In the still-dark workshop, lying on Faye’s lap and sucking on her chest, I felt like I was returning to my childhood.

“Ngaa. I’m baby Yandel. Give me food.”

“Junior, aren’t you embarrassed…?”

“Not at all.”

After lightly biting the tip one last time, I finally got up.

“It’s about time I should go.”

“Mmm… Right. There’s class tomorrow.”

“Since my duties here and there are almost over, I need to return to my duties as a student.”

I shrugged my shoulders and picked up the clothes carelessly thrown on the floor to put them on.

Since I’d already cleaned up, I just needed to change and go back to the dormitory.

“I feel a bit sad somehow.”

“Are you sad about parting with me?”

“Yeah. Even though it was just for a day, being with you made me feel so empty now.”

Faye, with a troubled expression, placed her hand on her chest.

Her chest size was always astounding.

While not taking my eyes off Faye’s chest, I nodded.

“I’ll visit two to three times a week, so don’t worry.”

“…I wish you would say that while looking into my eyes.”

“I’ll come often, so make sure you bathe regularly.”

“I do bathe often! Did I smell…? No, right? Tell me I didn’t, Junior!”

Faye, startled, began to smell herself.

It wasn’t really something to make a fuss about…

Watching Faye panic was cute, so I quietly finished changing.

“Maybe I’ll bathe in an odor removal potion next time…? No, if it’s just a few times, I can wash it off, but continuous use is bad for the skin. Since it’s not like I’m a monster or a beast, I just need to avoid human noses. Maybe I’ll make it gentle overall. Maybe I’ll try adding a nice fragrance. Start with a simple flower scent and eventually use an ingredient like the aphrodisiac I used this time…”

That wasn’t an odor-removal potion. That was perfume.

And an aphrodisiac perfume at that.

I lightly tapped Faye’s head as she murmured to herself.


“It’s a joke, so stop that plan right now.”

“…Huh? A joke? So I don’t smell?”

“No. You do.”

“Then it’s not a joke!”

I quietly watched Faye babbling and then suddenly leaned in.



When I licked her neck from bottom to top, Faye froze as if time had stopped.

I whispered softly in Faye’s ear.

“Faye, your body smells. It’s a nice scent, so don’t get rid of it.”

“Uh. Okay. Yeah.”

After doing everything, Faye was cute, bashfully nodding her head.

I lightly kissed her cheek and then pulled my face away.

“Okay. I’ll be going now.”


“You have class today too, Faye. You should start getting ready.”

“Right… class… yeah…”

I chuckled and waved my hand at Faye, who seemed disappointed, expecting more.

“Get a hold of yourself. First, change your clothes. Oh, and don’t forget to keep your weekend free.”

“The weekend is fine. I don’t really have friends, so I don’t have other plans.”


Calmly responding to Faye’s sad tone, I left the workshop.

As soon as I returned to the dormitory, Carla, as if she had been waiting, threw herself into my arms.

When I reflexively hugged her back, the first thing Carla, tightly embraced in my arms, said,

Sniff sniff. I smell a familiar woman’s scent on you.”

“Well, you’ve met Faye a few times, Carla…”

“No. This isn’t just any scent.”

Carla, having said that, began to rub her body against me more fervently.

It felt like a beast marking its territory.

I chuckled at her desperate behavior and patted her back.

“If it’s not just a scent, then what is it?”

“It’s a sensual scent. Master… Did you do something with Miss Faye?”

“…You can tell that from the smell?”

Wondering, I asked Elisha, who had just woken up and was rubbing her eyes, with a look.

“It’s true. There is a faint scent of a female on you, Yandel.”

“That’s too much to say…”

“Oh? Now that I think about it, that might sound a bit off. I meant it smells like the scent often given off by animals in heat.”


Wasn’t that even worse?

Well… I could guess the reason. It must be because of the strong effects of the aphrodisiac.

“But it’s kind of amazing.”

“What is?”

“What you said just now. That it’s faint. I’m a High Elf, and I can barely sense it, but how did Carla, a human, feel it…?”


Now that I think about it, it was indeed interesting.

Carla, who had been vigorously rubbing against my back as if to cover me with Faye’s scent, felt our gaze and tilted her head in confusion.

“Hey. That’s simple.”

As if giving me a piggyback ride, Carla clung to my back and continued talking, pressing her cheek against mine over my shoulder.

“I know everything about Master. So even a slight change is immediately noticeable to me.”



Both Elisha and I suddenly clamped our mouths shut.

It was heavy. Her affection was heavy!

Carefully stroking Carla’s head, more cautiously than usual, I desperately changed the subject.

