Chapter 253: Common Ideal

"But how should we begin?" Obi-Wan Kenobi looked around at the ruins.

Although their status as Jedi Knights was respected by people throughout the galaxy, at this moment, in the eyes of some soldiers of the Republic Army, Obi-Wan only saw alienation and distrust.

There is no doubt that Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum's anger at the Jedi Order has reached the ears of every defender. Banning members of the Jedi Order from any investigative work is a serious allegation in itself.

"The situation is more serious than we thought..." Obi-Wan sighed.

"You should say that the situation couldn't be more serious. You must know that this was a terrorist attack that took place right under the eyes of the Supreme Chancellor and the Judicial Fleet. Maybe after this, there will be a bloody storm in the Galaxy." Qui-Gon Jinn looked around Look, it seems that he chose a direction randomly and walked over.

"Master, do you know where the murderer is?" Obi-Wan Kenobi hurriedly followed.

"The Force will guide us. In the air, apart from sadness and anger, I also feel... malice, extremely deep and dark malice. Let's go." Qui-Gon Jinn continued to move forward.


In a secluded house on the outskirts of Eriadu, the Nebula Front find themselves in a dangerous situation.

"Has the corresponding spaceship arrived yet?" the woman who just sent the Nebula Front's statement to the Yinhe Information Network asked very anxiously.

She is the nominal leader of the Nebula Front, 'Havac'. In fact, the leaders of the Nebula Front are all called Havac, which is just a title.

However, no one could answer her question at this moment, because none of the five people they sneaked into here knew how to get out.

"The person we connected with didn't respond at all... Now the entire planet has been blocked, and no spaceship can be seen in the sky..." One of the subordinates said dejectedly.

"Asshole! How dare he do that!! If he won't let us out, I'll tell all about his shit!!" Havac took the unique communicator that was in contact with Sidious and frantically sent messages, But everything seems to have disappeared into the sea, and there is no response at all.

At this time, the subordinates on the other side who were paying attention to various news on the planet suddenly exclaimed, boss! Come and see this one!!

Havac hurried over, only to see a piece of news being broadcast on the holographic TV.

"...Now we are breaking the urgent news, because of the terrible terrorist attack at the Eriadu Business Summit, the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic, Finis Valorum, is about to deliver a speech to the entire galaxy. I hope everyone can unite, We will tide over the difficulties together," said the host of the Republic News Network.

The screen changed, and the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Senate, Finis Valorum, appeared on the screen. He condemned the terrorist attack righteously and announced that the "most vicious terrorist organization" - the Nebula Front - would be the most wanted organization in the entire Galaxy.

What he said is actually not important, when she saw his face, the blaster pistol in Havac's hand dropped, she was completely shocked and speechless, "How... how is it possible! How is it possible!! I should have killed Finis Valorum! He is in the Fourth Group's convoy, right? Right in the Fourth Group!! Isn't it?"

Her words became louder and more agitated, and she grabbed a subordinate's shoulder and screamed like a shrew.

"...Let us deeply mourn the representatives who died in this terrorist attack, including the Governor of the Trade Federation and the representative of the Kuat Drive Yards..." The voice from the holographic TV over there kept coming.

"Wait a minute! Trade Federation? Kuat Drive Yards?? Why them? I should have killed Finis Valorum!!" Another subordinate also exclaimed.

Havac slumped to the ground, his eyes glazed over.

Now that the matter has developed, she has fully understood - she has been betrayed! No, or rather, from the very beginning, that adult just regarded himself as a one-time pawn, throwing it away when he was done using it, without hesitation.

The answering ship... never came.

At this time, there were footsteps outside the door, and then the wooden door was kicked open with a bang, one of the subordinates subconsciously raised his gun and shot, but there was a buzzing sound, and the green lightsaber shot back first and directly bounced the blaster beam back to the chest of the subordinate. !

Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi walked in. "Whoever you are, you're under arrest. In the name of the Jedi Order."

Hawav clenched her teeth, picked up the pistol from the ground with a loud shout, and shot wildly at them!


"...The matter is over, my friend and mentor. I think we are one step closer to our goal." The holographic projection reflected a thin figure with a high hairline, high cheekbones, and deep-set eyes. But a man with sharp eyes like an eagle.

Sheev Palpatine smiled slightly, and said lightly: "Everything just happened according to the situation, didn't it? My friend, Deputy Governor Wilhuff Tarkin."

"The idiots of the Nebula Front, they don't know whether they are qualified to stand with you. They even think they can threaten you." Deputy Governor Tarkin said with a cold smile, "But in fact, they don't know anything. Even in this riot, they are just the ones who flipped the switch... They will not know why the Droids were sent in, and they will not know why the deployment of the Droids and the order in which the representatives entered the venue were completed."

Palpatine's smile was also a little gloomy, "This terrorist attack will make Finis Valorum lose everything, and it will also let everyone in the galaxy see the corrupt nature of the Republic."

"What we need is a power as strong as steel, not a Republic as weak as a sick camel." Tarkin echoed. "Valorum still has his historical mission, and he can't retire yet. When the Republic was at its most chaotic and weakest, people like him were needed to bear all the guilt." Palpatine said.

"I can't wait for that day."

"It won't be too long. Even if he tried his best, he couldn't prevent the resignation of Deputy Chancellor Botan this time. From now on, he will be just a loner in the huge Galactic Senate."

"The Galaxy needs a war... We need a war! Only through the tempering of blood and fire can the essence be preserved, and real power will be born in the ruins of this decaying republic!" In the eyes of Deputy Governor Tarkin shining with frenzied light.

Palpatine responded with a smile, "This is our common ideal."

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