Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 196: The Name of Darth (Part 2)

Chapter 196: The Name of Darth (Part 2)

There is no doubt that the Sith hung on the altar by Darth Plagueis is extremely powerful even if there is only a wisp of spirit left. At least he dares to be an enemy of Darth Plagueis, and it seems that he is still in name. His younger brother.

Tang Xiao also knew his name—Darth Venamis, a Bis man.

He cursed Darth Plagueis frantically, cursed all living beings in the world, and cursed everything in the galaxy! Because of his negative emotions, an incomparably huge power of the dark side rushed towards him, powerful, out of control, chaotic, disorderly...

That powerful force kept impacting Tang Xiao's spirit, and the remaining soul of Darth Venamis seemed to want to rush into Tang Xiao's body, and then devour and occupy everything in him... Then, replace it!

But soon, Darth Venamis discovered that all his actions were futile! Although the original force in Tang Xiao's body is not strong, it is like a vortex at the moment, constantly devouring his spirit and strength! Moreover, he couldn't resist!

It's like a hyena is constantly gnawing on a lion, but the difference is that this lion has no ability to resist at all, and can only watch his own flesh and blood being gnawed away bit by bit!

Darth Plagueis beside him was surprised to find that Tang Xiao was devouring Darth Venamis' dark side force! This made him extremely surprised, you must know that the Force is not a cake, you can eat it if you want!

The force of another person is also equivalent to that person's will. If you directly swallow it like this, it is equivalent to accepting the other person's will at the same time. Such a result, nine times out of ten, is a big change in personality, a mental disorder, or even directly turning into another person!

"Stupid!! Stop me now!!" Darth Plagueis roared.

But at this moment Tang Xiao has entered a strange state. In this Sith altar, besides the ghost of Darth Venamis, there are many ancient and powerful Sith wills. These ancient wills are like countless huge statues, surrounding Tang Xiao in the middle, but they don't make any other movements, they just look down on him.

Surrounded by these ancient wills, Tang Xiao seemed to be soaked in the force of the dark side. He felt so powerful that he wanted to vent, to roar, to laugh, to cry, no matter what it was, he just wanted to vent all the frustration in his chest in the most intense way!

Fear, kill, conquer, rule!

Women, money, power, power!

He felt that his strength was getting stronger and stronger, so powerful that he could destroy everything!!

He wants everything in the galaxy! I want to hold all of this in my own hands!

Darth Venamis' howling seemed to be constantly coming from his ears, but Tang Xiao turned a deaf ear to it because he found that Darth Venamis in this state was just a dish to him!

Because he understands that what he dominates is death!

Tang Xiao opened his eyes suddenly, and he found that Darth Plagueis was standing about 5 meters in front of him, and everything around him was in a mess. The flesh and bones of Darth Venamis were scattered everywhere, and the surrounding experimental equipment and medical equipment were also scattered as if they had experienced a tornado here.

Seeing Tang Xiao wake up, Darth Plagueis smiled coldly, Shua~~~! The blood-red lightsaber shot out from the hilt in his hand, and the plasma blade made a buzzing sound, "So, what should I call you? Should I call you Darth Venamis instead?"

Tang Xiao smiled slightly, "No, I think Das-Honduras is better..."

Darth Plagueis' face turned cold, instead of putting away his lightsaber, he rushed straight up!!

Tang Xiao was shocked, but he also reacted instantly. At this moment, most of Darth Venamis' remaining dark side force was absorbed by him, making him feel extremely powerful, to the extent that even Darth Plagueis could fight.

Swish!! The lightsaber unfolded, Tang Xiao turned and charged forward, and the two lightsabers collided immediately! The magnetic fields restraining the blades of the blood-red lightsabers were entangled and refused to give in. Neither side of the two lightsabers could advance a millimeter further. At this moment, Tang Xiao and Plagueis collided violently!

Invisible forces began to compete for the surrounding space, and Tang Xiao only felt that Plagueis' vast force seemed to be affecting everything around him.

He felt that his body was bound by the Force, making it difficult to move, and the damaged medical equipment next to him was shaking constantly. As long as he relaxed a little, this heavy equipment would hit his forehead.

Even more than a dozen scalpels placed in a sterilized plate had already floated into the air. If Tang Xiao hadn't used his own force to control the scalpels, he would have been pierced through more than a dozen holes!

And what is even more dangerous at this moment is the contest on the lightsaber between the two! This is the core of their dark side force!

The two forces collided and entangled constantly, and even formed an invisible force storm between the two! Finally, the storm exploded suddenly, forming a strong shock wave!

hum!! Tang Xiao and Plagueis separated suddenly, and then they fought together again wielding their lightsabers!

This time they did not directly compete with the Force but fought with their own lightsaber swordsmanship. The two lightsabers were dazzled by their swinging, and under the high-speed swing, the blades of the lightsabers even formed countless afterimages. If it was an ordinary person, his eyes would have been red and he could not see anything.

hum! Click! Click!

Every collision of the lightsabers set off a violent force explosion, the result of the two constantly controlling the surrounding space through the force. In fact, if Tang Xiao hadn't just absorbed the power of Darth Venamis, he would have been knocked into the air by Plagueis' force.

But even so, Darth Plagueis is clearly more than capable. His sword skills far surpassed Tang Xiao's. At this moment, it was like a cat catching a mouse, limiting Tang Xiao's lightsaber to a very small range.

Suddenly, the medical equipment on the side broke free from Tang Xiao's grip, and hit Tang Xiao's chest with a bang!

Tang Xiao was caught off guard and flew out, spitting out a mouthful of blood. His control over the force was also disordered, and before he could stand up, Darth Plagueis' vast force enveloped the air, knocking him out again with a bang!

He quickly swung his lightsaber to resist Plagueis' force, but the lost rhythm would never come back. He had just exchanged two moves with Plagueis, and his body was restrained and unable to move. The next second, Plagueis' lightsaber was between his eyes!

Plagueis's voice seemed to be boundless and magical, "I have heard your name...Darth Malthael!"

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