For Sale. Fallen Lady. Never Used.

Chapter 161: Anyway, It’s A Secret Affair (3)

Cardinal of Intolerance.

An evil god closely associated with jealousy and bonds, famous for engaging in direct combat like the God of Tainted Unity.

Naturally, cultists or monsters that worship him receive powers specialized in combat.

Unlike the straightforward and destructive powers of the God of Tainted Unity, the powers of the Cardinal of Intolerance had a sinister aspect.

Curses, poison, illusions, auditory hallucinations, etc.

His main ability was to bring down opponents with all sorts of debuffs and mental attacks.

However, this didn’t mean his actual combat power was significantly lower, so one must never be off guard.

Even though we had Iona, we still needed to prepare to some extent.

For that reason, the moment we decided to subdue the cultist branch with Iona, I immediately asked Faye for a few items.

Today was the day to pick them up.

After connecting with Faye, I had received the keys to the workshop, so there was no need to ring the doorbell this time; I just entered.


“Senior Faye? We’ve arrived.”

“Ah, yes. Just wait a moment, Junior. I’m in the middle of a rather important task…”

As usual, the workshop was dark. Among the items shining in various colors like stars, I could see Faye’s back.

An apron that couldn’t have been new for long was already grubby. Overwhelmingly, a side chest that sneakily visible even from the back.

Faye stood in front of a piece of equipment, the purpose of which was unclear, slowly moving her fingers.


Then, the fluorescent liquid contained in a flask floated in the air.

As if it followed an invisible path, flowing along.

Probably the water manipulation ability gained from the effect of the potion of the Sea’s Blessing we all drank last time.

Faye, having drawn out a long strand of the dangerously looking fluorescent liquid, lightly ran her other hand over it.


A sound similar to squeezing something, and not long after, white, shining crystals began to emerge at regular intervals.

The trait of magic crystallization obtained as a dungeon reward. It felt gratifying to see it being put to good use.

After examining the crystals she had drawn out, Faye once again used water manipulation to return the fluorescent liquid back into the flask.

Compared to when it was first taken out, the color was noticeably paler, and the brightness had diminished. It was only natural since the magic essence was extracted as much as the crystals.

Faye dropped one of the remaining crystals into a potion bottle prepared below.

The crystal dissolved into the grey, dull potion inside, causing a violent magical reaction.

Bubble, bubble.

The potion boiled on its own and shone brightly. Although it made a strong statement, it didn’t last long.

The bright light gradually faded, and the bubbling potion quickly stabilized.

After all reactions had ceased, what remained was a potion that had turned sky blue for no apparent reason.

Faye, who had been watching seriously, soon showed a satisfied expression and started dropping the remaining crystals into other potion bottles.

Plop, plop.

Guluck, guluck…

A chain of magical reactions occurred. Thus, Faye quickly finished making several sky blue potions and finally turned around.


Her chest, having turned so vigorously, swayed freely in all directions.

Over that, Faye gave an awkwardly unnatural smile.

“Ah, you’ve come, Junior?”

A forced smile, as if someone were holding a knife to her, brought out a chuckle.

“Senior Faye. What have you been reading this time?”

“Um… I read that men like it when a woman greets them with a bright smile when they return home…”

“That’s true, but you don’t need to force a bright smile. The important part is to greet warmly.”

“Oh? Is that so?”

“That’s how it is. At least for me.”

Nodding in agreement, Faye finally returned to her usual sinister-looking face.

Faye, looking much more natural now, scurried over with her short legs and launched herself at me.

“Junior! I missed you!”

“What do you mean, haven’t we seen each other almost every day recently?”

I remember stopping by Faye’s workshop every day after classes, even if only briefly.

“That may be true, but for some reason, it feels like it’s been almost 3 weeks since we last met!”

“Well, it can’t be helped then.”

I laughed and hugged the charging Faye.

The first thing to make contact, of course, wasn’t just ordinarily large—it was her chest.

Faye’s chest, touching from the end, squished against my abdomen. Only after feeling that soft pressure did I feel her arms wrap around my waist.

I also wrapped my arms around Faye’s back and was about to give her a short kiss when…



Her chest acting as a cushion between me and Faye was so big it actually got in the way of getting closer.