“Ah, anyway, let’s start getting ready to go out. The sun is already high in the sky. We’ll be late at this rate.”


Carla, seemingly satisfied with her marking, finally detached herself.

Only then was I able to quickly wash up, change into my uniform, and leave the dormitory for Class A’s lecture hall.

The rumors about me that had been circulating recently led to the exposure of cultists.

As expected, students who didn’t want to get involved with the newly-emerged dangers of the Boiling Silence Church spontaneously denied the rumors about me.

After all, it was a natural reaction, considering the risk of being asked,

“Aren’t you a cultist?”

Anyway, with that situation, the whispers about me decreased, and even if there were any,

“Did you find out what that magic was at the end of the last duel?”

“No. I’ve been researching in the library for days and can’t find it.”

“Is it because you’ve only been looking at erotic books in the library for a week?”

“No! I researched really hard! I even found some clues!”

“Really? The magic circle seemed to be in the style of the Lindelheit family.”

“That’s right. Even though they have fallen now, they were famous enough for those who were knowledgeable to recognize them.”

“Yeah. But why?”

“Think about it. It doesn’t seem like he’s from an ordinary commoner background, but he’s not from a proper family either, right? But with such talent, he must be thirsty for learning.”

“To the extent of learning from a slave?”

“Exactly. I thought the last one might be a secret of the Sylvan Mana Tower, so I was investigating in that direction.”

“Huh… You really researched hard, didn’t you? Then, the book you’ve been holding close to you must be related?”

“Wait, that’s…”

“Let’s see… The title is ‘Pingchang Yachaewot’? My goodness. Do you like this kind of stuff?”

Kyaaak! Give it back!”

This way, the rumors about me, based on the things I had and showed, weren’t much of a problem.

…But how come the book’s name was ‘Pingchang Yachaewot’?

It must be a bizarre novel—the type an author who liked creatures with duck bills and raccoon bodies would write.

I clicked my tongue lightly.

“Carla. Elisha. Let’s go to the library after class today.”

“I like anywhere Master goes!”

“…Not Faye’s workshop? I didn’t expect to do such a thing in just a day, but since our relationship has changed from the last time, shouldn’t we properly greet her, Yandel?”

“Don’t worry about that. We’ll meet at the mansion this weekend with Iris.”

“Ah? You had it all planned. Well, it’s only natural for the master of Elisha Sylvan Glenchiel!”

Elisha, puffing up with pride, took out a fan and laughed, ‘ohoho.’

The fan… she really liked it, huh?

I patted Elisha’s hip with a pleased smile as Carla slyly hooked her arm through mine.

“Master, Master! Is this your first time going to the library?”

“Yeah. I’m curious about what kind of place it is that everyone learns strange things from.”

Carla, Elisha, and even Faye.

It seemed like they all read an impressive erotic novel in the library.

Even though the academy allowed admission from the age of 20, it was surprising that erotic novels were openly available in the library.

Whether it was to take down the cultists or for personal and family advancement, wasn’t the academy supposed to be a place of learning?

I could enter the library in H&A, but there, I could only see books with certain settings.

For example, the biography of Hero Rahim, the characteristics of each Evil God’s church and their monster types, the origin of the beastman race, and so on.

Most of these things could be learned by progressing through the main story or specific character stories.

They were nice to know in advance, but not knowing them wasn’t a problem.

A service for users who delve deeply into the game.

That was the general feeling.

But the developers, not wanting to waste the concept of the academy’s library, prepared a hidden piece.

It wasn’t incredibly good, but it was quite enjoyable. I should take advantage of the hidden piece, too.

…Thinking about it now, that production company was really mysterious. What was its relationship with this world?

Questions that I had set aside due to the immediate issues in front of me began to slowly resurface.

Did some transcendent being play H&A for fun and create a world just like it?

Or did someone from this world go over to Earth?

Why was I, of all people, reincarnated into my alt character? And what about the status window?

One question led to another, with frustration building up.

But the conclusion I came to was no different from before.

It was okay not to know some things. For now, I just have to do my best in the given situation.

This duel had significantly delayed the cultists’ plans, so now I need to become stronger with the time I’ve earned.

And the fastest way to grow was, of course, by clearing dungeons and achieving achievements.

With Iris around, we could clear just about any place, so this weekend, I should take Faye and clear a suitable dungeon.

I started to plan slowly, checking the list of suitable one-day dungeons in my head.

After class.

Just as I was about to go to the library, Helena came to the Magic Department classroom and handed me a small box.

“Brother. It’s a bit late, but here’s the item you requested.”

When I slightly opened it, there were three nun’s robes inside.


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