Chapter 38

This was rather good. It was better to stay as a dog on a day like today because we would only fight if we communicated further.

“Woof! Woof! Ruff Woof!”

However, Sihael had some different thoughts. When he unexpectedly became a dumb beast, he stomped his feet and barked incessantly. It sounded like he was asking for my blood.

“I don’t want to.”


“It’s a punishment for all the troubles you caused today. Stay like that until tomorrow.”

“Ruff! Ruff! Grrrrr! Ruff!”

I didn’t know what he meant, but I was sure he was very dissatisfied. I firmly pushed Sihael away. Sihael, who was pushed back by my strength, blinked.

His eyes fluttered in shock, perhaps because he didn’t know I’d push him away. But soon, his bewildered eyes changed in an instant.

“Woof wooo, woof!”

Sihael pounced on me and tried to get my blood by force. But before that could happen, I hugged Sihael’s waist and threw him onto the bed.


However, because I failed to aim the throw correctly, he crashed into the wall instead of the bed.


Chunks of bricks fell on the floor from the cracked wall.

“Shit, I’m in serious trouble. What should I do?”

Surprised by the gaffe I had made, I looked at Sihael. And Sihael, who was lying on the floor, also raised his head. The gleam in his golden eyes grew brighter.


In an instant, I stormed out of the door and escaped from the (increasingly) chaotic atmosphere. Sihael barked and chased after me fiercely to the outside of the mansion.


This was driving me crazy! I had never been chased like this before. A cold sweat ran down my back at this first experience.

“Let’s calm down and talk! Okay?”

“Grrr! Ruff ruff!”

A deadly tag game had begun.

* * *

I didn’t know how long it had been, but it felt like around half an hour had passed. In that interval, I went around the mansion several times.

Just as I got out of the garden, barely escaping from Sihael, I felt a heavy weight on my back and lost my balance, making me roll down on the ground.

“Ugh! Ackk!”

I spat out the soil that had entered my mouth and grabbed onto Sihael’s snout, as he buried his head in my neck.

“I told you I won’t give it to you today!”

“Woof woof woof woof!”

Sihael cried out, feeling wronged. The flowers that the butler had been diligently growing were crushed behind my back. The scent of flowers engulfed us. It was a scene that didn’t go well with our current situation.

If the female lead was here, it sure would have been a romantic scene, but with me, it was a deadly fight with my life in line. After tossing and turning for a long time, Sihael lost in our power struggle and came down from above me helplessly.

The drooping tail represented his mood. Sihael didn’t try to rush at me anymore. Perhaps he realized that he could not change my firm stance no matter how hard he fought.

Instead, he changed his method and pretended to be pitiful to induce sympathy from me. Of course, it didn’t work. I ignored his drooping tail and walked away.

Soon after, I heard Sihael rumbling and trudging along helplessly.


“I said no.”

Sihael cried and wailed all day, feeling wronged. He couldn’t talk even the next morning.


I didn’t give him my blood. While he was discouraged, I decided to correct Sihael’s wicked habit of always having his way. I took Sihael, settled in a moderately large open space, and threw a ball up. I planned to play ball after a long time just like when I had raised Shasha.

“If you behave well today, I’ll give you my blood.”

I threw the ball to Sihael with all my might.

The flying ball flew towards the mountain in a long parabola.

Sihael ran after the ball without a second thought. I sat in the shade looking at Sihael’s back, which had suddenly become a white dot. However, Sihael did not return after a long time, perhaps because the ball flew quite far.

“It’s very late. Did something happen?”

I got up and brushed off my butt. Just then, a ball of silver fur ran through the wind from afar.

But something was weird.

Something wriggled in Sihael’s mouth. Sihael, who approached me, spat something out.

It was a rabbit. And it was alive.

As I alternated between the shivering rabbit and Sihael. Sihael, who had been hunting rabbits instead of bringing the ball I threw, looked at me.

“Do you want to reconcile?”

“… Woof, woof woof woof.”

Sihael offered a bribe and asked for reconciliation.

Looking at him anxiously waiting for an answer, I bit my lip to hold back my laughter. My heart throbbed when I imagined Sihael sweating hard to catch the rabbit without killing it. It was so cute. Seriously, from where did this guy learn this?

“Don’t do that next time.”


When I reached out my hand as a sign of acceptance, my pale hand disappeared into his mouth.

Sihael bit my hand and licked the blood. After a while, Sihael, who opened his mouth, spoke in a low, subdued voice.

“…I did something wrong, so I won’t don’t do this again.”

“I’m sorry too for treating you like a dog.”

Sihael’s pride seemed to have been taken a considerable blow, but we succeeded in reconciling safely.

I released the rabbit at the entrance of the mountain. Sihael grumbled, asking if I would release the rabbit that he barely caught.

“Where did you learn such a cute thing?”

“I don’t know.”

“If you do it to your lover later, she will be very happy.”


When I stroked his head, he turned his head away from my hand.

Ah, he was really cute.

* * *

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