatched from them will soon run out of fuel. I don't think they will give us the chance to snatch the transport ships next time... I also don't think that the Galactic Republic will export spaceships to us, and we don't have the money to buy them." Grievous said slowly a brutal truth.

The eight generals sitting at the bottom clenched their fists tightly. Although they didn't make any sound, their protruding veins and bloodshot eyes all showed their monstrous anger!

Grievous glanced at them and continued: "So, once the truce order is implemented, we will never have the chance to defeat the Huck. We can only stay in our own homes and wait for them to recover and create more attacks. More spaceships, more cannons, to slaughter our people. At that time, will the Republic control us?"

The eight generals still didn't speak, but their fierce eyes hidden under the animal bone mask said everything.

Grievous pointed to the map hanging on the wall, "This place, the Patron Hills, is where Huck's main force is located. My original plan was to involve their forces through a multi-directional offensive, and then sneak in. But now, we have no time. I will gather the last strength and conquer the base of the Patron hills! Once the Huck army here is wiped out, these bugs will not be able to gather again for twenty years the power of that same scale!"

He looked around, "This attack is basically a suicide attack, but with the equipment given to us by the dead angel before, we still have the possibility of victory! Then, we will use our lives to fight for Kaleesh People, strive for twenty years of stability!"

The eight generals stood up with a huff. They took out their daggers and carved a deep scratch on their animal bone mask, below the eyes!

This is a ceremony where the Kaleesh will risk their lives and fight to the death!

Countless Kaleesh warriors rushed out from their hiding places in the woods, and rushed towards the base of the Yam'rii under the hail of bullets! While chanting the slogan of survival and freedom, they used their lives to pave the way for the soldiers behind!

This ๐“ฌontent is taken from f(r)eeweb(n)ovel.๐’„๐’๐™ข

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