I wasn’t sure if it was still the case, but during my childhood, there were a few things commonly found in every elementary school.

A particularly friendly young teacher, cats wandering around the school, a scary older student who’d steal cards under the guise of a ‘shadow duel’, and the seven school mysteries.

The important part here was the seven school mysteries—the very urban legend that claimed you’d die if you knew all seven.

Having transferred schools three or four times during elementary school, I noticed something surprising. These so-called seven mysteries were all quite similar.

They typically started with a prologue claiming our school was built on an old graveyard or a former mental hospital.

And they always ended with the last mystery that must never be uncovered.

Back then, I trembled in fear, but looking back, it all seemed so strange.

How could different schools have such similar ghost stories? Were ghosts working two jobs?

Some schools didn’t even have a dance studio, yet there were stories about them. And some schools claimed to have eight mysteries instead of seven.

Perhaps the reason no middle schoolers feared these school ghost stories was due to such inconsistencies.

Anyway, why was I suddenly talking about this…?

It was because the hidden piece in the library was related to these ghost stories.

“Carla, have you heard of the academy’s seven mysteries?”

When I asked her about a book, she unexpectedly replied with something about ghost stories and seven mysteries.

Carla blinked her ruby-red eyes cutely and asked back.

“The seven mysteries… Are you referring to those crude ghost stories, Master?”

“Yeah, exactly those silly stories.”

“Um… Well, it wouldn’t be strange to find a collection of ghost stories in the library, especially since some were made and donated by seniors. They can be quite interesting if you’re just looking for amusement.”

“No, I’m not just looking for a scary story. I plan to investigate them for real.”

Carla, seemingly taken aback by my response, scratched her cheek with a troubled expression.

Then, like an adult trying to figure out how to tell a child that Santa Claus wasn’t real, she began to speak.

“Uh… Master? Ghost stories are just made up by people. There can’t possibly be ghosts in an academy with so many priests and priestesses, right?”

“Probably. Even if there were, ghosts can be taken down with magic or aura, so there is no need to worry.”

At my calm nod, now confused, Elisha tilted her blue bun-haired head.

“Oh? You seem to know a lot, Yandel. So, you have another reason for wanting to dig into these ghost stories?”

“Ah, no, I meant it literally.”


Carla and Elisha exchanged glances. Then, both tilted their heads in the same direction.

How cute.

“The seven mysteries of the academy are indeed ridiculous, but they aren’t entirely made up. They are warnings left by some seniors who have experienced them.”

Back in the center of the library, I pulled out a thin book from the bottom row of the towering circular bookshelf.

“You’ll see once you read it. No need to wait until nighttime.”

The book title was [On Unnatural Phenomena That Can’t Be Described by Magic]

Flipping open the cover with its black background and lone white title, hand-written content was revealed.

-To the juniors who read this book, I hope you do not make the same mistakes as I did.

-However, if you are a capable junior, I hope you will finish what I couldn’t.

-I leave records of the mysterious phenomena I’ve experienced over the past four years.

A book starting with such significant content.

Following this, seven ghost stories were listed in a calm, anecdotal format.

When I first played H&A and found this book in the library, I was quite thrilled.

It looked like it contained something special.

So, for a while, I visited the places mentioned in the ghost stories, waiting around or deliberately doing things I was told not to do.

But the result was disappointing.

I wasted about a month of in-game time with no results.

However, I couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something suspicious about this book of ghost stories.

Even after searching all the bookshelves in the game’s library, all I found were beginner tips and simple world-setting information.

Only the ghost storybook contained stories unrelated to the gameplay.

Breaking my usual principle of not looking up walkthroughs on my first playthrough, I searched on a strategy cafe and found out.

“Look at the last author listed. It’s not about the content.”

“3rd Year, Class 13, Adams Gilbert… huh?”

“You caught on already?”

“Yes, Master. The academy doesn’t divide classes by numbers. But Class 13? That’s suspicious.”

“Now that you mention it, the name is a bit odd, too. Could the order of the first name and last name be reversed?”

“Ah! You’re right! Since you said the content isn’t important, maybe this author is some kind of code?”