There was no helping it.

I lifted Faye by her waist.


Faye, startled, reflexively wrapped her legs around my torso and clung to me like a cicada.

This brought Faye’s face up to my eye level.

Was this unexpected? I could feel the panic in Faye’s swirling eyes.

“Uh? Uh-oh…?”

“Just stay still for a moment, Senior Faye.”

I grabbed the back of Faye’s head and pressed our lips together.


Slightly dry lips. Rough breaths. And movements wavering in uncertainty.

As I sneaked my tongue in, Faye, trembling as if struck by lightning, quickly calmed down.

Only after thoroughly tasting Faye’s awkwardly protruding tongue and the insides of her mouth did I pull away.


Faye, for some reason, started to hiccup and held onto her chest as I let her go, sliding down.

“Huh… You surprised me so much I thought my heart would stop, Junior…”

“It’s not our first kiss; why are you making such a fuss?”

“I never get used to it… You’re going to kiss me first? Hehe.”

Faye wore a mischievous smile and chuckled to herself.

But unable to stay like that forever, she soon shook her bottom and stood up.

“Alright. Carla Unnie and Elisha should come too! Just sit there for now, and I’ll bring the items Junior asked for.”

“Thank you, Faye. Then, Master, please take a seat first.”


Sitting on the couch for a while, Faye returned from her pocket dimension with the sky-blue potions she just made and various other items.

“Did you already finish making them, Senior Faye? I thought you might not make it in time since I asked so urgently yesterday.”

“The items weren’t too difficult to make. Plus, I received a lot of help from the abilities we got thanks to you.”

“From what I saw earlier, it seems like you’re making good use of water manipulation and crystallization.”

Elisha nodded in agreement with Faye’s words.

“Right. They’re all delicate manipulation abilities, which really help me out a lot. Especially crystallization, since it allows me to almost skip the most tedious and time-consuming process of essence extraction, making it super efficient!”

Faye excitedly explained how she had been utilizing water manipulation and crystallization.


This was like me preaching in front of Iona that ‘Even newbies can do it! The Vampire Hunting Edition!’ isn’t it?

That was quite alarming.

I nodded inwardly and interrupted Faye.

“Alright, alright. I get it. Could you first show me what I asked for, Senior Faye?”

“Ah! Sorry… I got carried away talking.”

“Ah, there’s no need to apologize. It’s just that I want to use this precious time before sunset more meaningfully with Senior Faye since we need to prepare for tomorrow.”

“Hehe… Got it. Then, I’ll start by explaining how to use the Undead Neutralizing Potion that was just finished.”

Faye continued with an explanation, taking out the sky-blue potion she had just completed.

“To put it simply, it coats the entire body with death energy, causing confusion in the undead’s innate ability to detect the living. Just sprinkle it on, and that’s it. But don’t drink it, whatever you do. It won’t cause serious harm, but you’ll have severe diarrhea. As for the duration…”

Given the nature of the Cardinal of Intolerance, the monsters that followed him were inevitably related to jealousy.

For example, there were the Fishermen who harbored animosity towards any race that looked better or prettier than themselves.

And the undead, who were jealous of the warmth of life they had lost and wished to kill all living beings to make them cold.

Since we were attacking a branch, not a dungeon, they would use more undead than Fishermen, who were relatively weaker out of water.

That’s why it was also important to prepare potions against the undead.

In addition, we prepared potions to clear the mind against the powers of narrow jealousy, antidotes with long-lasting effects if taken in advance, and remedies for paralysis and petrification.

Faye, who made a generous amount of flashbangs and smoke bombs overnight to utilize the invisibility feature of the robe if necessary, explained how to use them.

The items were divided equally and placed into the pocket dimensions of Carla and Elisha.

“Perfect. You’ve really outdone yourself, Senior Faye.”

“Hehe… Thank you… But there’s one more thing left.”

“Huh? I thought that was everything I asked you for, Senior Faye.”

“Mm. Not this time, but what I mentioned last time.”

Last time? Could that possibly mean…?

“Have you already made the sensation-linked onahole?!”

“What?! You were thinking about that?! I never even mentioned such a thing!”

Oops, my bad.

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