I wrote this the night when Pele Died so I would like to say thank you to a legend that has blessed the green field. RIP



I decided to release this chapter a day early as my New Year's present to all of yous. Happy new year and may the force be with you.

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[Mc Pov]

Hahahaha I can't believe that half-baked plan actually worked, I feel like a marionette player slowly pulling the strings of two puppets making them slowly but surely go crazy. I could barely hide my huge grin as I exited the kitchen as fast as I could in order to best sell the role of a scared kid.

By the way, I should be given an award for that oscar worthy performance I just gave in there, at least I deserve a standing ovation at the Emmys. But then again it is like fight club up in there these days with comedians getting smacked close range and whatnot.


[Maybe you should've chosen the actor profession instead] Eva muttered in my head sounding a little flabbergasted at the fact my plan even succeed.

'What can I say I'm blessed with a lot of talent.' I answered her smugly as I made my way back to my bed to get some sleep finally.

[You are blessed with a lot of something that's for sure] she spoke with a little venom in her voice, it seems I'd annoyed her enough for one day.

'Now don't be like that Eva, let us just say I got lucky and leave it at that' I jokingly stated as I laid down on my bed making sure to cover myself so I could get some shuteye.


[23:40 pm]

My head felt a bit hazy as I slowly opened my eyes trying to stabilise my eyesight in the darkness due to daylight no longer serving as a guiding light. After a couple of seconds, my eyes slowly adjusted to my surroundings and the lack of light.

I looked around and noticed that most of the beds were filled with kids fast asleep, the only beds that were empty were the ones belonging to Finn's group and Ian's bed guess both decoys have been deployed.

After making sure that the plan was in motion I slowly rolled out of bed making sure to create the least amount of noise as there is zero room for error now.

After successfully reaching the ground I got into a crouching position and put my pillow under the blanket and grabbed my neighbour's as well which was just laying on the ground.

Now that the second contingency was set I started slowly making my way to the bathroom as there is something there that I'm gonna need if I'm gonna make it out of this country in one piece.

Just as I was about to finish my mission impossible sneak out of the room the kid on the last bed dropped out of his bed creating a thing noise. Boy that looks like it must hurt, he slowly opened his eyes and we made eye contact.

This must've been the longest two seconds in my life as we held eye contact, my heart skipped a beat and I stopped breathing all movements in my body perfectly stop at this second as sweat started to slowly gather on my forehead.

Maybe it was because he was half asleep or maybe it was the fact that the goddess of luck seemed to love me at this moment but the boy just reached for his pillow and blanket before passing out on the floor.


I breathed out in relief as I made my way out of the room where I could finally stand up, but I wasted no time making my way to the bathroom. In there I saw a rack with clothing hanging on them and I quickly chose a black tracksuit and changed it for my current clothes. Next, I grabbed a black hoodie with some holes and a pair of dark blue trainers that were In good condition and fit me.

After completing my robber makeover I quickly made my way to the last stall which is the main reason for me having to stop by here as this is actually where the gang keep all our paperwork in. I guess the reasoning behind this is that no one would expect it I guess that paranoia really runs in Finn's family as this location is only known to Finn and his dad.

I only found out about this when I was sold last time around as he took me here to take photos for his collection, anyways now that I know I can really leave a present for his collection one he will never forget.

After opening the stall I moved the toilet stool and low n behold a meter-sized hole opened up, inside was a small office with documents and a typewriter guess the digital age hasn't reached here yet. I quickly got in and made my way to the desk where a footlong box was placed in the centre of the desk.

I wasted no time opening the box as it was left opened guess he thought the was no need for more precautions after planting his office in the below-the-shits literally. In the box, there was a stack of dollars in the form of fifties bound by a rubber band and a small pile of passports which was my real goal.

I put on the black gloves that were on the desk before I continued any further just cause they helped set the whole mood better.

After rummaging through the box I found mine which had a picture of me when I was about two if you wondering yes I was handsome back then too. For good measure, I grabbed as many stacks of fifties in Dallas as I could carry and stuffed them in my pockets.

Then I made my way to the wall of trophies where all the leader's collections were displayed proudly like some awards. On the wall there were pictures of kids of all ages who have been through this camp, there were also documents of illegal activities they have completed.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

Basically, this wall is the group's Achilles hill as it clearly states all activities they have pulled and where they have sent the kids and if that wasn't bad enough it also states what high-profile figures support the gang.


'Eva show me the mission panel again please' I asked her so I can better coordinate my next steps as I was carefully inspecting the wall in its entirety.

[right away host] she promptly replied as a holographic panel appeared in my view.




#Task 1: sneak out at midnight

#Task 2: Go unnoticed

#Task 3: Make it to Cruise Terminal Havan before (12:00 noon)

#Task 4: Sneak onto the going marry

(Note: The Singularity Cannot be held down by mere mortals. )


Hmm, ok so it's about 23:55 right now so I better start making my way out of here. Before leaving tho let's start a burnfire so that this collection can really light up this room.

In order to buy myself enough time for my escape I'm gonna have to get my macgyver hat on to create something close to a delayed burnfire. Looking around I found a candle rope and a canister of oil, my mind started spinning as I remembered a lunatic and his philosophy on art, but thinking about it now he was on to something.

First of I grabbed a nearby camera and started taking pictures. It was one of the cameras that print out the finished project so I wouldn't have to worry about developing it.

After completing my photoshoot I took the small oil canister and started soaking the bottom of the wall heavily. Now with that complete, I snapped the Candell in half and got rid of the stump at the bottom so I could tie the small rope to the bottom of it. With that done I lightly sprinkled the rope with a bit of oil and connected the other end of it to the bottom of the wall.


'Complete' i breathed out with a sigh as I looked at my handy work, with this set-up art will really be an explosion.

I went back to the desk and grabbed stacks of paper that looked important and put them in an envelope together with the photos before taping them to my body underneath the shirt i had on under my hoodie.

pαпdα Йᴏνê1,сòМ I took out a match before lighting the candle and made my back out of the room as carefully as I could.

'Hey, Eva what's the likely hood someone is sitting on the pan when this blow?' I asked her as I hadn't considered the fact that this is built below the toilets.

[There is a 20% chance] she answered slightly exasperated that I hadn't thought this far ahead. Well, I'm kinda under time pressure and had to do all that in 5 minutes, anyways let us hope it's someone bad if it happens.


[An: I promise this arc is almost over so to those sitting on the hot seat so to say and can't seem to survive 10 chapters of character building, fear not your prayers were heard and will most defiantly be ignored.

I love some of the comments and try my best to interact with them please continue to interact with me as it will give me an idea of what you think of the chapter.]





[Mass Release Goals]

[ A Magic Castle = One extra Chapter]

[ Two Magic Castle = Two extra Chapter]

To Be Continued...

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