For Sale. Fallen Lady. Never Used.

Chapter 153: The Proper Use Of The Crystal Ball

Only after having a detailed conversation with Iona was I able to leave the laboratory.

The conversation took longer than expected, and by the time I had finished, the sun had already set.

After returning to the dormitory a bit later than anticipated,

“Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master.”

“Scary! Sorry for being late! Please calm dow, I’m sorry!”

Why were her pupils dilated again?!

“Elisha! Help me out here!”

“Ahh. I’m pretending not to hear anything!”

Elisha was tucked in a corner, covering her long ears and shaking her head.

What was I supposed to do if she was scared too…?

I lowered my head to try to calm Carla down.



Carla, who had returned to normal in the brief moment I wasn’t looking, was beaming with a bright smile.

“How is it, Master? I tried imitating the heroine from the book we borrowed from the library last time!”

“…Tell me before you do it next time.”

I was interested in yandere play, but it was horrific if it was done out of nowhere.

I sighed deeply and pinched Carla’s cheeks firmly.


Somehow, she seemed to like it even more.

Elisha, who had been in the corner, peeked out to watch us.

It seemed Elisha didn’t know about it either.

With a light flick of my hand, Elisha approached hesitantly. I grabbed her twitching ear and whispered.

“I’m confiscating your chastity tonight.”


“You dared to abandon your master and run away. You need to be punished, right?”


Elisha avoided my gaze, seemingly feeling guilty.

But soon, she straightened up and made a sassy face.

“Hmph! What do you think of me? Do you think I’m some woman obsessed with chastity?”

“No. But you’ll become that soon.”

Sitting on the sofa with Carla by my side, I tapped my knee and gave an order for the first time in a while.


“You can’t be…!”

Elisha’s blue eyes widened as she sensed her future, but her body obediently followed the command.


The feel of Elisha’s buttocks on my thigh was undeniable.

The sensation was comforting, yet I casually slid my hand under Elisha’s clothes without betraying any emotion.


Elisha flailed like a platypus whose nest had been flooded during a nap, grabbing her chest in surprise.

However, due to the command to sit, her lower body was pressed against my thighs, causing her buttocks to rub against my lower part inadvertently.

I nodded with a pleased smile for a moment before Carla, who was beside me, rubbed her face against my shoulder and inquired.

“By the way, Master. Did your errand go well?”

“Ah, right. That’s what I was sitting down to talk about, but I momentarily forgot… Bad breasts!”

“Eek! Wh-why are you blaming me again?! Yandel, you’re the one who touched them!”

Elisha protested with an aggrieved voice, but I let it go in one ear and out the other, recounting the conversation I had with Iona exactly as it happened.

“So, that’s what happened.”

“What? You mean to say you were stalking Professor Iona to find her weakness, got caught, and ended up agreeing to raid a cult branch together? Just the two of you?”

“Carla, could it be…?”

“Yes. Professor Iona is the last survivor of the Francesca Clan.”

“Well, that satisfies the basic condition of downfall… To think you’d even lay a hand on the Professor.”

“Seriously. Even though it’s our master, it’s still…”

I was dumbfounded by the two’s whispering conversation.

“What are you talking about?! If anything, it was the Professor who made a move on me!”



Upon hearing that, Carla and Elisha exchanged glances.

After a moment, they nodded in agreement.

“It looks like Master seduced her.”

“Yep. That must be it.”

I was speechless at how naturally they blamed me for everything.

“Really, wow.”

Of course, I did play a bit of the victim! I did say something like, “If you want to, just do it!” And then Iona physically overpowered me!

But to call that seduction… hmm…

…Wait? Was I actually seducing Iona?

Caught off guard by this sudden realization, I shook it off by lightly biting Elisha’s ear.

“Kyaa?! You really…!”

That was because this wasn’t about some soft story of seduction or anything. It was about a serious matter leading to Iona’s revenge.

After I briefly explained about Ayla, they finally understood.

“Professor Iona’s circumstances are quite well-known, but I never imagined her sister would be involved…”

“I get the gist of it now. But isn’t this more dangerous than we thought? Just the two of you are planning to take down branches of the Church of Intolerance. What will you do if you actually encounter Ayla?”

Elisha scolded me with worry, even while her hands busily groped me.

I gently played with her fumbling hands and nodded.

“First off, Professor Iona said she would cast Blood Shift magic on us, so there’s no worry about getting hurt by accident. The branches we’re targeting aren’t that dangerous either.”

