Chapter 248: Revenge

However, the Procurator-class, Praetor-class and Mandator-class Star Dreadnoughts are castrated versions, because due to the restrictions of the Russan Reform Treaty, these warships cannot be equipped with too powerful turbolaser guns, and the damage to the hyperspace engine There are also restrictions on the level, so strictly speaking, it is not a qualified warship.

But after all the size is there, they are still the most powerful spacecraft in the galaxy.

Taking out these warships, which even the Judicial Fleet itself has only single digits, shows that the Judicial Fleet attaches great importance to this summit. Because if someone wants to drop a bomb at this summit, I am afraid that the stocks of the whole Galaxy will have to drop the limit.

In the outer space of the planet Eriadu, a white light flashed, and a fleet of 10 Munificent-class communication Frigates broke out of hyperspace and appeared in the universe. These Frigates were all painted with the logo of the Interstellar Banking Clan.

After a simple handover between this fleet and the surrounding judicial fleet, it stopped at the periphery of the Judicial Fleet's defense area, and then several shuttles took off from the interior of the Battleship and flew to the planet Eriadu under the escort of a group of Vulture Fighters.

Soon, the escort fleet of the Trade Federation also arrived. Then there are Corporate Alliance, Techno Union...

Each of the representatives of these commercial giants brought a powerful fleet to guard, and at the same time, this was also showing off their strength.

Moments later, a fleet of 10 Assault-class Light Destroyers and 20 Cobalt Light Frigates also came here from hyperspace.

On the bridge of one of the Assault-class Light Destroyers, Group IV's commercial representative Gross Shelby and her commercial team also got ready.

Shelby was wearing a black dress with a flower made of white and soft feathers on her shoulders, matching her outstanding appearance and hot figure, it looked like a blooming black lily.

But at this moment, Shelby's expression was extremely serious, because before leaving, Tang Xiao's exhortation was still echoing in his ears.

"Remember this meeting, safety first. Stay away from those Droids, and don't go with people from the Trade Federation. But remember that our Fourth Group's appeal is to follow the Trade Federation. "Tang Xiao repeatedly emphasized safety matters.

This made Shelby feel that something was about to happen at this summit... With such a mentality, even the 4,000-meter-long Governor-class dreadnought that was approaching did not feel so safe.

As more and more delegations come over, more and more spaceships are docked outside the planet Eriadu, which makes the starry sky a bit crowded. At least 3,000 large and small spaceships gather here. It also put enormous management pressure on the Republic Judicial Fleet in charge of defense.

... Though, not everyone was in high spirits about the summit.

"Finis Valorum, that bastard!! He refused our Nebula Front to participate in the summit!!" In an uninhabited fully automatic factory area in the Coruscant Industrial Zone, a woman with a hideous face was projected by the holographic projection, and she roared.

"I can't do anything about it. I have asked my people to put the Nebula Front application directly in front of Valorum, but he rejected it in an ugly way." The voice was distorted and greasy. This is Darth - Sidious.

"It's hard to hear?"

"Well, what he said wasā€”it's just a terrorist organization, and it's not eligible to participate in the summit." Darth Sidious said sarcastically.

"He will pay the price! I swear! Valorum will pay the price!!" the woman roared.

"Now, you can only find another opportunity," Sidious said.

"This is impossible!! The Eriadu Business Summit is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Only by seizing this opportunity will we have the opportunity to wash a lot of our business! We can even reach cooperation with those super companies in the Trade Federation! They will like us This kind of organization that specializes in dealing with dirty things! But Finis Valorum ruined everything!!"

"That's all I can help you with." After Sidious finished speaking, he gestured to turn off the communication, but his movements were a little slow as if he was waiting for something.

Sure enough, the woman from the Nebula Front shouted: "Wait a minute!! You can do us a favor!"

"There is no help for no reason, everything has a price," Sidious said slowly.

"I want to enter the meeting place on Planet Eriadu!" The woman's expression became more and more ferocious.

"This is not an easy task, and I have to tell you that the current planet Eriadu has the highest level of security."

"But you can do it, can't you?"

Under the cover of the hood, Darth Sidious smiled coldly.


The capital of the planet Eriadu, the city of Eriadu.

The whole city has been decorated in a festive atmosphere. Flowers, balloons, ribbons, and various holographic projections make every street colorful.

At the same time, the security here is also very strict.

Tens of thousands of the Republic Army in gray uniforms guarded the city. It can be said that there are three steps, one post, five steps and one sentry. Every soldier is fully armed, with his chest straightened out, full of momentum.

Even several Dreadnought-class heavy cruisers entered the atmosphere, hovering in the sky of Eriadu City. However, it seems that to reduce some chilling intentions, these Dreadnought-class heavy Cruisers are also hung with ribbons and welcome slogans.

In the loading area of ??the city, a cargo ship is being unloaded.

The officer in charge of signing looked at the metal boxes on the conveyor belt, yawned, and said to the delivery person in front of him, "Which ship is this today?"

"The fifth ship, there are three more ships behind. All Droids, a total of 100,000 units." The delivery man replied.

The officer came to one of the boxes, opened it, and looked inside. There were several folded B-1 Battle Droids neatly stacked inside. He was tired of seeing such things today. So he hastily signed his name on the receipt, and waved his hand impatiently, "Pull it over and scan it."

As a result, several soldiers on the other side shouted: "The scanner is broken! It is being repaired!!"

"Damn, idiot! Why is it broken at this time? There is so much cargo today, how do you ask me to take it?" The officer yelled.

The deliveryman said in a low voice: "Sir, look, I'm still in a hurry to go back. All I deliver are Droids. You have passed four ships in the morning. All the Droids are of a uniform standard. Where is the problem? In comparison, those groceries are more dangerous!"

As he spoke, he slipped an envelope quietly into the officer's pocket.

The officer pretended to tidy up his clothes, felt the thickness of the envelope, waved his hand and said, "Okay, okay, pull these Droids over!"

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