Forgotten Legend of the Bloodied Flower

Chapter 1753 Events in the Capital City (2)

Chapter 1753 Events in the Capital City (2)

The two men were looking at each other.

To be exact, Emperor Yang Zhou was looking at Shangguan Yu closely while he lowered his head slightly. After all, the ministers were not allowed to look directly to the Emperor.

"Alright, you can go."

"Thank you very much Your Majesty. Your Majesty is wise, long life Your Majesty."

Emperor Yang Zhou raised his hand to stop Shangguan Yu's unnecessary praise. "Bring me the report from each city you passed."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"You may go."

Shangguan Yu bowed once more and then the servant was called inside and pulled him out of the study.

Emperor Yang Zhou looked in the direction where Shangguan Yu left and sighed deeply. He truly wondered whether it was the correct decision to allow him to do what he wanted to do.

But after a while, Emperor Yang Zhou shook his head.

He could only do his best.

Whether it was correct or not, only time will tell.

"Tell Prime Minister Xian to hold the war meetings." Emperor Yang Zhou's eyes flashed with ruthlessness. "It's time for the war preparation against Shi Long Kingdom."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

<Fei Yang Kingdom's Capital City, Imperial Palace Main Hall>

Several people had been called to attend the meeting today. But there were still a few people who chose to ignore the summon completely such as Great General Wei and also a few generals who were not called back.

The rest of the people were present here.

"Everyone had gathered here." Shangguan Xiao's eyes flickered when he saw so many high ranking commanders were gathered. It was as if the Emperor pulled back almost every available commanders and generals who existed.

Old Master Nan was also dragged inside because he was still in the Capital City. His expression was not very good when he found out that he was being called for war meetings again.

The new year had just started but he was already pulled for another meeting?


Old Master Nan stated that he was very tired.

He only wished to retire peacefully but it was not allowed because he was still being dragged by these people who wanted to continue the war.

But Shi Long Kingdom did indeed start to target them.

The expansion that Fei Yang Kingdom had done over the past few years along with their own suppression at the border had already reaching the critical points. War between Fei Yang Kingdom and Shi Long Kingdom would be inevitable. 'First Commander Wei, General Shangguan Xian, Commander Shangguan Xiao, General Hong, General Feng, Great General Long, and many other commanders…'

Looking at the lineup of the people who gathered here, Old Master Nan had to admit that Emperor Yang Zhou had truly called most of the available and capable people. He was a bit surprised when he saw General Hong, though.

After all, General Hong was suppressing the tribes and villages at the south, which also directly bordered Shi Long Kingdom. But today he came here.

It meant that there should be others who were present to do this task.

The one who surprised him the most was actually Great General Long. Wasn't this great general recently go to the north?

How did he come here so quickly?

But no matter how confused Old Master Nan was, he didn't mention this matter. "Thank you everyone for coming." Prime Minister Xian, the other prime minister beside Prime Minister Lan, entered the main hall. He was promoted after the purge because of his capabilities.

So far, many war tactics and suggestions came from him and sent to the frontline. It has also helped Fei Yang Kingdom to survive in the face of many attacks that were heading in their direction.

But his role was not very visible in front of the powerful Great Generals who liked to act on their own.

This time, their goal was to conquer Shi Long Kingdom.

How arrogant Shi Long Kingdom was and how much the situation had changed after a few years passed and Fei Yang Kingdom was growing. Now, it was important for them to grasp the chance in their hands in order to conquer Shi Long Kingdom. "We're here to discuss about the next conquest along with the commanders in charge." Prime Minister Xian swept his gaze across the people around him. "Let's start."

Discussion starts with the commanders listening to Prime Minister Xian's evaluation first.

Shi Long Kingdom is a big kingdom.

It was also very powerful because they have the most resources and used a lot of strange things to win the siege war. There were two tactics that could be used.

The first one was to conquer the cities around Shi Long Kingdom but this approach would take a long time and a lot of manpower. After all, Shi Long Kingdom is a large kingdom and they have only started to press their border.

The estimation would take two to three years for this method.

The second one was to directly go straight to Shi Long Kingdom's Capital City and tried to conquer it from inside. Once the Capital City has fallen and their Imperial Family was eliminated or taken hostage, Shi Long Kingdom can be declared over.

But after that, they would still need to clean up the remnants which will take months to years.

After all, it was not easy to make everyone agree to be part of Fei Yang Kingdom just like that.

Old Master Nan listened to Prime Minister Xian listened the two tactics that had been discussed for a long time in great details. The weakness, advantage, the current situation in Shi Long Kingdom and many others were already analyzed.

'No wonder that Zhang Xu Kingdom fell in the end.'

With the combination of Great General Wei's capabilities, Prime Minister Xian's ideas and analysis, the few generals who contributed with their abilities, and the soldiers who fought until the very end…

It would be strange if Zhang Xu Kingdom would last.

Old Master Nan looked at the ceiling, imagining the vast sky and felt that the Heaven truly blessed Fei Yang Kingdom. Even if the process was arduous and not easy, but everything came together in the end. It was good enough for him.

He wanted to watch as the new era unfolded.

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