“If we just consider the keywords, it might be 3, 13, and then in reverse order.”

Carla and Elisha quickly deduced the hints.

…I didn’t catch on to that for a while.

Maybe it was because numbering classes were normal on Earth but not significant to those who only attended the academy.

I wrapped my arms around the waists of the two, who were exchanging various speculations.

Both fit snugly into my arms despite their ample figures due to their slender waists.

Their unique, refreshing scents and grass-like aromas mixed, relaxing my mind.


“What is it, Yandel? It’s a bit embarrassing here with so many people around.”

Carla giggled as if pleased, and Elisha, glancing around but not moving away, blushed.

Their contrasting yet similar reactions made me chuckle and nod.

“Just follow me. I know the answer. Your strength will be needed later, not now.”

“Oh! Master, Master. Is this a chance to get a reward?”

“A reward? What are you planning to ask for?”

“That’s a secret, of course!”

“Why does a slave have so many secrets from their master? But you’re cute, so I’ll let it go.”


“What about you, Elisha?”

Elisha, still conscious of the surrounding glances and blushing, soon regained her composure and unfolded her fan with a flick.

“If Carla can do it, so can I. I don’t know what it is, but watch my performance closely.”

She added, looking away from me.

“Well… if you want to give a reward? You can.”

“Are your wishes a secret too?”

“Of course.”

“It feels a bit like empty promises, but… it doesn’t matter.”

I nodded after promising Elisha a potential reward, too.

“Let’s go now.”

Holding the ghost storybook, we all headed toward the library entrance.

Since we started from the center of the library, it didn’t take long to reach the entrance.

Of course, I wasn’t planning to just borrow the book and leave.

We came here because we needed to start from this point.

“Yandel? Isn’t it about time you told us? What was the code about that author?”

“Ah, I forgot to tell you. It’s simple. Just step on the 13th stair on the 3rd floor.”

“What? Isn’t that too simple?”

“Yeah. But that’s really it. Remember the first phrase in the book?”

“Do not make the same mistake as I did. But if possible… solve it?”

“That’s right. That’s why it’s hidden in such a bothersome way, but if you’re determined to find it, it’s arranged to be easily found.”

“Yandel, did you know about this from the beginning?”

“Hmm… that part is a secret.”

“…I understand. You probably have more secrets. Just promise to tell me everything one day. That’s all I ask.”


Elisha probably thought I was the sole heir of some secret organization.

But what I was hiding was even more significant.

Swallowing a bitter smile that emerged involuntarily, I nodded.

“Yeah. I hope I can do that.”

Just as I was collecting my somewhat bitter thoughts, Carla suddenly grabbed my sleeve tightly.

“Master, Master.”

“Yes, Carla. What is it?”

“You said the 13th stair leading to the 3rd floor, right?”

“That’s right. That’s the entrance.”

“But we’re on the 3rd floor… and there are only 12 stairs?”

That was a very good question. The theme of the library’s hidden piece wasn’t just ghost stories for nothing.

“Carla, Elisha. It seems like it’s time to read this.”

I flicked through the ghost story book I had brought all the way here, to which they responded with puzzled looks.

“Didn’t you say the content wasn’t important?”

“Yes. I glanced through it, but it seemed like it was just fancifully written nonsense about the academy’s seven mysteries.”

“It wasn’t important for getting here, but it’s quite important beyond this point. Let’s see… Look at this part.”

I flipped through the pages and stopped at a particular one.

“The 13th stair…?”

“Yes. That’s this.”

Although there were originally only 12, counting the stairs as you climb them somehow leads to a 13th step.

A familiar ghost story about being dragged to another world if you step on it.

“The only difference is that instead of the other world, it’s more like a barrier or a pocket dimension? Something like that.”

“Uh, well… I trust you, Master, but spatial magic is based on complex calculations; it’s not something that just malfunctions easily….”

Carla looked troubled.

Holding her hand in one of mine and Elisha’s in the other, I stood in front of the stairs.

“Let’s find out for ourselves.”

Then, we started climbing the stairs side by side, one step at a time.











And then thirteen.

The world flipped upside down as I took that last step.

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