Chapter 331 - Plans He Made

Jerlina had to prepare for the sting of International travels that had to be arranged for Jeremy. He did say there would be a lot of travel at the start of the year. She didn't think it would be stretched over Valentine's day too.

She is his secretary and she has access to almost everything that he has access to. Not to mention, she is his wife and she pretty much knows every one of his plans unless he just keeps it in his mind. Only then it would stay a secret.

They had some travels in February and for some odd reason, there was a break in the travel plans for a week. And what's odder was that it fell around Valentine's day.

She knew it is one of the plans he has kept in his heart. But she started to do some "research" to see if she can find out anything.

Well, she loves surprises, but curiosity got the best of her and with some research, she found out what his plans are.

For three days before Valentine's day, they'd be roaming around Italy and three days after Valentine's day they'd be travelling around Scotland and Ireland. Well, that made sense since most of the official tours they have to make are honeymoon destinations with some one-hour official meetings sprinkled in the midst.

But in the week around Valentine's day, there are no meetings scheduled and that means…

It's our honeymoon!

Jerlina figured out that those meetings in between the other destinations must be arranged when he said he'd be "courting" her.

Well, he thought it would take some months to court me. He thought I won't agree for a honeymoon and arranged these "official" tours.

And here I am…

Well, at least I got to know him a little longer, right? I made him happy for longer and that is good!

She wanted to find out what his plans for Valentine's day were but it was a little tough. She did find out based on the bookings he did.

Venice and Paris!

Should I decide where to go? Why did he book hotels in two cities?

Jerlina wondered. As she wondered, tears started to fall from her eyes. She got overwhelmed by how much he had planned for her.

She thought that he won't even celebrate Valentine's day… but he…

I love him so much!

She wanted to call him to tell him that. But before she could make the call, she got a call from Mikhail.

"I am planning on proposing to Rose on Valentine's day," he said.

"That's so amazing!!!" Jerlina shouted out of joy. "Have you picked the ring? Where? How? When? Is she suspecting it? Wait…Did you ask permission from her family?" Jerlina had a lot of questions to ask.

"No, I am talking to you first about it," Mikhail said Jerlina was stunned.

"Are you serious? When are you going to make the plans? Don't do anything half-heartedly! I won't forgive you if Rose is not satisfied…" Jerlina went on a rant.

She loved that cousin of hers very much. And she wanted all happiness for her.

"Jerlina… Jerlina… wait…" Mikhail stopped her.

After Jerlina's insistence and after she made Jeremy use his friendship card, Mikhail finally agreed to address her by her name.

"What?" Jerlina didn't understand why Mikhail is talking to her about it first. But then it slowly sank in after Mikhail stayed quiet for some time.

I have to accept the Hamilton money!

"Oh…" Her tone became a lot flat as all her happiness dissipated. "I'll talk to Gordon today," she added.

"Are you sad?" Mikhail didn't understand why Jerlina's tone turned very unimpressed.

Is she that sad to accept money? Which planet is she from?

"I am hurt, Mikhail," she sniffed for added effects. "I thought you called me to tell me good news as a friend but you called me because you needed me out of your way!"

She thought Mikhail would apologize or at least would feel a little regretful but his next words made Jerlina laugh.

"Of course, I want you out of my way! Get your money so that I can marry my love!" he screamed.

"Fine!!" Jerlina screamed back with a chuckle and ended the call.

Thanks to his recommendations, she is getting a lot of new orders. And now she had to select the orders she could accept because there are a lot of orders coming. Uncle Patrick talked about hiring new interns and he insisted they need to sign NDAs and all. Jerlina thought if she should hire a small office space and hire employees to manage the orders and other stuff since it is getting too much for her to handle.

She can do it if she quit being Jeremy's secretary, but she didn't want to quit it. She didn't want to leave that work to someone else. She loved supporting him.

Jerlina called Jeremy and told him about Mikhail's call and Jeremy hummed. That's it. Just a hum when she said that his best friend is going to propose.

"Get your money soon," he said and he was a lot more excited about that. "I'll make the arrangements for the Hamilton Foundation. Did you chose the name yet?" He went on.

After talking to him for a while, Jerlina made the call to Gordon and she could hear him running through the hallways to Jonathan.

"Lady Jerlina agreed, Sire!" he screamed. "She agreed to take her money!"

Jerlina talked to her very happy great-grandfather. When he thanked her for accepting the money with his trembling voice, she didn't understand why she is getting thanked. She is the one receiving a large amount of money and she should be the one thanking him. And since he kept on thanking her, she started feeling guilty.

"We'd be in Europe next month, great-grandpa. We might visit you, although I am not-"

Before she finished, Jonathan started to sing happily and started making arrangements.

"I am not-"


She in the end swallowed her words and decided to spare a day for her very enthusiastic great-grandfather. She heard from Gordon that his spirit is up these days and he even started to walk for short distances.

Jerlina was glad to hear it.

"Gordon will come and settle everything. I'll try and make sure if I can make the travel but-"

"You cannot! And Gordon would be busy. Why can't we do it when I visit there?" Jerlina interjected him.

"But I want to visit your home!" Jonathan threw tantrums like a child. "And you cannot waste time signing documents when you visit me. Let's finish that immediately!"

In the end, Jerlina had to relent to Jonathan's wishes and agree to Gordon visiting them in the next couple of days. Jerlina told him that any lawyer would be enough and Gordon need not be here personally, but Jonathan pretended he didn't hear a word she said and made his own decisions.

Jerlina had to agree in the end.

"He must have thought you'd change your mind if time passes," Jeremy laughed when Jerlina talked about the phone call.

Jerlina nodded.


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