Chapter 41

The place I arrived in the carriage was an old house that looked like it would fly away with the wind. It wouldn’t be strange to call it an abandoned house.

I thumped my chest feeling nauseous.

‘I shouldn’t have gotten in the carriage right after dinner.’

I looked around with a frown.

‘This place… it feels familiar…’

Even though it was my first time seeing this dilapidated house, I kept feeling a sense of deja vu. Hannah’s cheeks flushed and she hurriedly kicked away the objects scattered on the floor, perhaps feeling embarrassed to show her house.

“It’s too shabby for My Lady to come in.”

“Now that we’re at your house, where’s your brother?”

At my question, Hannah guided us to the second floor. When I opened the door, I saw a small, weak figure of a man lying on the bed. The man had black hair and black eyes, resembling Hannah.

‘It’s definitely my first time seeing you, but why do I feel so uneasy…?’

“My Lady, this is my brother, Eugene.”

Ha, this was why this ominous feeling was never wrong.

I closed my eyes at the familiar name.


Eugene Mell.

He was the reason why Liliana would come to the duchy and also the one who would become her disciple. Liliana appeared in the duchy to take Eugene away as per the order of the Master of the Wizard Tower. She found Eugene on the verge of death and cured him from the disease.

No wonder I felt this house was familiar. So this was the first place Liliana visited.

“Brother, over there is Lady Rosetta Katzel, and this is Nanabi, a wizard, who will treat you.”

“He… Hel-lo.”

He breathed hard after every syllable, uttering the word with great difficulty. No matter how much I looked at him, he wasn’t in a state where he could hold out until Liliana came. His eyes couldn’t even focus, and it was questionable whether he could properly understand Hannah’s words.

‘How can he wait for Liliana in that condition? His life may end today or tomorrow.’

Nanabi hurriedly kneeled beside him as if she had similar thoughts as me.

“Excuse me.”

Nanabi, after pressing around Eugene’s wrist, ankle, heart, and neck, approached me and whispered. After completing her diagnosis, her expression brightened and she seemed full of confidence.

“It’s manaemia. Manaemia is a disease caused by clogging of mana in the acupuncture points. It’s a common disease among novice wizards.”


“Without circulation, the mana accumulates inside the body and makes the patient cough up blood. It is a disease that can lead to death in severe cases, but fortunately, the treatment method is simple. You just need to pierce the acupuncture points.”

When she finished explaining Eugene’s symptoms, she had a look of pure admiration.

“But I can’t believe he lasted a year. It’s really amazing. Usually, the patients do not live more than three months. My Lady, if you keep him next to you and nurture his talent, he’ll surely be useful to you. Above all, the amount of mana he has is amazing.”

Of course, he would. Eugene was a one of a kind genius. It was not for nothing that the master of the Wizard Tower wanted him. Nanabi, who was appealing to Eugene’s talent and value, quietly shut up when she saw me not saying anything.

‘Why are Marina and the people around me so quick-sighted?’

I felt bitter because it seemed they had discovered my innermost feelings and had caught on to my hesitation to treat Eugene. Nanabi asked carefully.

“Should I treat him? Or should we finish here and go back?”

If I let Eugene get treated now, would Liliana not come to the duchy?

Then, what about Sihael?

In order for Sihael to return as a human being, Liliana was a must. Yeah, even if I left Eugene alone now, he wouldn’t die. He’s definitely not in a good condition, but he’s not destined to die yet. He was the key to get Liliana here.

“My Lady, what-what’s wrong?”

As Nanabi and I whispered together, Hannah trembled with anxiety. I could see the hope that had bloomed in her eyes dwindle and get replaced by despair. I looked down and glanced at Sihael.

Our eyes met immediately as if he had been looking at me from the beginning.

From the beginning, he had only looked at me, trusted me, and relied on me.

I kneeled and hugged Sihael, whispering only to him so that he could hear it.

“Your Highness, I will make sure to treat the curse.”

No matter by all means.

I gently pressed my lips on his forehead as I silently swore. Sihael’s eyes widened in surprise at the affectionate warmth that he felt on his forehead and then nodded with a flustered smile. And then, he also answered in a low voice so that only I could hear.

“If you say so, I have no choice but to believe it.”

I hugged Sihael tightly and then stood up.

“Nanabi, please treat him.”

“Miss Hannah, can you let go of his hand and go over there?”

At Nanabi’s request, Hannah came to my side. Not taking her eyes off her brother, she glanced up at me and smiled shyly.

“Thank you.”

I couldn’t answer anything when I saw her glowing face.

If there were any problems with Sihael in the future and if it happens that I won’t be able to find Liliana on time, I’ll surely regret today’s affairs.

But I was affected by Hannah’s anticipation. I couldn’t trample her hope for her dying brother.

Yeah, it would be my responsibility no matter what happens in the future.

I had to pay the price for changing the original story.

So wherever Liliana was hiding, even if it was hell, I had no choice but to chase her to the end and bring her before Sihael.

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