“Still, there’s no need to go, just the two of you. Just like how you and Professor Iona are looking for Ayla, they could come looking for you two.”

“Hmm… I think it’ll be fine.”

In the latter half of H&A, Iona succeeded in defeating Ayla.

Well, to put it another way, until just before a full-scale battle broke out, Ayla had been avoiding Iona.

The fact that Iona had been a professor at the academy had been well-known for 300 years.

It was clear she avoided a direct confrontation, knowing she would lose.

Even though there was support from other professors and students, Ayla also had the support of other cultists and monsters. It was fair. Yeah.

“But I think there’s been a misunderstanding… I never said I would leave you behind.”

“What? You said only Professor Iona, and you would be moving.”

“Yes. But if you’re a slave, you’re bound to me, right? It’s natural for you to follow where I go. What’s that phrase? Two bodies, one mind? Something like that?”


Carla and Elisha’s expressions relaxed upon understanding.

In fact, contrary to their concerns, it wasn’t as dangerous as they feared. Iona was not only a high-level magician but also a Lord-level vampire.

Due to her racial traits, her combat power surpassed that of magicians at the same level.

With the seal of the Evil God not yet fully released, making the cardinals the current maximum force of the cult, it was impossible for the cult to thwart Iona’s surprise attacks.

The branches deliberately maintained loose connections to avoid being caught in a sweep, which also slowed the exchange of information.

Carla and Elisha probably already knew this much.

However, their worry likely stemmed from the precedent set in the practice dungeon.

Just as I resolved to take Carla with me wherever I go from now on, the thought of moving separately was a source of anxiety for both Carla and Elisha.

Well, Iona was pleased to have the opportunity to teach them something, even if it wasn’t official.

Calling it nothing more than a foolish obsession with cult extermination…

“Everyone’s convinced, right? Then let’s end this story here! Carla, could you place this crystal ball somewhere suitable and activate it?”

“Me? Yes!”

Carla, slightly puzzled, took the crystal ball linked to Iris from the inventory, placed it a short distance away, and infused it with magic.

Soon, a blurry form appeared, which quickly sharpened until Iris’s bright-eyed face was visible.

-Master, you’re a bit late today. Did something happen?

“Ah, yes. I had a bit of business with Professor Iona…”

Though I ended up explaining the same thing twice due to recalling the crystal ball just now, Iris, unlike the other two, accepted it without concern.

-I see. If you ever find yourself in danger, break this crystal ball. Then, even if you’re at the edge of the continent, a spell will reveal your location.

“Such a feature exists? Okay. I’ll remember that.”

Afterward, we spent time catching up and chatting. About 30 minutes passed.

Iris yawned widely.

-Yawn. It’s gotten quite late. I’ll stop here today and go to bed. Master, don’t be too hard on Elisha, and take it easy.

Glancing at Elisha, who was being kneaded on my lap, Iris nonchalantly started changing into pajamas as if it were nothing unusual.

It seemed like she was thinking of playing around as usual… but not today.

To Iris, who was wiggling her half-naked bottom, I said,

“Stop right there.”

-Um? Master? Is there something more?

“Uh-huh. Don’t wear pajamas. Take off your panties.”


Iris looked at me in disbelief.

I laughed at Iris’s horrified stare and turned to Carla.

“Carla. I need you to help me and Elisha undress. It’s kind of hard to do it in this position.”


Unbidden, Carla stripped naked, and one by one, she removed Elisha’s and my clothes.

“Now, wait a minute, you! You’re not… You’re not doing this, are you?”


“You’re not going to hook up the crystal ball and show it to Master and vice versa, are you?!”

“That’s right, Iris. Can you put the crystal ball down a little lower, so we can see your pussy instead of your face?”

-Is this what you mean…?

“Uh, yeah. Okay.”

It didn’t take long for Iris’s sleepy expression to turn into lust. She must have felt lonely after being left alone for a while.

Elisha’s legs intertwined with mine as she gazed at the reflection of Iris’s haunted face and plump body in the crystal ball.

And then, with a sideways flick, Elisha’s legs naturally parted as well, revealing her slightly wet pussy.

“Iris. Can you see it?”

“…I can see it.”

Good, then we’re ready.

I whispered into Elisha’s ear as she showed her pussy to Iris, her breathing becoming increasingly ragged.

“Don’t like it too much.”

I’m confiscating her climax today.

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